js gets a summary of the current date time and other date operations

  • 2021-01-25 07:06:55
  • OfStack

The examples in this paper share common scenarios of javascript time operation for your reference. The specific content is as follows

var myDate = new Date(); 
myDate.getYear(); // Get the current year (2 position ) 
myDate.getFullYear(); // Get the full year (4 position ,1970-????) 
myDate.getMonth(); // Get the current month (0-11,0 On behalf of 1 month ) 
myDate.getDate(); // Get the current day (1-31) 
myDate.getDay(); // Get the current week X(0-6,0 Stand for Sunday ) 
myDate.getTime(); // Get the current time ( from 1970.1.1 The first number of milliseconds ) 
myDate.getHours(); // Gets the current hour (0-23) 
myDate.getMinutes(); // Gets the current number of minutes (0-59) 
myDate.getSeconds(); // Gets the current number of seconds (0-59) 
myDate.getMilliseconds(); // Gets the current number of milliseconds (0-999) 
myDate.toLocaleDateString(); // Get the current date  
var mytime=myDate.toLocaleTimeString(); // Get the current time  
myDate.toLocaleString( ); // Get the date and time 

List of date-time script library methods

Date.prototype.isLeapYear  To determine leap year  
Date.prototype.Format  Date formatting  
Date.prototype.DateAdd  date  
Date.prototype.DateDiff  Comparison date difference  
Date.prototype.toString  Date to string  
Date.prototype.toArray  Dates are split into arrays  
Date.prototype.DatePart  Gets part of the information for the date  
Date.prototype.MaxDayOfDate  Gets the maximum number of days in the month of the date  
Date.prototype.WeekNumOfYear  Determine the week of the year for the date  
StringToDate  String to date type  
IsValidDate  Validation date  
CheckDateTime  Complete date and time check  
daysBetween  Day difference 

javascript code block

// -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -  
//  To determine leap year  
// -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -  
Date.prototype.isLeapYear = function() 
return (0==this.getYear()%4&&((this.getYear()%100!=0)||(this.getYear()%400==0))); 

// -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -  
//  Date formatting  
//  format  YYYY/yyyy/YY/yy  Said the year  
// MM/M  in  
// W/w  week  
// dd/DD/d/D  The date of  
// hh/HH/h/H  time  
// mm/m  minutes  
// ss/SS/s/S  seconds  
// -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -  
Date.prototype.Format = function(formatStr) 
var str = formatStr; 
var Week = [ 'day ','1','2','3','4','5','6'];

str=str.replace(/yy|YY/,(this.getYear() % 100)>9?(this.getYear() % 100).toString():'0' + (this.getYear() % 100));  

str=str.replace(/MM/,this.getMonth()>9?this.getMonth().toString():'0' + this.getMonth());  


str=str.replace(/dd|DD/,this.getDate()>9?this.getDate().toString():'0' + this.getDate());  

str=str.replace(/hh|HH/,this.getHours()>9?this.getHours().toString():'0' + this.getHours());  
str=str.replace(/mm/,this.getMinutes()>9?this.getMinutes().toString():'0' + this.getMinutes());  

str=str.replace(/ss|SS/,this.getSeconds()>9?this.getSeconds().toString():'0' + this.getSeconds());  

return str;  

//+ -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -  
//|  Find the difference of days between two times   The date format is  YYYY-MM-dd 
//+ -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -  
function daysBetween(DateOne,DateTwo) 
var OneMonth = DateOne.substring(5,DateOne.lastIndexOf ( ' - ' )); 
var OneDay = DateOne.substring(DateOne.length,DateOne.lastIndexOf ( ' - ' )+1); 
var OneYear = DateOne.substring(0,DateOne.indexOf ( ' - ' ));

var TwoMonth = DateTwo.substring(5,DateTwo.lastIndexOf ('-')); 
var TwoDay = DateTwo.substring(DateTwo.length,DateTwo.lastIndexOf ('-')+1); 
var TwoYear = DateTwo.substring(0,DateTwo.indexOf ('-')); 

var cha=((Date.parse(OneMonth+'/'+OneDay+'/'+OneYear)- Date.parse(TwoMonth+'/'+TwoDay+'/'+TwoYear))/86400000);  
return Math.abs(cha); 

//+ -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -  
//|  date  
//+ -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -  
Date.prototype.DateAdd = function(strInterval, Number) { 
var dtTmp = this; 
switch (strInterval) { 
case  ' s' :return new Date(Date.parse(dtTmp) + (1000 * Number)); 
case  ' n' :return new Date(Date.parse(dtTmp) + (60000 * Number)); 
case  ' h' :return new Date(Date.parse(dtTmp) + (3600000 * Number)); 
case  ' d' :return new Date(Date.parse(dtTmp) + (86400000 * Number)); 
case  ' w' :return new Date(Date.parse(dtTmp) + ((86400000 * 7) * Number)); 
case  ' q' :return new Date(dtTmp.getFullYear(), (dtTmp.getMonth()) + Number*3, dtTmp.getDate(), dtTmp.getHours(), dtTmp.getMinutes(), dtTmp.getSeconds()); 
case  ' m' :return new Date(dtTmp.getFullYear(), (dtTmp.getMonth()) + Number, dtTmp.getDate(), dtTmp.getHours(), dtTmp.getMinutes(), dtTmp.getSeconds()); 
case  ' y' :return new Date((dtTmp.getFullYear() + Number), dtTmp.getMonth(), dtTmp.getDate(), dtTmp.getHours(), dtTmp.getMinutes(), dtTmp.getSeconds()); 

//+ -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -  
//|  Comparison date difference  dtEnd  Format as a date type or a valid date format string  
//+ -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -  
Date.prototype.DateDiff = function(strInterval, dtEnd) { 
var dtStart = this; 
if (typeof dtEnd ==  ' string' )// If the string is converted to date type  
dtEnd = StringToDate(dtEnd); 
switch (strInterval) { 
case  ' s' :return parseInt((dtEnd - dtStart) / 1000); 
case  ' n' :return parseInt((dtEnd - dtStart) / 60000); 
case  ' h' :return parseInt((dtEnd - dtStart) / 3600000); 
case  ' d' :return parseInt((dtEnd - dtStart) / 86400000); 
case  ' w' :return parseInt((dtEnd - dtStart) / (86400000 * 7)); 
case  ' m' :return (dtEnd.getMonth()+1)+((dtEnd.getFullYear()-dtStart.getFullYear())*12) - (dtStart.getMonth()+1); 
case  ' y' :return dtEnd.getFullYear() - dtStart.getFullYear(); 

//+ -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -  
//|  Date output string, overloaded system toString methods  
//+ -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -  
Date.prototype.toString = function(showWeek) 
var myDate= this; 
var str = myDate.toLocaleDateString(); 
if (showWeek) 
var Week = [ 'day ','1','2','3','4','5','6']; 
str += '  week ' + Week[myDate.getDay()]; 
return str; 

//+ -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -  
//|  Date validation  
//|  Format for: YYYY-MM-DD or YYYY/MM/DD 
//+ -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -  
function IsValidDate(DateStr) 
var sDate=DateStr.replace(/(^\s+|\s+$)/g, " ); // To get rid of the space on both sides ; 
if(sDate== " ) return true; 
// If the format satisfies YYYY-(/)MM-(/)DD or YYYY-(/)M-(/)DD or YYYY-(/)M-(/)D or YYYY-(/)MM-(/)D Replace it with"  
// In the database, the legal date could be :YYYY-MM/DD(2003-3/21), The database will automatically convert to YYYY-MM-DD format  
var s = sDate.replace(/[\d]{ 4,4 }[-/]{ 1 }[\d]{ 1,2 }[-/]{ 1 }[\d]{ 1,2 }/g, " ); 
if (s== " ) // Description format meets YYYY-MM-DD or YYYY-M-DD or YYYY-M-D or YYYY-MM-D 
var t=new Date(sDate.replace(/-/g,'/')); 
var ar = sDate.split(/[-/:]/); 
if(ar[0] != t.getYear() || ar[1] != t.getMonth()+1 || ar[2] != t.getDate()) 
//alert( 'Wrong date format! Format for: YYYY-MM-DD or YYYY/MM/DD . Watch out for leap years. '); 
return false; 
//alert( 'Wrong date format! Format for: YYYY-MM-DD or YYYY/MM/DD . Watch out for leap years. '); 
return false; 
return true; 

//+ -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -  
//|  Date time check  
//|  Format for: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS 
//+ -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -  
function CheckDateTime(str) 
var reg = /^(\d+)-(\d{ 1,2 })-(\d{ 1,2 }) (\d{ 1,2 }):(\d{ 1,2 }):(\d{ 1,2 })$/; 
var r = str.match(reg); 
if(r==null)return false; 
var d= new Date(r[1],r[2],r[3],r[4],r[5],r[6]); 
if(d.getFullYear()!=r[1])return false; 
if(d.getMonth()!=r[2])return false; 
if(d.getDate()!=r[3])return false; 
if(d.getHours()!=r[4])return false; 
if(d.getMinutes()!=r[5])return false; 
if(d.getSeconds()!=r[6])return false; 
return true; 

//+ -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -  
//|  Split the date into an array  
//+ -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -  
Date.prototype.toArray = function() 
var myDate = this; 
var myArray = Array(); 
myArray[0] = myDate.getFullYear(); 
myArray[1] = myDate.getMonth(); 
myArray[2] = myDate.getDate(); 
myArray[3] = myDate.getHours(); 
myArray[4] = myDate.getMinutes(); 
myArray[5] = myDate.getSeconds(); 
return myArray; 

//+ -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -  
//|  Get date data information  
//|  parameter  interval  Representation data type  
//| y  years  m month  d day  w week  ww weeks  h when  n points  s seconds  
//+ -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -  
Date.prototype.DatePart = function(interval) 
var myDate = this; 
var partStr= " ; 
var Week = [ 'day ','1','2','3','4','5','6']; 
switch (interval) 
case  ' y' :partStr = myDate.getFullYear();break; 
case  ' m' :partStr = myDate.getMonth()+1;break; 
case  ' d' :partStr = myDate.getDate();break; 
case  ' w' :partStr = Week[myDate.getDay()];break; 
case  ' ww' :partStr = myDate.WeekNumOfYear();break; 
case  ' h' :partStr = myDate.getHours();break; 
case  ' n' :partStr = myDate.getMinutes();break; 
case  ' s' :partStr = myDate.getSeconds();break; 
return partStr; 

//+ -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -  
//|  Gets the maximum number of days in the month of the current date  
//+ -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -  
Date.prototype.MaxDayOfDate = function() 
var myDate = this; 
var ary = myDate.toArray(); 
var date1 = (new Date(ary[0],ary[1]+1,1)); 
var date2 = date1.dateAdd(1,'m',1); 
var result = dateDiff(date1.Format( ' yyyy-MM-dd'),date2.Format( ' yyyy-MM-dd')); 
return result; 

//+ -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -  
//|  Get the current date in the week is 1 The week of the year  
//+ -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -  
Date.prototype.WeekNumOfYear = function() 
var myDate = this; 
var ary = myDate.toArray(); 
var year = ary[0]; 
var month = ary[1]+1; 
var day = ary[2]; 
document.write( ' < script language=VBScript> \n'); 
document.write( ' myDate = Datue( " +month+'- ' +day+'- ' +year+ " ) \n'); 
document.write( ' result = DatePart( ' ww', myDate) \n'); 
document.write(' \n'); 
return result; 

//+ -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -  
//|  String to date type  
//|  format  MM/dd/YYYY MM-dd-YYYY YYYY/MM/dd YYYY-MM-dd 
//+ -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -  
function StringToDate(DateStr) 

var converted = Date.parse(DateStr); 
var myDate = new Date(converted); 
if (isNaN(myDate)) 
  //var delimCahar = DateStr.indexOf('/')!=-1?'/':'-'; 
  var arys= DateStr.split('-'); 
  myDate = new Date(arys[0],--arys[1],arys[2]); 
return myDate; 

To display: current date plus time (for example :2009-06-12 12:00)

function CurentTime() 
var now = new Date();

  var year = now.getFullYear();    // years 
  var month = now.getMonth() + 1;   // month 
  var day = now.getDate();      // day 

  var hh = now.getHours();      // when 
  var mm = now.getMinutes();     // points 

  var clock = year + "-";

  if(month < 10)
    clock += "0";

  clock += month + "-";

  if(day < 10)
    clock += "0";

  clock += day + " ";

  if(hh < 10)
    clock += "0";

  clock += hh + ":";
  if (mm < 10) clock += '0'; 
  clock += mm; 

If you still want to, you can also refer to the special topic "javascript time operation summary", "javascript date operation summary"

I hope this article described to everyone to learn javascript programming help.

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