Jquery paging plugin jpaginate is not compatible with IE

  • 2020-03-30 02:43:29
  • OfStack

Under a paging plug-in, the download of the demo in the Internet version of the ie under a little different, but still can be used.

But it doesn't show up properly on my page. It could be because of too many divs or position positions.

I changed the source code can be basically ie7,ie8,ie9 normal display. The following is part of the source code. It's hard to find something wrong with someone else's stuff. The key is ie.
var bVer = navigator.appVersion; 
var ver ; 
if(bVer.indexOf('MSIE 7.0') > 0){ 
ver = "ie7"; 

if(ver == 'ie7'){ 

Modified code:
if(ver == 'ie7' || ver=='ie8' || ver=='ie9'){ 
_ulwrapdiv.css('float','left');//This is the added code

Figure 1: normal
< img Alt = "" border = 0 SRC =" / / files.jb51.net/file_images/article/201404/2014042216181212.jpg ">
Figure 2: in my environment
< img Alt = "" border = 0 SRC =" / / files.jb51.net/file_images/article/201404/2014042216181213.jpg ">
Figure 3: add if(ver == 'ie8') {} (my environment is ie8)
< img Alt = "" border = 0 SRC =" / / files.jb51.net/file_images/article/201404/2014042216181314.jpg ">
Figure 4: add _ulwrapdiv.css('float','left'); // after testing in ie7,ie8,ie9 can be, but there is a little asymmetry.
< img Alt = "" border = 0 SRC =" / / files.jb51.net/file_images/article/201404/2014042216181315.jpg ">

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