JavaScript programming learning skills summary

  • 2020-12-26 05:34:38
  • OfStack

This article shares JavaScript programming learning skills for your reference, the specific content is as follows

1. Variable conversion








But the conversion date (new Date(myVar)) and the regular expression (new RegExp(myVar)) must use constructors, and the regular expression is created using simplified forms such as /pattern/flags.

2. Integer and convert to numeric type

// When a character variable is involved in the operation, JS Automatically converts it to a numeric type (if not, to NaN ) 


// The results of :10

//JS All numeric types inside are double - precision floating - point numbers , As a result, JS When a bit operation is performed, these numeric operands are first converted to integers, and then the operation is performed 

//| is 2 Hexadecimal or, x|0 Always equal to the x ; ^ Is different or identical 0 different 1 , so x^0 Or is it always equal to x ; As for the ~ It's going to be the reverse bit, but of course it's going to be the reverse bit 1 The sample of 


// The results of :10


// The results of :-2

3. Date rotation value

//JS The internal representation of time itself is Unix Timestamp, which records the current distance in milliseconds 1970 years 1 month 1 day 0 A unit of time for a point 


4, class array object to array


 The following example is even better 



res=res.concat( methods 1

Array.prototype.push.apply(res,arguments)// methods 2


5. Conversion between bases





 will 1 An array is inserted into the other 1 The position specified by an array 





6. Delete array elements



You might wonder why you want to use splice instead of delete, because using delete will leave a hole in the array, and the index doesn't decrement.
7. Judge whether it is IE


ie is too... ie is too...

There are many more ways to do this. See below


// Looks like the shortest. Use IE Does not support standards ECMAscript The mechanism by which the commas at the end of an array are ignored 


// By using the IE Conditional annotation of 


// Conditional comment again 


//IE Vertical tabs are not supported 


// The principle of same 

Learn this moment feel too weak.

Use native methods whenever possible

To find the largest number in a set of 1, we might write a loop, such as:









In fact, using the native method, can be more simple to implement




Of course, the simplest way to do this is:

// When a character variable is involved in the operation, JS Automatically converts it to a numeric type (if not, to NaN ) 


// The results of :10

//JS All numeric types inside are double - precision floating - point numbers , As a result, JS When a bit operation is performed, these numeric operands are first converted to integers, and then the operation is performed 

//| is 2 Hexadecimal or, x|0 Always equal to the x ; ^ Is different or identical 0 different 1 , so x^0 Or is it always equal to x ; As for the ~ It's going to be the reverse bit, but of course it's going to be the reverse bit 1 The sample of 


// The results of :10


// The results of :-2

The same can be said for the present

// When a character variable is involved in the operation, JS Automatically converts it to a numeric type (if not, to NaN ) 


// The results of :10

//JS All numeric types inside are double - precision floating - point numbers , As a result, JS When a bit operation is performed, these numeric operands are first converted to integers, and then the operation is performed 

//| is 2 Hexadecimal or, x|0 Always equal to the x ; ^ Is different or identical 0 different 1 , so x^0 Or is it always equal to x ; As for the ~ It's going to be the reverse bit, but of course it's going to be the reverse bit 1 The sample of 


// The results of :10


// The results of :-2

8. Generate random numbers

// When a character variable is involved in the operation, JS Automatically converts it to a numeric type (if not, to NaN ) 


// The results of :10

//JS All numeric types inside are double - precision floating - point numbers , As a result, JS When a bit operation is performed, these numeric operands are first converted to integers, and then the operation is performed 

//| is 2 Hexadecimal or, x|0 Always equal to the x ; ^ Is different or identical 0 different 1 , so x^0 Or is it always equal to x ; As for the ~ It's going to be the reverse bit, but of course it's going to be the reverse bit 1 The sample of 


// The results of :10


// The results of :-2

You don't swap the values of the two variables with the third variable


9. Event delegation

The js code is as follows:

// When a character variable is involved in the operation, JS Automatically converts it to a numeric type (if not, to NaN ) 


// The results of :10

//JS All numeric types inside are double - precision floating - point numbers , As a result, JS When a bit operation is performed, these numeric operands are first converted to integers, and then the operation is performed 

//| is 2 Hexadecimal or, x|0 Always equal to the x ; ^ Is different or identical 0 different 1 , so x^0 Or is it always equal to x ; As for the ~ It's going to be the reverse bit, but of course it's going to be the reverse bit 1 The sample of 


// The results of :10


// The results of :-2

Use event delegation to write something more elegant:

// When a character variable is involved in the operation, JS Automatically converts it to a numeric type (if not, to NaN ) 


// The results of :10

//JS All numeric types inside are double - precision floating - point numbers , As a result, JS When a bit operation is performed, these numeric operands are first converted to integers, and then the operation is performed 

//| is 2 Hexadecimal or, x|0 Always equal to the x ; ^ Is different or identical 0 different 1 , so x^0 Or is it always equal to x ; As for the ~ It's going to be the reverse bit, but of course it's going to be the reverse bit 1 The sample of 


// The results of :10


// The results of :-2

10. Test ie version

// When a character variable is involved in the operation, JS Automatically converts it to a numeric type (if not, to NaN ) 


// The results of :10

//JS All numeric types inside are double - precision floating - point numbers , As a result, JS When a bit operation is performed, these numeric operands are first converted to integers, and then the operation is performed 

//| is 2 Hexadecimal or, x|0 Always equal to the x ; ^ Is different or identical 0 different 1 , so x^0 Or is it always equal to x ; As for the ~ It's going to be the reverse bit, but of course it's going to be the reverse bit 1 The sample of 


// The results of :10


// The results of :-2

javaScript version detection

Do you know which version of Javascript your browser supports?

// When a character variable is involved in the operation, JS Automatically converts it to a numeric type (if not, to NaN ) 


// The results of :10

//JS All numeric types inside are double - precision floating - point numbers , As a result, JS When a bit operation is performed, these numeric operands are first converted to integers, and then the operation is performed 

//| is 2 Hexadecimal or, x|0 Always equal to the x ; ^ Is different or identical 0 different 1 , so x^0 Or is it always equal to x ; As for the ~ It's going to be the reverse bit, but of course it's going to be the reverse bit 1 The sample of 


// The results of :10


// The results of :-2

11. Determine whether the attribute exists













In some cases, we have deeper structures and need more appropriate inspections

// When a character variable is involved in the operation, JS Automatically converts it to a numeric type (if not, to NaN ) 


// The results of :10

//JS All numeric types inside are double - precision floating - point numbers , As a result, JS When a bit operation is performed, these numeric operands are first converted to integers, and then the operation is performed 

//| is 2 Hexadecimal or, x|0 Always equal to the x ; ^ Is different or identical 0 different 1 , so x^0 Or is it always equal to x ; As for the ~ It's going to be the reverse bit, but of course it's going to be the reverse bit 1 The sample of 


// The results of :10


// The results of :-2

In fact, the best method to detect the existence of an attribute is:






12. Check whether the object is an array


That is the end of this article, I hope you learn javascript programming is helpful.

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