Jquery operates on js arrays and object sample code

  • 2020-03-30 02:55:26
  • OfStack

Post a section of jQuery on js objects and array operations: add, delete, change and look up the code.

var WorkList = new Array();//The array object
//Here are the self-defined entities
function WorkEx(depart, title, begintime, endtime) { 
    this.SId = 0; 
    this.Id = -(WorkList.length+1); 
    this.DepartmentName = depart; 
    this.Title = title; 
    this.BeginTime = begintime; 
    this.EndTime = endtime; 
    this.Description = ""; 
    this.Enable = 0; 
    return this; 
function DeleteWork(guid) { 
      WorkList = $.grep(WorkList, function (val, key) { 
          return val.Id != guid; 
function ShowWork() { 
    var html = ""; 
    $.each(WorkList, function (key, val) { 
        html = html + " <span class="add_work_unit">" + val.DepartmentName + ":" + val.Title 
            + ", Duration: " + GetJsDate(val.BeginTime) + " to " + GetJsDate(val.EndTime) + "<a href="#" onclick='DeleteWork("" + val.Id + "")'> x </a></span>"; 
function AddWork() { 
    if(CheckIsNull("workaddress"," The work address cannot be empty ") 
        && CheckIsNull("worklevel", " Duty cannot be idle ") 
        && CheckIsNull("WorkBegin", " The work start date cannot be empty ") 
        && CheckIsNull("WorkLeave", " The work end date cannot be empty ") 
        var isok = true; 
        $.each(WorkList, function (key, val) { 
            if (val.DepartmentName == $("#workaddress").val() 
              && val.Title == $("#worklevel").val() 
                && val.BeginTime == $("#WorkBegin").val() 
                 && val.EndTime == $("#WorkLeave").val() 
                alert(" The same work experience exists. "); isok= false; 
        if (isok){ 
                var onework = new WorkEx($("#workaddress").val(), $("#worklevel").val(), 
                        $("#WorkBegin").val(), $("#WorkLeave").val()) 
                //  <Span class = "add_work_unit>" Pharmaceutical factory & lt, lotte district, sichuan province; A href = "#"> X </ a> </ span>

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