javaScript Simple Implementation of Adding Multiple class to Elements

  • 2021-07-04 18:10:17
  • OfStack

javaScript Simple Implementation of Adding Multiple class to Elements


                  <style type="text/css">










                  <script type="text/javascript">

                            [1] Assign the style directly to the className

                            var odiv=document.getElementById('div1');

                            odiv.className= div3

                            // So we will get  class ="div3"  Will directly put div2 The style is overwritten ;

                            [2] Assign a value to the className

                            var odiv=document.getElementById('div1');

                            odiv.className+=" "+div3          // Need a gap between styles and styles   So add an empty string to separate it 

                            // So that you can get  class="div2 div3"  It can be added normally, but when we add a style, we have to consider whether there is a style with the same name before it. If we add it, it will become a burden   For example class="div2 div3 div3";

                            [3] Detect whether there is the same style before the original style 

                            var odiv=document.getElementById('div1');   

                            function hasClass(element,csName){

                                      element.className.match(RegExp('(\\s|^)'+csName+'(\\s|$)')); // Use regularity to detect whether there are identical styles 



                            [4] In [3] On the basis of, we can judge to add styles to elements 

                            var odiv=document.getElementById('div1');   

                            function hasClass(element,csName){

                                 return    element.className.match(RegExp('(\\s|^)'+csName+'(\\s|$)')); // Use regularity to detect whether there are identical styles 


                            function addClass(element,csName){


                                           element.className+=' '+csName;



                  // This gives you the flexibility to add styles to elements ;

 "Element Delete Specified Style" 

        // The same judgment is made first, and then the deletion is carried out 


                       var odiv=document.getElementById('div1');   

                       function hasClass(element,csName){

                                 return    element.className.match(RegExp('(\\s|^)'+csName+'(\\s|$)')); // Use regularity to detect whether there are identical styles 


                       function deleteClass(element,csName){


                                           element.className.replace(RegExp('(\\s|^)'+csName+'(\\s|$)'),' ');  // Use regularity to capture the name of the style to be deleted, and then replace it with 1 Blank string, which is equivalent to deleting 







                  <div id="div1" class='div2'>  Test </div>



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