jQuery Rolling News Implementation Code

  • 2021-07-01 06:12:34
  • OfStack

I downloaded an Jquery news scrolling Demo online, and the effect is good. I made some adjustments according to my own situation.
After downloading, in addition to Html and Jquery. js, there are three files, namely Css, main Js and a positioning Js (jquery. dimensions. js). Css file can be realized by dynamic assignment, which saves adding in Css file, and can be redefined, which should have better effect.
There is only one method to locate Js, and I have integrated it into it. Is it one to load one less?
The original Demo is a scrolling effect displayed by one line, and there is one Bug, that is, it will run wrong when displaying multiple lines, which has been repaired.
The original Demo has an mouseover attribute, which I don't use (the effect is not good, look at the implementation method under 1 also has loopholes, and the effect is worse when multiple lines are used), so I deleted it.

Learn from other people's ideas and codes, and dare not enjoy them alone.

Deleted parts:

   $('> ul', this)
    .bind('mouseover', function(e) {
     if ($(e.target).is('li')) {
    .bind('mouseout', function(e) {
     if ($(e.target).is('li')) {

Adjusted code:

html section:

<div id="tbNews">
 <li>1 Rolling news, rolling news, rolling news, rolling news, rolling news </li>
 <li>2 Rolling news, rolling news </li>
 <li>3 Rolling news, rolling news, rolling news, rolling news </li>
 <li>4 Rolling news, rolling news, rolling news, rolling news, rolling news </li>
 <li>5 Rolling news </li>
<script language="JavaScript" src="jdNewsScroll.js" type="text/javascript">
<script defer="defer" language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
$(function() {

Js code:

  var ELMS = [];
  $.fn.jdNewsScroll = function(settings) {
  settings = $.extend({}, arguments.callee.defaults, settings);
 $(this).find("li").css({"line-height":"130%","margin":"0px","padding":"2px 10px 1px 10px"});
   this.$settings = settings;
   this.$pause = false;
   this.$counter = settings.beginTime;
   $(this).hover(function(){ $(this).jdNewsScrollPause(true) }, function(){ $(this).jdNewsScrollPause(false) });
  return this;
 $.fn.jdNewsScroll.defaults = {
  beginTime: 10,
  fontSize: '9pt',
  divWidth: '100%',
  divHeight: '200px',
  lineHeight: '130%',
  delay:  20,
  step: 2
 $.fn.jdNewsScrollPause = function(pause) {
  return this.each(function() {
   this.$pause = pause;
 function outerHeight(options) {
  if (!this[0]) 0;
  options = $.extend({ margin: false }, options || {});
  return this[0] == window || this[0] == document ?
   this.height() : this.is(':visible') ?
    this[0].offsetHeight + (options.margin ? (num(this, 'marginTop') + num(this, 'marginBottom')) : 0) :
     + num(this,'borderTopWidth') + num(this, 'borderBottomWidth') 
     + num(this, 'paddingTop') + num(this, 'paddingBottom')
     + (options.margin ? (num(this, 'marginTop') + num(this, 'marginBottom')) : 0);

 setInterval(scroll, 80);
 function scroll() {
  for (var i = 0; i < ELMS.length; i++) {
   var elm = ELMS[i];
   if (elm && !elm.$pause) {
    if (elm.$counter == 0) {
     var ul  = $('> ul', elm)[0];
     if (!elm.$steps) {
      elm.$steps = $('> li:first-child', ul).outerHeight();
      elm.$step = 0;
     if ((elm.$steps + elm.$step) <= 0) {
      elm.$counter  = elm.$settings.delay;
      elm.$steps   = false;
      $(ul).css('top', '0').find('> li:last-child').after($('> li:first-child', ul));
      $('> *', ul).not('li').remove();
     } else {
      elm.$step -= elm.$settings.step;
      if (-elm.$step > elm.$steps) {
       elm.$step = -elm.$steps;
      ul.style.top = elm.$step + 'px';
    } else {

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