JS implements the method of making the page title flash when the message comes

  • 2021-02-17 06:07:47
  • OfStack

This article illustrates how JS implements a message to make the title of a page flash. To share with you for your reference, as follows:

<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" >
<head runat="server">
<title> No title page </title>
var g_blinkid = 0;
var g_blinkswitch = 0;
var g_blinktitle = document.title;
var g_onlineuser = "";
var g_sysmsg_sound = null;
var g_newmsg_sound = null;
var g_app_num = 0;
var g_appnum = 0;
var g_bappmore = false;
var g_inputtime = 0;
function blinkNewMsg()
 document.title = g_blinkswitch % 2==0 ? " 【 】  - " + g_blinktitle : " 【 New News 】  - " + g_blinktitle;
 g_blinkid = setInterval(blinkNewMsg, 1000);
function stopBlinkNewMsg()
  if (g_blinkid)
    g_blinkid = 0;
    document.title = g_blinktitle;
  <form id="form1" runat="server">
    <input id="Button1" type="button" value="button" onclick="stopBlinkNewMsg();" />

Refer to Kaixin.com's head-26.js

var g_blinkid = 0;
var g_blinkswitch = 0;
var g_blinktitle = document.title;
var g_onlineuser = "";
var g_sysmsg_sound = null;
var g_newmsg_sound = null;
var g_app_num = 0;
var g_appnum = 0;
var g_bappmore = false;
var g_inputtime = 0;
function blinkNewMsg()
  var now  = new Date();
  var nowtime = now.getTime();
  if(nowtime - g_inputtime > 5000)
    document.title = g_blinkswitch % 2 ? " 【 】  - " + g_blinktitle : " 【 New News 】  - " + g_blinktitle;
function blinkOnline()
  document.title = g_blinkswitch % 2 ? " a. " + g_onlineuser + "  launched  - " + g_blinktitle : " low " + g_onlineuser + "  launched  - " + g_blinktitle;
  if (g_blinkswitch > 10)
function checkNewMsg()
  var url = "/home/newmsg.php";
  var pars = "";
  var myAjax = new Ajax.Request(url, {method: "post", parameters: pars, onComplete: function (req) { checkNewMsgShow(req); } });
function stopBlinkNewMsg()
  if (g_blinkid)
    g_blinkid = 0;
    $("head_msgdiv").style.display = "none";
    document.title = g_blinktitle;
var g_oldmsg = g_oldsysmsg = g_oldbbs = g_oldbbsreply = g_oldcomment = g_oldreply = 0;
function checkNewMsgShow(req)
  var r = req.responseText;
  setTimeout(checkNewMsg, 60000);
  eval ("r="+r);
  var a_msglist = new Array("msg", "sysmsg", "bbs", "bbsreply", "comment", "reply");
  if(r.notice == "1")
    var forbidsound = parseInt(r.forbidsound);
    if (!forbidsound)
      for (i=0; i<a_msglist.length; i++)
        if ($("body_" + a_msglist[i] + "_num"))
          var c = parseInt($("body_" + a_msglist[i] + "_num").innerHTML);
          eval("g_old" + a_msglist[i] + "=c;");
      var newmsg = parseInt(r.msg) + parseInt(r.bbs) + parseInt(r.bbsreply) + parseInt(r.comment) + parseInt(r.reply);
      var sysmsg = parseInt(r.sysmsg);
      var newchange = (parseInt(r.msg) - g_oldmsg)
        || (parseInt(r.bbs) - g_oldbbs)
        || (parseInt(r.bbsreply) - g_oldbbsreply)
        || (parseInt(r.comment) - g_oldcomment)
        || (parseInt(r.reply) - g_oldreply);
      var syschange = (parseInt(r.sysmsg) - g_oldsysmsg);
      for (i=0; i<a_msglist.length; i++)
        eval("g_old" + a_msglist[i] + "=parseInt(r." + a_msglist[i] + ");");
      if (newmsg && newchange)
        if (g_newmsg_sound == null)
          g_newmsg_sound = new SWFObject("http://img.kaixin001.com.cn/i2/newmsg_sound.1.0.swf", "newmsg_sound_swf", "1", "1", "8", "#ffffff", true);
          g_newmsg_sound.addParam("allowscriptaccess", "always");
          g_newmsg_sound.addParam("wmode", "opaque");
          g_newmsg_sound.addParam("menu", "false");
      else if (sysmsg && syschange)
        if (g_sysmsg_sound == null)
          g_sysmsg_sound = new SWFObject("http://img.kaixin001.com.cn/i2/sysmsg_sound.1.0.swf", "sysmsg_sound_swf", "1", "1", "8", "#ffffff", true);
          g_sysmsg_sound.addParam("allowscriptaccess", "always");
          g_sysmsg_sound.addParam("wmode", "opaque");
          g_sysmsg_sound.addParam("menu", "false");
    $("head_msgdiv").style.display = "block";
    g_blinkid = setInterval(blinkNewMsg, 1000);
  else if (0 && r.online.length)
    g_blinkswitch = 0;
    g_onlineuser = r.online;
    g_blinkid = setInterval(blinkOnline, 500);
  for (i=0; i<a_msglist.length; i++)
    if (!parseInt(r[a_msglist[i]]))
      $("head_" + a_msglist[i] + "_num").innerHTML = "";
      if ($("body_" + a_msglist[i] + "_num"))
        $("body_" + a_msglist[i] + "_num").className = "ql2";
        $("body_" + a_msglist[i] + "_num").innerHTML = "0 A new ";
      $("head_" + a_msglist[i] + "_num").innerHTML = "(" + r[a_msglist[i]] + ")";
      if ($("body_" + a_msglist[i] + "_num"))
        $("body_" + a_msglist[i] + "_num").className = "cr";
        $("body_" + a_msglist[i] + "_num").innerHTML = r[a_msglist[i]] + " A new ";
      if (a_msglist[i] == "msg")
        if ('function' == typeof(msg_view_checkNewMsg))
function outputHead()
  var v_html = 
'<div id="head">'
+'  <div class="hd">'
+'    <div class="h1 wl1" style="margin-top:3px;">'
+'      <div style="padding-left:18px;"><a href="/" class="cf" title=" kaixin "><img src="http://img.kaixin001.com.cn/i2/kaixinlogo.gif" alt=" kaixin " width="106" height="36" /></a></div>'
+'    </div>'
+'    <div class="h2">'
+'      <div id="hn1" class="hn_of">'
+'        <div class="hn_tt"><a href="/home/?t=' + Math.ceil(Math.random() * 100) + '" class="n"> Home page </a></div>'
+'        <div class="hn_sj"><a href="javascript:xs(1);" class="sj"><img src="http://img.kaixin001.com.cn/i/r_sj.gif" width="15" height="20" /></a></div>'
+'        <div class="c"></div>'
+'        <div id="hn1_l" class="hn_l">'
+'          <div><a href="/home/" class="hnm"> My home page </a></div>'
+'          <div class="l1_h">&nbsp;</div>'
+'          <div class="c9 m0_15"> My Home Page Preview: </div>'
+'          <div>'
+'            <a href="/home/?_preview=friend" class="hnm" target=_blank onclick="javascript:hy();">'
+'            <div class="l" style="margin:5px 3px;"><img src="http://img.kaixin001.com.cn/i/small-tri.gif" width="3" height="5" /></div>'
+'            <div class="l" style="cursor:pointer;"> When friends visit </div>'
+'            <div class="c"></div>'
+'            </a>'
+'          </div>'
+'          <div class="mb10">'
+'            <a href="/home/?_preview=other" class="hnm" target=_blank onclick="javascript:hy();" >'
+'            <div class="l" style="margin:5px 3px;"><img src="http://img.kaixin001.com.cn/i/small-tri.gif" width="3" height="5" /></div>'
+'            <div class="l" style="cursor:pointer;"> When a stranger visits </div>'
+'            <div class="c"></div>'
+'            </a>'
+'          </div>'
+'        </div>'
+'      </div>'
+'      <div id="hn_xx1" class="hn_xx"><img src="http://img.kaixin001.com.cn/i/r_xx13.gif" width="1" height="13" /></div>'
+'      '
+'      <div id="hn2" class="hn_of">'
+'        <div class="hn_tt"><a href="/friend/?t=' + Math.ceil(Math.random() * 100) + '" class="n"> buddies </a></div>'
+'        <div class="hn_sj"><a href="javascript:xs(2);" class="sj"><img src="http://img.kaixin001.com.cn/i/r_sj.gif" width="15" height="20" /></a></div>'
+'        <div class="c"></div>'
+'        <!--'
+'        <iframe style="position:absolute;z-index:1;width:expression(this.nextSibling.offsetWidth);height:expression(this.nextSibling.offsetHeight);top:expression(this.nextSibling.offsetTop);left:expression(this.nextSibling.offsetLeft);" frameborder="0" ></iframe>'
+'        -->'
+'        <div id="hn2_l" class="hn_l" style="z-index:2">'
+'          <div><a href="/friend/" class="hnm"> All my good friends </a></div>'
+'          <div><a href="/friend/?viewtype=online" class="hnm"> Current online friends </a></div>'
+'          <div><a href="/friend/group.php" class="hnm"> Friend Management </a></div>'
+'          <div><a href="/home/fstatus.php" class="hnm"> Friend status updates </a></div>'
+'          <div class="l1_h">&nbsp;</div>'
+'          <div><a href="/friend/invite.php" class="hnm"> Invite a Friend to Join </a></div>'
+'          <div><a href="/friend/search.php" class="hnm"> Find a friend </a></div>'
+'        </div>'
+'      </div>'
+'      <div id="hn_xx2" class="hn_xx"><img src="http://img.kaixin001.com.cn/i/r_xx13.gif" width="1" height="13" /></div>'
+'    '
+'      <div id="hn3" class="hn_of">'
+'        <div class="hn_tt"><a href="/group/?t=' + Math.ceil(Math.random() * 100) + '" class="n"> Group of </a></div>'
+'        <div class="hn_sj"><a href="javascript:xs(3);" class="sj"><img src="http://img.kaixin001.com.cn/i/r_sj.gif" width="15" height="20" /></a></div>'
+'        <div class="c"></div>'
+'        <div id="hn3_l" class="hn_l">'
+'          <div><a href="/group/" class="hnm"> My group </a></div>'
+'          <div><a href="/group/flist.php" class="hnm"> Groups of Friends </a></div>'
+'          <div class="l1_h">&nbsp;</div>'
+'          <div><a href="/group/new.php" class="hnm"> Create a new group of </a></div>'
+'          <div><a href="/group/search.php" class="hnm"> All group </a></div>'
+'        </div>'
+'      </div>'
+'      <div id="hn_xx3" class="hn_xx"><img src="http://img.kaixin001.com.cn/i/r_xx13.gif" width="1" height="13" /></div>'
+'    '
+'      <div id="hn4" class="hn_of" style="padding-right:28px;">'
+'        <div class="hn_tt"><a href="/msg/?t=' + Math.ceil(Math.random() * 100) + '" class="n"> The message </a></div>'
+'        <div class="hn_sj"><a href="javascript:xs(4);" class="sj"><img src="http://img.kaixin001.com.cn/i/r_sj.gif" width="15" height="20" /></a><span style="position:absolute;top:5px; left:65px;display:none;" id=head_msgdiv><a href="/msg/" class="n" style="margin-top:-5px;"><img src="http://img.kaixin001.com.cn/i/ddtx.gif" onmouseover="javascript:xs(4);" border=0></a></span></div>'
+'        <div class="c"></div>'
+'        <div id="hn4_l" class="hn_l">'
+'          <div><a href="/msg/inbox.php?t=' + Math.ceil(Math.random() * 100) + '" class="hnm"> A short message <span style="padding-left:2px;color:red;" id=head_msg_num></span></a></div>'
+'          <div><a href="/msg/sys.php?t=' + Math.ceil(Math.random() * 100) + '" class="hnm""> System message <span style="padding-left:2px;color:red;" id=head_sysmsg_num></span></a></div>'
+'          <div class="l1_h">&nbsp;</div>'
+'          <div><a href="/comment/?t=' + Math.ceil(Math.random() * 100) + '" class="hnm"> comments <span style="padding-left:2px;color:red;" id=head_comment_num></span></a></div>'
+'          <div><a href="/comment/send.php?t=' + Math.ceil(Math.random() * 100) + '" class="hnm"> Comment back <span style="padding-left:2px;color:red;" id=head_reply_num></span></a></div>'
+'          <div><a href="/comment/uindex.php?t=' + Math.ceil(Math.random() * 100) + '" class="hnm"> Message board <span style="padding-left:2px;color:red;" id=head_bbs_num></span></a></div>'
+'          <div><a href="/comment/usend.php?t=' + Math.ceil(Math.random() * 100) + '" class="hnm"> answering <span style="padding-left:2px;color:red;" id=head_bbsreply_num></span></a></div>'
+'        </div>'
+'      </div>'
+'      <div id="hn_xx4" class="hn_xx"></div>'
+'      '
+'      <div class="c"></div>'
+'    </div>'
+'    <div class="h3"><a href="/friend/invite.php" class="ce"> The invitation </a>  ┊  <a href="/friend/search.php" class="ce"> Look for a person to </a>  ┊  <a href="/set/account.php" class="ce"> account </a>  ┊  <a href="/set/privacy.php" class="ce"> privacy </a>  ┊  <a href="/login/logout.php" class="ce"> exit </a></div>'
+'    <div class="c"></div>'
+'  </div>'
+'<div id="head_msgsound_div" style="left:0;top:0;position:absolute;"></div>'
+'<div id="main">'
+'  <div class="m1 wl1">'
+'    <div class="m1t"></div>'
+'    <div id="app_friend_tip" style="z-index:20000;position:absolute;background:#fff;border:2px solid #F7F7F7;width:160px;height:250px;display:none;">'
+'    </div>';
function _outputApp(v_icon, v_link, v_title, v_aid, v_index_num)
  if (-1 == v_link.indexOf("?"))
    v_link += "?t=" + Math.ceil(Math.random() * 100);
    v_link += "&t=" + Math.ceil(Math.random() * 100);
  v_html = 
'<div style="margin:12px 15px 12px 15px;" onmouseover="javascript:if(\'' + v_index_num + '\'==\'1\'){$(\'app_friend_' + v_aid + '\').style.display=\'block\';}" onmouseout="javascript:$(\'app_friend_' + v_aid + '\').style.display=\'none\';">'
+'  <div class="l"><img src="' + v_icon + '" width="28" height="24" align="absmiddle" /> <a href="' + v_link + '" class="sl" title="' + v_title + '" ><b class="f14">' + v_title + '</b></a></div>'
+'  <div class="l" id="app_friend_' + v_aid + '" style="display:none;padding:8px 3px;cursor:pointer;" onclick="javascript:a_appfriend_show(' + v_aid + ' , \'' + v_link + '\' , \'' + v_title + '\');"><img src="http://img.kaixin001.com.cn/i2/xiasanjiao.gif" width="7" height="4" alt=" Quickly look at all your friends' profiles ' + v_title + ' content " align="absmiddle" /></div>'
+'  <div class="c"></div>'
  return v_html;
function outputApp(v_icon, v_link, v_title, v_aid, v_index_num)
  document.writeln(_outputApp(v_icon, v_link, v_title, v_aid, v_index_num));
function _setApplistHiddenHead()
  if (g_app_num==-1) return '';
  if (g_appnum>g_app_num && !g_bappmore)
    g_bappmore = true;
    return '<span id=applistmore style="display:none">';
  return '';
function setApplistHiddenHead()
function _setApplistHiddenTail()
  if (g_app_num==-1) return '';
  if (g_bappmore)
    return '</span><div id=applistscroll class="tar" style="margin-top:-10px;"><img src="http://img.kaixin001.com.cn/i2/xiala.gif" width="5" align="absmiddle"> <a href="javascript:showAppmore();" class="sl-gray" style="text-decoration:none;" title=" List all my components "> an </a>&nbsp;&nbsp;</div>';
  return '';
function setApplistHiddenTail()
function outputHead2()
  document.write('<div class="tac mb5"><img src="http://img.kaixin001.com.cn/i/index_app.gif" width="120" height="2" /></div> <div style="position:relative;"> <div class="install_tips" id="install_tips" style="position:absolute; left:110px; top:-7px; z-index:99; display:none;"> <div class="tar" style="padding:7px 15px 0 0;"><img src="http://img.kaixin001.com.cn/i2/black_del.gif" title=" Shut down " style="cursor:pointer;" onclick="h(\'install_tips\')" /></div> <p style="padding:0px 20px;"> Click here to add a variety of utility or game components </p></div> <div class="p5 m0_10 tac"><img src="http://img.kaixin001.com.cn/i/index_app_add1.gif" width="9" height="9" title=" Add the component " /> <a href="/app/list.php" class="sl2"> Add the component </a></div> </div> <div class="p5 m0_10 tac" style="margin-top:-8px;"><img src="http://img.kaixin001.com.cn/i/index_app_set1.gif" width="9" height="9" title=" Component set " /> <a href="/set/appman.php" class="sl2"> Component set </a></div></div>');
function showAppmore()
  if ($("applistmore").style.display=="none") 
    $("applistscroll").innerHTML = '<img src="http://img.kaixin001.com.cn/i2/shouqi.gif" width="5" align="absmiddle"> <a href="javascript:showAppmore();" class="sl-gray" style="text-decoration:none;"> Pack up </a>&nbsp;&nbsp;';
    $("applistscroll").innerHTML = '<img src="http://img.kaixin001.com.cn/i2/xiala.gif" width="5" align="absmiddle"> <a href="javascript:showAppmore();" class="sl-gray" style="text-decoration:none;"> an </a>&nbsp;&nbsp;';
function outputAppInfo()
  if (g_allapp_num > g_prevapp_num)
    var url = "/app/left.php";
    var pars = "";
    var myAjax = new Ajax.Request(url, {method: "post", parameters: pars, onComplete: function (req) { outputAppInfoAjaxShow(req); } });
function outputAppInfoAjaxShow(req)
  var v_html = '';
  for (var i=0; i<data.length; i++)
    v_html += _setApplistHiddenHead();
    v_html += _outputApp(data[i]["icon"], data[i]["link"], data[i]["title"], data[i]["aid"], data[i]["index_num"]);
  v_html += _setApplistHiddenTail();
  $("head_applist").innerHTML =v_html;
function outputTail()
  document.writeln('<div class="c"></div>'
+'<div id="b">'
+'  <div class="b1"><a href="/s/about.html" class="c6" target="_blank"> About us </a><span> ┊ </span><a href="/s/contact.html" class="c6" target="_blank"> contact </a><span> ┊ </span><a href="/t/feedback.html" class="c6" target="_blank"> feedback </a><span> ┊ </span><a href="/s/help.html" class="c6" target="_blank"> Help center </a>  &copy; 2009 kaixin001.com &nbsp;<a class=c6 href=http://www.miibeian.gov.cn target=_blank> Beijing ICP the 080482 No. </a> </div>'

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I hope this article is helpful to JavaScript program design.

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