Use the timer example in JavaScript

  • 2020-03-30 02:49:55
  • OfStack

function foo() 
setInterval( "foo()", 1000 ); 

If you use OO techniques, you can do this,
// constructor 
function MyObj 
function foo() 
alert( ); 

this.timer = foo; = "Hello"; 

setInterval( "this.timer()", 1000 ); 

function Another() 
// create timer when create object 
var obj = new MyObj(); 


But it doesn't work the way you think. The reason is that the setInterval() function does not recognize this variable. A workaround method can look like this.
function Another() 
var obj = nw MyObj(); 
setInterval(  " obj.timer() " , 1000 ); 

Obviously, it works correctly, but if you're a perfectionist, you won't be happy with it. Fortunately, you can put this action in the constructor, which is a little bit different.
// constructor 
function MyObj 
function foo() 
alert( ); 

this.timer = foo; = "Hello"; 

var self = this; 
setInterval( function() { self.timer(); }, 1000 ); 

function Another() 
var obj = new MyObj(); 


OK, just by using a closure. As to why, I want to leave the reader to think for himself.

Finally, give an example of various test cases.
Hello Timer 
<script language = "JScript"> 


function Obj() 
function foo() 
alert( this.timer ); 

this.timer = foo; 

var me = this; 
var f = function() { me.timer(); }; 
var f2 = function() { this.timer(); }; 

// 1st class 
//setInterval( f, 1000 ); 
// 3rd class 
//setInterval( f2, 1000 ); 
// 2nd class 
//setInterval( me.timer, 1000 ); 
//setInterval( this.timer, 1000 ); 
//setInterval( foo, 1000 ); 
// 3rd class 
//setInterval( "this.timer()", 1000 ); 
//setInterval( "me.timer()", 1000 ); 
//setInterval( "foo()", 1000 ); 

var o = null; 

function OnClick() 
o = new Obj(); 
// 1st class 
//setInterval( "o.timer()", 1000 ); 
setInterval( function() { o.timer(); }, 1000 ); 
// 2nd class 
//setInterval( o.timer, 1000 ); 

<input type = "button" onclick = "OnClick()" value = "Click me"></input> 

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