Bind the enter event code

  • 2020-03-30 02:59:32
  • OfStack

When doing the project, I encountered the situation of binding the "enter" key, and directly intercepted the scenario code. The code is as follows:
function sendLoginData(){ 

if(event.keyCode == 13){ //Binding the enter
$('#login-submit').click(); / automatic / Trigger login button  

return false; 

var username = $('#id_username').val(); 
var password = $('#id_password').val(); 
url:"{% url netPan.User.views.LoginHd%}", 
username: username, 
password: password 
beforeSend: function(){ 
//Prompt message, improve the user experience degree
$('#loginInfoWord').show().text(' Processing in progress, please hold ...'); 
var message = data.message; 
if(message == 'D'){ 
//Prompt message, improve the user experience degree
$('#loginInfoWord').show().text(' Login successful, jumping ...'); 
window.location.href = '{% url netPan.index.IndexHd%}'; 

}else if(message == 'C'){ 
$('#loginInfoWord').show().text(' Wrong username or password '); 
}else if(message == 'N'){ 
$('#loginInfoWord').show().text(' You haven't registered yet! '); 
}else if(message == 'H'){ 
$('#loginInfoWord').show().text(' You have not activated the account, please log in the email to activate the account! '); 
error: function(xhr,textStatus,errorThrown){ 
$('#loginInfoWord').show().text(' An exception occurs :'+errorThrown); 



/*  It doesn't matter what order you put it in  

if(event.keyCode == 13){ //Binding the enter
$('#login-submit').click(); / automatic / Trigger login button  


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