Method of sending an JSONP request using the Script element

  • 2021-06-28 10:19:52
  • OfStack

Method of sending an JSONP request using the Script element

//  As specified URL Send out 1 individual JSONP request  
// The corresponding parsed data is then passed to the callback function  
// stay URL Add in 1 Named jsonp Query parameters for , The name of the callback function used to specify the request  
function getJSONP(url, callback){ 
 // Create for this request 1 Only 1 Callback function name  
 var cbnum = "cb"+getJSONP.counter++; 
 var cbname = "getJSONP."+cbnum;   
 if(url.indexof("?") === -1){ 
  url += "?jsonp="+cbname; 
 }else { 
  url += "&jsonp="+cbname; 
 var script = document.createElement("script"); 
 getJSONP[cbnum] = function(response){ 
   delete getJSONP[cbnum]; 
  script.src = url; 
getJSONP.counter = 0;

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