Jquery operations select daqo
- 2020-03-30 02:45:45
- OfStack
Add a option
$('#id').append("<option value="value">Text</option>");//Append an option to the select
$('#id').prepend("<option value='0'>Text</option>"); //Insert an option for the select
Remove the option
$("#ID option").each(function(){
$("<option value='111'>UPS Ground</option>").appendTo($("#ID"));
Gets the selected value of the drop-down menu
$("#testSelect option:selected").text();
According to the option Select the drop-down box
2. Menu:
$("input[@type=radio][@checked]").val();//Gets the value of the selected item in the marquee (note no space)
$("input[@type=radio][@value=2]").attr("checked",'checked');//Set the value of the marquee =2 to the selected state.
3, Check box :
$("input[@type=checkbox][@checked]").val();//Gets the value of the first item selected in the check box
$("input[@type=checkbox][@checked]").each(function(){//Because more than one check box is typically selected, the output can be looped
$("#chk1").attr("checked",'');//Don't tick
$("#chk2").attr("checked",true);// tick
if($("#chk1").attr('checked')==undefined){}//Determine if you have checked the box
Of course, jquery The selector is powerful . There are many other ways .
<script src="jquery-1.2.1.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
alert($("#selectTest option[@selected]").text());
<a href="#">aaass</a>
<!-- A drop-down box -->
<select id="selectTest"name="selectTest">
<option value="1">11</option>
<option value="2">22</option>
<option value="3">33</option>
<option value="4">44</option>
<option value="5">55</option>
<option value="6">66</option>
Jquery radio values, checkbox values, select values, radio selected, checkbox selected, select selected, and related to get the values of a set of selected items of radio
varitem= $('input[@name=items][@checked]').val();
Gets the text of the selected item in a select
varitem= $("select[@name=items] option[@selected]").text();
The second element of the select drop-down box is the currently selected value
The second element of the radio radio group is the currently selected value
Get the value:
Text box, text area:
$("#txt").attr("value") ;
$("#checkbox_id").attr("value") ;
Radio group:
Drop-down box select:
Control form elements:
Text box, text area:
$("#txt").attr("value",'');//Empty content
$("#txt").attr("value",'11');//Fill the content
$("#chk1").attr("checked",'');//Don't tick
$("#chk2").attr("checked",true);// tick
if($("#chk1").attr('checked')==undefined)//Determine if you have checked the box
Radio group:
$(" input [@ type = radio] "). The attr (" checked ", '2'); // the item with value=2 is the currently selected item
Drop-down box select:
$("#sel").attr("value",'-sel3');//The item with value=-sel3 is the currently selected item
$("<optionvalue='1'>1111</option><optionvalue='2'> 2222</option>").appendTo("#sel")//Add options to the drop-down box
$("#sel").empty() ; //Clear the drop-down box
Gets the values of a set of selected items of radio
The same code at the page code block index 4
Gets the text of the selected item in a select
The same code at the page code block index 5
The second element of the select drop-down box is the currently selected value
The same code at the page code block index 6
The second element of the radio radio group is the currently selected value
The same code at the page code block index 7
Get the value:
Text box, text area:
The same code at the page code block index 8
The same code at the page code block index 9
Radio group:
The same code at the page code block index 10
Drop-down box select:
The same code at the page code block index 11
Control form elements:
Text box, text area:
The same code at the page code block index 12
The same code at the page code block index 13
Radio group:
$("input[@type=radio]").attr("checked",'2');//The item with value=2 is the currently selected item
Drop-down box select:
$("#sel").attr("value",'-sel3');//The item with value=-sel3 is the currently selected item
$("<option value='1'>1111</option><option value='2'>2222</option>").appendTo("#sel")//Add options to the drop-down box
$("#sel").empty() ; //Clear the drop-down box