ExtJS4 gives an example of the default values in the Combobox Settings list
- 2020-03-30 02:46:04
- OfStack
This is the model
The default value for defining a container with a store setting id s1 is the first quarter
The following is cxjd.json
Ext.regModel('commemModel', {
fields : [ 'name', 'id' ]
The default value for defining a container with a store setting id s1 is the first quarter
var gjcx1 = new Ext.data.Store({
model : commemModel,
proxy : {
type : 'ajax',
url : '../store/cxjd.json'
listeners :{
The following is cxjd.json
{name:' In the first quarter ',id:'q1'},
{name:' In the second quarter ',id:'q2'},
{name:' In the third quarter ',id:'q3'},
{name:' In the fourth quarter ',id:'q4'}