JS code of is compatible with all major browsers

  • 2020-12-26 05:35:05
  • OfStack

This article introduces JS code to achieve browser detection, share for your reference, the specific content is as follows

var BrowserMatch = {
  init: function () {
    this.browser = this.getBrowser().browser || "An Unknown Browser";
    this.version = this.getBrowser().version || "An Unknown Version";
    this.OS = this.getOS() || "An Unknown OS";
    if(navigator.platform.indexOf("Win")!= -1) return "Windows";
    if(navigator.platform.indexOf("Mac")!= -1) return "Mac";
    if(navigator.platform.indexOf("Linux")!= -1) return "Linux";
    if(navigator.userAgent.indexOf("iPhone")!= -1) return "iPhone/iPod";
  getBrowser:function () {
    var rMsie = /(msie\s|trident\/7)([\w\.]+)/;
    var rTrident = /(trident)\/([\w.]+)/;
    var rFirefox = /(firefox)\/([\w.]+)/; 
    var rOpera = /(opera).+version\/([\w.]+)/;
    var rNewOpera = /(opr)\/(.+)/;
    var rChrome = /(chrome)\/([\w.]+)/;
    var rSafari = /version\/([\w.]+).*(safari)/;
    var ua = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();
    var matchBS,matchBS2;
    matchBS = rMsie.exec(ua);
    if (matchBS != null) {
      matchBS2 = rTrident.exec(ua);
      if (matchBS2 != null){
        switch (matchBS2[2]){
          case "4.0": return { browser : "IE", version : "8" };break;
          case "5.0": return { browser : "IE", version : "9" };break;
          case "6.0": return { browser : "IE", version : "10" };break;
          case "7.0": return { browser : "IE", version : "11" };break;
          default:return { browser : "IE", version : "Undefined" };
        return {browser : "IE", version : matchBS[2] || "0" };
    matchBS = rFirefox.exec(ua);  
    if ((matchBS != null)&&(!(window.attachEvent))&&(!(window.chrome))&&(!(window.opera))) {  
      return { browser : matchBS[1] || "", version : matchBS[2] || "0" };
    matchBS = rOpera.exec(ua);         
    if ((matchBS != null)&&(!(window.attachEvent))) {     
      return { browser : matchBS[1] || "", version : matchBS[2] || "0" };
    matchBS = rChrome.exec(ua);  
    if ((matchBS != null)&&(!!(window.chrome))&&(!(window.attachEvent))) {
      matchBS2 = rNewOpera.exec(ua);       
      if(matchBS2 == null){
        return { browser : matchBS[1] || "", version : matchBS[2] || "0" };
        return { browser : "Opera", version : matchBS2[2] || "0" };
    matchBS = rSafari.exec(ua);          
    if ((matchBS != null)&&(!(window.attachEvent))&&(!(window.chrome))&&(!(window.opera))) {   
      return { browser : matchBS[2] || "", version : matchBS[1] || "0" };

Call method :(first you have to introduce the js file, you should know)

Get browser name: BrowserMatch.browser;

Get browser version: BrowserMatch.version;

Get the operating system: ES16en.OS;

Above is the entire content of this article, I hope to help you with your study.

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