Summary of javascript's replace method combined with regular usage examples

  • 2021-06-28 10:56:49
  • OfStack

This paper summarizes the replace method of javascript combined with regular usage.Share it for your reference, as follows:

The replace() method is used to replace one character with another in a string, or a string matched by a regular expression.

Example 1: Replace directly with repalce

var stringObj=" The People's Republic of Ancient Times, the People of Ancient Times ";
// Replace the wrong alias "Ancient" with "China" 
// And returns the replaced new character 
// Original string stringObj The value of 
var newstr=stringObj.replace(" Ancient "," China ");
// The People's Republic of China, the Ancient People 

Example 2: Replace all with regular expressions

var str=" The People's Republic of Ancient Times, the People of Ancient Times ";
var newstr=str.replace(/( Ancient )/g," China ");
// The People's Republic of China, the People's Republic of China 

Equivalent to

var reg=new RegExp(" Ancient ","g"); // Create a regular RegExp object 
var stringObj=" The People's Republic of Ancient Times, the People of Ancient Times ";
var newstr=stringObj.replace(reg," China ");

Example 3: Regular expressions, variable matching

var resource=" Ancient ";
var target=" China ";
var reg=new RegExp(resource,"g"); // Create a regular RegExp object 
var stringObj=" The People's Republic of Ancient Times, the People of Ancient Times ";
var newstr=stringObj.replace(reg,target);

Example 4: Regular grouping matching

var strM = "javascript is a good script language";
//$1 Matching is javascript,$2 Matching is is
// The final value returned is "javascript is fun. it is" + strM
// That is javascript is  Replaced with  javascript is fun. it is
alert(strM.replace(/(javascript)\s*(is)/g,"$1 $2 fun. it $2"));

Example 5: Using callback functions for detailed processing

var name="aaa bbb ccc";
//name String Unmatch /\b\w+\b/g Expression, the result is 3 Each - aaa,bbb,ccc ;Execution of each result function Method inside 
var uw = name.replace(/\b\w+\b/g,function(word){
  //word Is a matching string 
 return word.substring(0,1).toUpperCase()+word.substring(1);

Example 6: More obscure writing

var reg=new RegExp("(\\d+),(\\d+).aspx","gmi");
var url=",20361055.aspx";
// mode 1, The easiest and most common way 
var rep=url.replace(reg,"$1ShowBook.aspx?bookId=$2&chapterId=$3");
// mode 2 , Callback functions with fixed parameters 
var rep2=url.replace(reg,function(m,p1,p2,p3){
 return p1+"ShowBook.aspx?bookId="+p3+"&chapterId="+p3
// mode 3 With a callback function with no fixed parameters 
var rep3=url.replace(reg,function(){
 var args=arguments;
 return args[1]+"ShowBook.aspx?bookId="+args[2]+"&chapterId="+args[3];

function ReplaceDemo(){
 var r, re;      //  Declare variables. 
 var ss = "The rain in Spain falls mainly in the plain.";
 // \s Represents a space, then \S Represents a non-space, so /(\S+)(\s+)(\S+)/g Matches the result of "Non-whitespace Non-whitespace" 
 // The matched results are The rain , in Spain , falls mainly , in the
 // Replaced results are rain The , Spain in , mainly falls , the in
 re = /(\S+)(\s+)(\S+)/g;  //  Create a regular expression pattern. 
 // Change the order between matching results 
 r = ss.replace(re, "$3$2$1"); //  Swap every 1 For words. 
 return(r);      //  Returns the result string. 

name = "Doe, John";
// Change the order between two words 
var temp = name.replace(/(\w+)\s*, \s*(\w+)/, "$2 $1");

function SDReplaceData(objStr)
 return objStr.replace( /(\&|\')/g,
   function($0, $1)
     "&" : "&"
    , "'" : "'"

PS: Here are two more convenient regular expression tools for your reference:

JavaScript Regular Expression Online Test Tool:

Regular Expression Online Generation Tool:

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I hope that the description in this paper will be helpful to everyone's JavaScript program design.

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