Custom Display Load Waiting Picture Plugin of loading.gif Implemented by JS

  • 2021-06-29 09:39:01
  • OfStack

This article describes an JS implementation of a custom display load waiting picture plugin.Share it for your reference, as follows:

A problem was encountered at work -- a business process is divided into phases, each of which disappears if the load picture loading.gif file is displayed before the data is displayed.For this reason, I have written a method to facilitate the use of the whole project.

<button onclick="show()">show</button>
<button onclick="hide()">hide</button>
// Create Load Object 
var obj = new loadingImg();
// Show Loaded Pictures 
function show(){;
// Hide Loaded Pictures 
function hide(){
// Load Picture Method (Object) 
function loadingImg(mySetting){
  var that = this;
  if(mySetting == "" || mySetting == undefined || typeof mySetting != "object"){
    mySetting = {};
  // Using timestamps as spatial ID
  var targetID = new Date().getTime();
  this.setting = {
    // Container for inserting pictures , Use jquery Query mode incoming parameters of 
    targetConater : "",
    // Address using picture 
    imgUrl : "../img/loading.gif",
    // Picture Displayed   width 
    imgWidth : "32px",
    // Default Style for Pictures 
    imgClass : "",
    // Generating control's ID
    "targetID" : targetID,
    // Show previous callback functions 
    beforeShow : function(plugin){
    // Callback function after display 
    afterShow : function(plugin,targetID){
  this.setting = $.extend(this.setting, mySetting);
  // Get the width of the screen 
  this.getScreenWidth = function(){
    return document.documentElement.clientWidth;
  // Get the height of the screen 
  this.getScreenHeight = function (){
    return document.documentElement.clientHeight;
  // Display Control = function(){
    $("#" + that.setting.targetID).show();
  // Hide Control 
  this.hide = function(){
    $("#" + that.setting.targetID).hide();
  this.init = function(){
    // Execute callback function before display 
    if(typeof that.setting.beforeShow == "function"){
    // Variables holding strings 
    var targetHTML = '';
    // Store content in a specified container, default to body lowest level 
    if(that.setting.targetConater != "" && this.setting.targetConater != undefined){
      targetHTML = '<img src="' + that.setting.imgUrl + '" class="' + that.setting.imgClass + '" id="' + that.setting.targetID + '" style="display:none;">';
      targetHTML = '<img src="' + that.setting.imgUrl + '" class="' + that.setting.imgClass + '">';
      targetHTML = '<div id="' + that.setting.targetID + '" style="display:none;position: absolute;top:50%;left: 50%;height: ' + that.getScreenHeight()+';width:'+that.getScreenWidth()+'">' + targetHTML + '</div>';
    // Determine if the user has customized the width of the picture 
    if(that.setting.imgWidth != "" && that.setting.imgWidth.indexOf("px")>0 ){
    // Execute callback function after display 
    if(typeof that.setting.afterShow == "function"){

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I hope that the description in this paper will be helpful to everyone's JavaScript program design.

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