Example sharing using when in jQuery to implement multiple AJAX requests corresponding to a single callback
- 2020-03-30 02:43:17
- OfStack
I knew that these functions were asynchronously executed and returned with a delay, so I wondered if there was a way I could use a single callback to load them in parallel, as the JS loader curljs did. Very lucky! With jQuery. When, I can load two requests concurrently and execute only one callback!
The jQuery script
As I mentioned, here is the use case for the load script and a JSON resource:
).then(function(a, b) { //Or you can use ".done"
//Yay, load done, here we can do some dependency operations...
When the resource is loaded, the specified done or then callback fires, so you know the request has completed. Each request returns a different type of callback parameter object, so the above request may return the following information:
//Format: [response, state, JQXHR], [response, state, JQXHR]
["(function(c){var e=c(".from-search-navigate");if(e ... ;if(j){g.apply(m,l)}}}})(window,document,jQuery);", "success", Object]
[Array[15], "success", Object]
If we also need to add a traditional AJAX XHR request, such as a widget template, we can do this:
).then(function(a, b, c) {
console.log(a, b, c);
The Dojo Toolkit has been around for a long time, but I'm excited that jQuery can do the same. With today's development, it's a natural requirement to share the same callback with multiple requests that are out of sync and return in uncertain order, so jQuery is definitely moving with The Times!