RealyEasy Verification Details for the js Verification Framework

  • 2021-06-28 10:07:22
  • OfStack

Using Really_easy_field_validation_with_Prototype validates the form as follows

1. The first step, of course, is to introduce the js and css files first.

<link href="${ ctx}/skin/css/validation.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> 
<script type="text/javascript" src="${ ctx}/scripts/prototype.js"></script> 
<script type="text/javascript" src="${ ctx}/scripts/effects.js"></script> 
<script type="text/javascript" src="${ ctx}/scripts/validation.js"></script> 

2. Then I added the following code at the beginning of the page (I put this code in meta.jsp because each jsp contains it in the header.)

function afterLoaded(){ 
    var forms = document.forms; 
    if(forms.length > 0){ 
      for(var i = 0; i < forms.length; i++){ 
          new Validation(forms[i]); 
    inteval = null; 
var inteval = window.setInterval("afterLoaded();", 500 );  

3. If you want to validate an input box, just add a few flags to his

<input type="text" name="payable.howMuch" value="" id="payable_howMuch" class="required validate-number"/>

This means that this field is required and needs to be a number.For the rest, just look at the code at the end of validation.js.
4. In addition, I have made some modifications to validation.js, because we have multiple submit buttons on a form, and generally only the button name=method:save needs to trigger validation when it is clicked, so we have modified the validation js.
Will be the original
if(this.options.onSubmit) Event.observe(this.form,'submit',this.onSubmit.bind(this),false);  

Change to
 if(this.options.onSubmit) Event.observe(this.form["method:save"],'click',this.onSubmit.bind(this),false);  

There are problems, but this is more appropriate for what we are like now.
5. The original css had an effect on buttons and so on, so I removed all the contents of border.
6. This validation framework seems to only consider a few cases. It will take a little time to understand the details before it can be used flexibly. It also provides the callback mechanism. After downloading its original version, you can see the demonstration in html.

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