7 ways to create multiline strings in javascript

  • 2020-03-30 02:44:13
  • OfStack

JS does not have the standard method of multi-line string representation, but when using the template, in order to ensure the legibility of the template, we inevitably use multi-line string, so there are a variety of methods, here is a paragraph of jade template as an example, a simple summary and comparison.

One, string addition

This is one of the easiest to understand and most commonly used forms, as follows

var tmpl =''+
    '!!! 5' +
    'html' +
    '  include header' +
    '  body' +
    '    //if IE 6' +
    '        .alert.alert-error' +
    '            center  Sorry, we don't support that IE6 Please upgrade your browser ' +
    '                a(href="http://windows.microsoft.com/zh-CN/internet-explorer/download-ie") | IE8 The official download ' +
    '                a(href="https://www.google.com/intl/en/chrome/browser/") | Chrome download ' +
    '    include head' +
    '    .container' +
    '        .row-fluid' +
    '            .span8' +
    '                block main' +
    '                include pagerbar' +
    '            .span4' +
    '                include sidebar' +
    '    include footer' +
    '    include script'


Easy to understand, simple and reliable
Flexible enough to add js logic to a single string


It's not really a multi-line string. If you want to be really multi-line, you need to add \n
A lot of + sign looks full of stars, a lot of 'and', ugly

Use backslashes

This is called line continuation, and it's not a very common way to do it, but once you use it, it's still very addictive, just one character

var tmpl ='
    !!! 5
      include header
        //if IE 6
                center  Sorry, we don't support that IE6 Please upgrade your browser 
                    a(href="http://windows.microsoft.com/zh-CN/internet-explorer/download-ie") | IE8 The official download 
                    a(href="https://www.google.com/intl/en/chrome/browser/") | Chrome download 
        include head
                    block main
                    include pagerbar
                    include sidebar
        include footer
        include script'


Simple, only one more \ per row
Efficient! This is the fastest way on most browsers,


Join the string array

var tmpl = [
    '!!! 5' ,
    'html' ,
    '  include header' ,
    '  body' ,
    '    //if IE 6' ,
    '        .alert.alert-error' ,
    '            center  Sorry, we don't support that IE6 Please upgrade your browser ' ,
    '                a(href="http://windows.microsoft.com/zh-CN/internet-explorer/download-ie") | IE8 The official download ' ,
    '                a(href="https://www.google.com/intl/en/chrome/browser/") | Chrome download ' ,
    '    include head' ,
    '    .container' ,
    '        .row-fluid' ,
    '            .span8' ,
    '                block main' ,
    '                include pagerbar' ,
    '            .span4' ,
    '                include sidebar' ,
    '    include footer' ,
    '    include script'].join('n');


True multi-line string
Easy to understand, simple and reliable
Flexible enough to add js logic to a single string


Lots of horn and ', "ugly

Five, the String. The prototype. Concat

var tmpl = String.prototype.concat.call(
    '!!! 5' ,
    'html' ,
    '  include header' ,
    '  body' ,
    '    //if IE 6' ,
    '        .alert.alert-error' ,
    '            center  Sorry, we don't support that IE6 Please upgrade your browser ' ,
    '                a(href="http://windows.microsoft.com/zh-CN/internet-explorer/download-ie") | IE8 The official download ' ,
    '                a(href="https://www.google.com/intl/en/chrome/browser/") | Chrome download ' ,
    '    include head' ,
    '    .container' ,
    '        .row-fluid' ,
    '            .span8' ,
    '                block main' ,
    '                include pagerbar' ,
    '            .span4' ,
    '                include sidebar' ,
    '    include footer' ,
    '    include script');


In fact, concat methods of strings are far less common than the + sign
Easy to understand, simple and reliable
Flexible enough to add js logic to a single string


It's not really a multi-line string
Lots of horn and ', "ugly

Five, the heredoc

This is a tricky solution, using the toString method of function

function heredoc(fn) {
    return fn.toString().split('n').slice(1,-1).join('n') + 'n'
var tmpl = heredoc(function(){/*
    !!! 5
      include header
        //if IE 6
                center  Sorry, we don't support that IE6 Please upgrade your browser 
                    a(href="http://windows.microsoft.com/zh-CN/internet-explorer/download-ie") | IE8 The official download 
                    a(href="https://www.google.com/intl/en/chrome/browser/") | Chrome download 
        include head
                    block main
                    include pagerbar
                    include sidebar
        include footer
        include script


Template string does not have to write any extra characters, clean, simple
True multi-line string, with \n


You cannot add js logic to a single string
Easy to be compressed, yui compressor can be through /*! To avoid being compressed out, uglifyjs and GCC can also be configured with options that do not remove specific comments, which is not a big deal

Six, coffeescript

It is equivalent to changing a language, in fact, the lack of functionality in this language, through coffeescript such as js compilation target language to achieve a very good choice.

var tmpl = """ 
    !!! 5
      include header
        //if IE 6
                center  Sorry, we don't support that IE6 Please upgrade your browser 
                    a(href="http://windows.microsoft.com/zh-CN/internet-explorer/download-ie") | IE8 The official download 
                    a(href="https://www.google.com/intl/en/chrome/browser/") | Chrome download 
        include head
                    block main
                    include pagerbar
                    include sidebar
        include footer
        include script


Easy to understand, simple and reliable


You need to know about coffeescript
The entire file needs to be written in coffeescript

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