AngularJS Basic ng include Simple Example

  • 2021-07-07 06:08:01
  • OfStack

AngularJS ng-include Directive

AngularJS instance

Include the HTML file:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<script src=""></script>
<body ng-app="">

<div ng-include="'myFile.htm'"></div>


Run results:

myFile. htm file title

This text comes from the included file myFile. htm!

Definition and usage

The ng-include directives are used to contain external HTML files.

Contains the content as a child node of the specified element.

The value of the ng-include property can be 1 expression, returning 1 file name.

By default, the included files need to be included under the same domain name.


< element ng-include="filename" onload="expression" autoscroll="expression" > < /element >

The ng-include instruction is used as an element:

< ng-include src="filename" onload="expression" autoscroll="expression" > < /ng-include >

All HTML elements support this instruction.

Parameter value

filename 文件名,可以使用表达式来返回文件名。
onload 可选, 文件载入后执行的表达式。
autoscroll 可选,包含的部分是否在指定视图上可滚动。

The above is the knowledge arrangement of AngularJS ng-include instructions, which will be supplemented in the future.

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