Oneself use jquery to write a seamless scrolling plug in

  • 2020-03-30 02:46:36
  • OfStack


< img SRC = "border = 0 / / 201433016488 ">  

HTML code:
<h1> Seamless rolling , Scroll to the right </h1> 
<ul id="guoul1"> 
<li><img src="img/f1.jpg" alt="f1"/></li> 
<li><img src="img/f2.jpg" alt="f2"/></li> 
<li><img src="img/f3.jpg" alt="f3"/></li> 
<li><img src="img/f4.jpg" alt="f4"/></li> 
<li><img src="img/f5.jpg" alt="f5"/></li> 
<li><img src="img/f6.jpg" alt="f6"/></li> 
<li><img src="img/f7.jpg" alt="f7"/></li> 

<h1> Seamless rolling , Scroll to the left </h1> 
<ul id="guoul2"> 
<h1> Seamless rolling , Scroll up </h1> 
<ul id="guoul3"> 
<h1> Seamless rolling , Scroll down </h1> 
<ul id="guoul4"> 
<h1> Seamless rolling , non ul,li Label combination , Scroll to the right </h1> 
<div id="guoul5"> 
<h1> Don't move </h1> 
<ul id="guoul6"> 

The CSS code:
ul, li,h1 { margin: 0; padding: 0; list-style-type:none;} 
ul,div { height: 200px; border: 1px solid red; width: 300px; padding: 30px;margin:10px;list-style-type:none;} 
li,p { height: 30px; line-height: 30px; margin-top: 10px; background-color: Gray; color: Yellow; margin-left:10px;} 
#guoul1{ width:1000px; height:188px;margin: 0; padding: 0;} 
#guoul1 li{ width:300px; height:188px;margin: 0; padding: 0; margin-left:10px;} 

Js plug-in code:
; (function ($) { 
var defaults = { 
dir: "left", //-penny: none of that,up,right,down,right
delay: 30,//The execution time
$.fn.gysContentDisplay = function (opt) { 
opt = $.extend({}, defaults, opt); 

//Global variable region
var obj = $(this); //The current object
obj.css({ "overflow": "hidden" }); //Initialization element
if (opt.dir == "none") return; 
var objLis = obj.children(); //Child elements in the object
objLis.css({ "overflow": "hidden" }); 
var objSize = 0; //Outer frame size
var scrollEvent = "scrollLeft"; //The direction of the scroll bar
var liTotalSize = 0, liTotalSizeOther = 0; //Size of each li element (width or height), total size after cloning
var scrollSize = 0, //The actual distance of the scroll bar
scrollSizeMax = 0, //The maximum distance of the scroll bar
scrollSizeMin = 0; //The minimum distance of a scroll bar
var interval = ""; //Record the setInterval

if (opt.dir == "up" || opt.dir == "down") {// Up and down  
objSize = obj.innerHeight(); 
scrollEvent = "scrollTop"; 
obj.css({ "padding-top": 0, "padding-bottom": 0 }).height(objSize); 
else if (opt.dir == "left" || opt.dir == "right") {// Or so  
objSize = obj.innerWidth(); 
scrollEvent = "scrollLeft"; 
obj.css({ "padding-left": 0, "padding-right": 0 }).width(objSize); 
else { 
alert(" your dir Parameter is wrong "); 

var getChildTotalSize = function (dir) {//Defines a method to obtain the total size of li
if (dir == "left" || dir == "right") { 
objLis.css("float", "left"); 
return function () { 
objLis.each(function () { 
liTotalSize += $(this).outerWidth(true); 
else if (dir == "up" || dir == "down") { 
objLis.css("float", "none"); 
return function () { 
objLis.each(function () { 
liTotalSize += $(this).outerHeight(true); 
} (opt.dir); 
getChildTotalSize(); //Get the total size of all the li's and assign them in the method

(function () { 
var cloneCount = Math.ceil(objSize * 2 / liTotalSize); //How many times to assign a child element
var cloneHtmlNow = "", cloneHtmlStart = obj.html(); //The original child element string

for (var i = 0; i < cloneCount; i++) { 
cloneHtmlNow += cloneHtmlStart; 
liTotalSizeOther = (cloneCount + 1) * liTotalSize; //Gets the length after the child element is added

if (opt.dir == "left" || opt.dir == "right") { 
obj.css({ "position": "relative", "z-index": 0 }); 
obj.children().css({ "position": "absolute", "z-index": 1 }); 
var left = 0; 
obj.children().each(function () { 
$(this).css({ "left": left + "px", "top": 0 }); 
left += $(this).outerWidth(true); 

//The scroll method of the scroll bar
function scrollChange(dir) { 
if (dir == "left" || dir == "up") { 
scrollChange = function () { 
if (scrollSize >= liTotalSize) scrollSize = 0; 
else if (dir == "right" || dir == "down") { 
scrollSizeMax = liTotalSizeOther - objSize; 
scrollSize = scrollSizeMax; 
scrollSizeMin = scrollSizeMax - liTotalSize; 
scrollChange = function () { 
if (scrollSize <= scrollSizeMin) scrollSize = scrollSizeMax; 
interval = setInterval(scrollChange, opt.delay); 
obj.children().on("mouseover", function () { 
}).on("mouseleave", function () { 
interval = setInterval(scrollChange, opt.delay); 

Plug-in call:
$(function () { 
$("#guoul1").gysContentDisplay({ dir: "right" }); 
$("#guoul2").gysContentDisplay({ dir: "left" }); 
$("#guoul3").gysContentDisplay({ dir: "up" }); 
$("#guoul4").gysContentDisplay({ dir: "down" }); 
$("#guoul5").gysContentDisplay({ dir: "right" }); 
$("#guoul6").gysContentDisplay({ dir: "none" }); 

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