Oneself use js and jquery to write a custom dialog box control

  • 2020-03-30 02:49:44
  • OfStack

Recently in play a game project, the project inside a lot of need to use dialog boxes, pictures, and artists have to do so if not good to find some ready-made dialog control, then wondering do a general control himself, though not absolutely general, but in this project or feel free to call, thought can also be reference to other projects.

Post the main code first:
//Dialog box basic HTML content, absolute positioning, height and width Settings, background image, title, two button diagram
var tdlz_dialog_content = "<div id='tdlz_dialog" 
+ "' style='position:absolute;text-align:center;width:540px;height:331px;background:url(assets/images/add_fbc.png);'><ul><li id='dialog_lb_text' style='margin-top:100px;color:#fff;font-size:25px'>" 
+ "</li><li style='margin-top:100px;cursor:pointer'><img id='tdlz_dialog_ok' src='assets/images/queren.png'></img><img id='tdlz_dialog_cancel' src='assets/images/quxiao.png'></img></li></ul></div>"; 
//Text: title, type: dialog type, funcOK: specified execution function, time: countdown or alert display time
function showTdDialog(text, type, funcOK, time) { 
var dialogid = "#tdlz_dialog"; 
switch (type) { 
case "show"://Display information dialog box, with a "ok" key, click to disappear
$("#tdlz_dialog_ok").click(function () { 
$("#tdlz_dialog_ok").css("margin-right", "0"); 
$("#tdlz_dialog_cancel").css("margin-left", "0"); 
case "alert"://Warning dialog box, disappear after time
setTimeout(function () { 
$("#tdlz_dialog_ok").css("margin-right", "0"); 
$("#tdlz_dialog_cancel").css("margin-left", "0"); 
}, time); 
$("#tdlz_dialog_ok").click(function () { 
$("#tdlz_dialog_ok").css("margin-right", "0"); 
$("#tdlz_dialog_cancel").css("margin-left", "0"); 
case "confirm"://Confirm dialog box, with the cancel key to confirm the execution of the function, otherwise it does not execute and disappeared
$("#tdlz_dialog_ok").css("margin-right", "5%"); 
$("#tdlz_dialog_cancel").css("margin-left", "5%"); 
$("#tdlz_dialog_ok").click(function () { 
setTimeout(function () { 
}, 1000); 

$("#tdlz_dialog_cancel").click(function () { 
case "time"://Countdown dialog box, display time time countdown, after the end of the disappear
$("#dialog_lb_text").html(text + "" + time); 
var a = setInterval(function () { 
time = parseInt(time) - 1; 
if (time < 0) { 
$("#dialog_lb_text").html(text + "" + time); 
}, 1000); 
$("#tdlz_dialog_ok").click(function () { 
$("#tdlz_dialog_ok").css("margin-right", "0"); 
$("#tdlz_dialog_cancel").css("margin-left", "0"); 

In addition to the functions above, the dialog box needs to be initialized in order to be inserted into the document and centered
function initDialog() { 
//Calculate the appropriate intermediate position
var top_percent = (window.innerHeight / 4) / window.innerHeight 
var left_percent = (window.innerWidth / 2 - $("#tdlz_dialog").width() / 2) / window.innerWidth; 
$("#tdlz_dialog").css("top", top_percent * 100 + "%"); 
$("#tdlz_dialog").css("left", left_percent * 100 + "%"); 
$("#tdlz_dialog").css("z-index", "100"); 

Use it as follows (take the confirm dialog as an example) :
showTdDialog("I'm a Dialog","confirm",function(){ 

console.log("Button OK Clicked!"); 


The effect drawing is as follows:
< img SRC = "border = 0 / / 201442141951 ">

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