Example of the rounding problem for JS implementation preserving n decimal places

  • 2021-07-07 06:30:22
  • OfStack

In this paper, an example is given to describe the problem of 4 rounding and 5 entering in JS to preserve the decimal places of n. Share it for your reference, as follows:

// Figures 4 Shed 5 Enter (retained n Decimal bits) 
getFloat = function (number, n) { 
  n = n ? parseInt(n) : 0; 
  if (n <= 0) return Math.round(number); 
  number = Math.round(number * Math.pow(10, n)) / Math.pow(10, n); 
  return number; 
// Usage example: 
// Get 2.09

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I hope this article is helpful to everyone's JavaScript programming.

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