js HTML5 Ajax implements the file upload progress bar function

  • 2020-12-20 03:27:41
  • OfStack

This paper introduces js combined with HTML5 Ajax to realize the function of file upload progress bar, and shares it for your reference. The specific content is as follows

1. lib.js

var Host = window.location.host;
function setCookie(name,value)
  var Days = 30;
  var exp = new Date();
  exp.setTime(exp.getTime() + Days*24*60*60*1000);
  document.cookie = name + '='+ escape (value) + ';expires=' + exp.toGMTString();
function getCookie(name)
  var arr,reg=new RegExp('(^| )'+name+'=([^;]*)(;|$)');
    return unescape(arr[2]);
    return null;
//--Dom & String
var get = {
   //--  To obtain Dom Id
     return is.object(obj) ? obj : (document.getElementById(obj));
   //-- To obtain Body
     return document.body;
   //--  through Html  Tag fetch object 
   Tag:function(obj, Tagname) 
    return obj.getElementsByTagName(Tagname);
   //--  through Name  To pick up objects 
   Name:function (Name) 
     return document.getElementsByName(Name);
   //-- Url Code conversion 
   encode:function (str) 
    return encodeURIComponent(str);
   filepath:function (obj,callback) 
     window.URL = window.URL || window.webkitURL;
     img = new Image();
     var reader = new FileReader();
     reader.onload = function(e){
       source = this.result;
    // return window.URL.createObjectURL(get.Id(obj).files[0]);
var set = {
  //-- url  jump 
    window.location.href = URL;
  //--  A page refresh 
  //--  Dynamic setting   Label content  @ obj  Is the tag content, text  For content 
  html:function (obj, text) 
     obj.innerHTML = text;
var string = {
  //--  Converts a character to Json
    return eval('('+str+')');
  //--  Case insensitive judgment   equal true , 
  eqlower:function(str1, str2) 
    if(str1.toLowerCase() == str2.toLowerCase()){
      return true;
    return false;
var is = {
  //--  Whether it is IE The browser , Use this to determine if it is supported HTML5 , below IE10 The return of false Because of  IE using  V8 JavaScript engine 
  html5:function () 
    return (!/*@cc_on!@*/~0x1111111111111111) ? false : true;
  //-- Verify id card, and return ID card, gender, address, age 
  Card:function (sId) {
    var card_area={
        11:' Beijing ', 12:' tianjin ', 13:' hebei ', 14:' shanxi ', 21:' liaoning ', 15:' Inner Mongolia ',
        22:' Ji Lin ', 31:' Shanghai ', 32:' jiangsu ', 33:' zhejiang ', 34:' anhui ', 23:' heilongjiang ',
        35:' fujian ', 36:' jiangxi ', 37:' shandong ', 41:' henan ', 42:' hubei ', 43:' hunan ',
        44:' guangdong ', 45:' guangxi ', 46:' hainan ', 50:' chongqing ', 51:'4 sichuan ', 52:' guizhou ',
        53:' yunnan ', 54:' Tibet ', 61:' shaanxi ', 62:' gansu ', 63:' qinghai ', 64:' ningxia ',
        65:' xinjiang ', 71:' Taiwan ', 81:' Hong Kong ', 82:' Macau ', 91:' foreign '
      var iSum=0
      var info=''
      var card_info=Array(2);
      var error = '';
      if (sId.length==0){      
        error = ' Please fill in your ID card ';
        return false;
      if (null == card_area[parseInt(sId.substr(0,2))]) {
        error = ' Illegal id Your area has been filled out incorrectly please fill it out carefully ';
        return false;
      sBirthday=sId.substr(6,4)+'-'+Number(sId.substr(10,2)) + '-'+Number(sId.substr(12,2));
      var d = new Date(sBirthday.replace(/-/g,'/'));
      if (sBirthday!=(d.getFullYear()+'-'+ (d.getMonth()+1) + '-' + d.getDate())) {
        error = ' Your date of birth is incorrect. Please fill it out carefully ';
        return false;
      for(var i = 17; i>=0; i--)
        iSum += (Math.pow(2,i) % 11) * 
        parseInt(sId.charAt(17 - i),11)
      if (1 != iSum%11) {
        error = ' If you confirm that you are an earthman, please fill it out carefully ~~~~'; 
        return false;
      if (sId.length>19){
        error = ' Are you sure your ID card is valid? ';
        return false;
      card_info[0] = card_area[parseInt(sId.substr(0, 2))];
      card_info[1] = sBirthday;
      card_info[2] = sId.substr(16, 1) % 2 ? ' male ' : ' female ';
      return card_info;
  //-- Gets the type of the variable,  object . string . int..... Etc. 
    if(is.object(type)) {
      return 'object';
    }else if (is.string(type)) {
      return 'string';
    }else if (is.int(type)) {
      return 'int';
    }else if (is.double(type)) {
      return 'double';
    }else {
      return 'null';
  //--  Is the variable an object? Returns  true|false
    return 'object' == typeof(type) ? true:false;
  //--  Is the variable a string   .   return  true|false
    return 'string' == typeof(type) ? true:false;
  //--  Whether the variable is an integer, returns  true|false
    if ('number' == typeof(type)) {
      if(0 > type.toString().indexOf('.')) {
        return true;
    return false;
  //--  Returns if the variable is a decimal  true|false
    if('number' == typeof(type)) {
      if (0<=type.toString().indexOf('.')) {
        return true;
    return false;
var file = {
  //-- Asynchronous file upload 
  upload:function (json) 
    var post = new XMLHttpRequest();
    var FLIE = new Object();
    var json = is.object(json) ? json : string.toJson(json);
    var dataType = string.eqlower(json.dataType,'json') ? true : false;
    var fileSize = 0;
    if(!json.url&&json.error) {
    if(!is.object(json.file)) {
      FLIE.id = get.Id(json.file);
      //--  Large file processing  
      if(json.maxfile) { 
        //-- Total file size 
        fileSize = file.getSize(FLIE.id);
        //-- In order to 2M Perform file cutting for units 
        shardSize = 1024 * 1024 << 1;      
        //-- The total number of pieces 
        shardCount = Math.ceil(fileSize / shardSize); 
        for(var i = 0; i < shardCount; ++i)
          //-- Calculate each 1 The starting and ending positions of the slice 
          var start = i * shardSize;
          var end = Math.min(fileSize, start + shardSize);
          var formData = new FormData();
          //--slice Method used to cut out files 1 Part of the           
          formData.append(json.file, FLIE.id.files[0].slice(start,end));         
          formData.append("total", shardCount); // The total number of pieces 
          formData.append("index", i + 1);    // Which is the current film 
          post.upload.addEventListener('progress', callback, false);
          post.open('post', json.url, true); //  Asynchronous transmission 
          post.upload.onprogress = function (ev) {
           if(file.getProgress(ev) == 100) {
      }else {
        var formData = new FormData();
        formData.append(json.file, FLIE.id.files[0]);
        if (json.progress) {
          post.upload.addEventListener('progress', json.progress, false);
        post.open('post', json.url, true); //  Asynchronous transmission 
        /*post.upload.onprogress = function (ev) {
         if(file.getProgress(ev) == 100) {
        post.onreadystatechange = function () {
          switch (post.readyState) {
            case 1:{break;}
            case 2:{break;}
            case 3:{break;}
            case 4:{
              if (post.status == 200 || post.status == 0) { 
  //--  Gets the progress value of the uploaded file 
  getProgress:function (evt) {
    var percentComplete = Math.round(evt.loaded * 100 / evt.total);
    return percentComplete.toString();
  //--  Gets the size of the file 
  getSize:function (file) {
    var FILE = get.Id(file).files[0];
    var fileSize = 0;
    if (file.size > 1024 * 1024) {
      fileSize = (Math.round(FILE.size * 100 / (1024 * 1024)) / 100).toString();
    } else {
      fileSize = (Math.round(FILE.size * 100 / 1024) / 100).toString();
    return fileSize;
  //--  Gets the type of file 
  getType:function (file) {
    var FILE = get.Id(file).files[0];
    return FILE.type;
  //--  Get the name of the file 
  getName:function (file) {
    var FILE = get.Id(file).files[0];
    return FILE.name;
  //-- Include file 
  include:function (path) {
//--Ajax Data submission class 
var Call = {
     *  Parameters for json object |Json String,  
     * @type post|get  The default is get  , request mode 
     * @url String  String type  , Request the address 
     * @loading bool true|false  Whether animation is enabled or not 
     * @time int  Animation time   if  loading  for false  Do not set this parameter 
     * @data Json | String  Submitted data 
     * @sucess  The callback function   This has to have   
      var json = is.object(json)?json:string.toJson(json);
      var type = (json.type == undefined) || (json.type == '') ? 'get' : json.type; ;
      var url = (json.url == undefined) || (json.url == '') ? alert(' request url Can't be empty ') : json.url;
      var loading = (json.Loading == undefined) || (json.Loading == '') ? false : json.Loading;    
      var time = (json.time == undefined) || (json.time == '') ? 2000 : json.time;  
      var dataType = string.eqlower(json.dataType,'json') ? 'json' : 'string';
      if(loading) { var L = Loading.start(); }
      var data = '';     
      if(is.object(json.data)) {
        if(json.data) {
          for(d in json.data) {
           data = data + d + '=' + json.data[d] + '&';
        if(string.eqlower(json.type,'get')) {
          data ='?' + data.substring(0, data.length-1);
        if(json.data.length>=1) {
          data = json.data.indexOf('?') < 0 ? '?'+json.data:json.data+'';
      try {
        //--IE High version creation XMLHTTP
        XMLHttpReq = new ActiveXObject('Msxml2.XMLHTTP');
      catch(E) { 
        try { 
          XMLHttpReq = new ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLHTTP');//IE Lower version creation XMLHTTP 
        catch(E) { 
          XMLHttpReq = new XMLHttpRequest();// Compatible with the IE Browser, create directly XMLHTTP object  
      if(XMLHttpReq) {
        if (string.eqlower(json.type, 'post')) {          
          XMLHttpReq.open('post', url, true);
          XMLHttpReq.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded');
        }else if (string.eqlower(json.type, 'get')) {
          XMLHttpReq.open('get', url+data, true);         
        XMLHttpReq.onreadystatechange = function () { 
          switch (XMLHttpReq.readyState) {
            case 1:{break;}
            case 2:{break;}
            case 3:{break;}
            case 4:{
              if (XMLHttpReq.status == 200 || XMLHttpReq.status == 0) { 
                if (loading) {
                    if(json.dataType == 'json') 
                  }, time*1000);
                }else {
                    if(json.dataType == 'json') 
var Loading = {
  //-- Ajax animation 
    var d = add.Dom(document.body,'style');
    d.innerHTML = '@keyframes d{from {left:0px;}to {left:98%;}}';
    var back = add.Dom(document.body, 'div');
    var d0 = add.Dom(back, 'div');
    var d1 = add.Dom(d0, 'div');
    var d2 = add.Dom(d0, 'div');
    var d3 = add.Dom(d0, 'div');
    var d4 = add.Dom(d0, 'div');
    add.Attr(back, 'style', 'width:100%;height:100%;filter:alpha(opacity=50); -moz-opacity:0.5; opacity:0.5; background:#000; position:fixed; left:0px; top:0px; z-index;1000;');
    add.Attr(d0, 'style', 'position:relative; top:50%; width:100%; height:30px;');
    add.Attr(d1, 'style', 'height:15px; width:15px; position:absolute; background:#ABCDEF; animation:d 2s infinite; -moz-border-radius:15px; -webkit-border-radius: 15px; border-radius: 15px 15px 15px 15px; ');
    add.Attr(d2, 'style', 'height:15px; width:15px; position:absolute; background:#ABCDEF; animation:d 3s infinite; -moz-border-radius:15px; -webkit-border-radius: 15px; border-radius: 15px 15px 15px 15px; ');   
    add.Attr(d3, 'style', 'height:15px; width:15px; position:absolute; background:#ABCDEF; animation:d 4s infinite; -moz-border-radius:15px; -webkit-border-radius: 15px; border-radius: 15px 15px 15px 15px; ');
    add.Attr(d4, 'style', 'height:15px; width:15px; position:absolute; background:#ABCDEF; animation:d 5s infinite; -moz-border-radius:15px; -webkit-border-radius: 15px; border-radius: 15px 15px 15px 15px; ');   
    var div = { domback:back, dom0:d0, dom1:d1, dom2:d2, dom3:d3, dom4:d4 }
    return div;
  //-- Ajax To stop the animation 
  stop:function(d) {
var del = {
  Dom:function(obj) {
var add = {
  //-- Dynamically add Dom node 
  Dom:function (obj,dom) {
    var dom = document.createElement(dom);
    return dom;
  //--  Add properties dynamically 
    obj.setAttribute(key, value);
    return obj;
//--URL coding 
function url(Str){
  return decodeURI(Str);
 *  Template string, syntax tag used <js></js> 
 *  Fully follow javascript Native grammar 
 * @param template
 * @param vars
 * @returns {Function}
function js_template(template, vars) {
  // only 1 Delimiter string 
  var split = '_{' + Math.random() + '}_';
  // Eliminate newline characters 
  var estr = template.replace(/\n|\r|\t/g, '');
  var js = [];
   *  Match the label <js> ...</js>-- And replace it with a particular delimiter string, 
   *  And will match js Code into js Spare in array 
   * */
  estr = estr.replace(/<js>(.*?)<\/js>/g, function ($0, $1) {
    return split;
  /* To separate by a particular delimiter string text An array of text strings */
  var text = estr.split(split);
  estr = " var output='';";
   * 0101010---0 for text[] The element ,1 for js[] The element 
   *  Recatenation joins for execution eval the estr
   * **/
  for (var i = 0; i < js.length; ++i) {
    estr += 'output+=text[' + i + '];';
    estr += js[i];
  estr += 'output+=text[' + js.length + '];';
  estr += 'return output;';
  var fun =new Function('vars','text',estr);
  return function(data){
    return fun.apply(null,[data,text]);

2. add.html

<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1"><title>Lumino Pro - Dashboard</title>
<link href="__SOURCE__/css/bootstrap.min.css" rel="stylesheet">
<link href="__SOURCE__/css/datepicker3.css" rel="stylesheet">
<link href="__SOURCE__/css/styles.css" rel="stylesheet">
<link href="__SOURCE__/css/Table.css" rel="stylesheet">
<link href="__SOURCE__/css/dt.css" rel="stylesheet">
<link href="__SOURCE__/css/plus/buttons.css" rel="stylesheet">
<link href="__SOURCE__/css/file.css" rel="stylesheet">
<link href="__SOURCE__/css/webuploader.css" rel="stylesheet">
<link href="__SOURCE__/css/plus/bootstrap-switch.min.css" rel="stylesheet">
<link href='http://fonts.useso.com/css?family=Lato:100,300,400,700,900,100italic,300italic,400italic,700italic,900italic' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'>
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<link href="__SOURCE__/css/rgba-fallback.css" rel="stylesheet">
<script src="__SOURCE__/js/html5shiv.js"></script>
<script src="__SOURCE__/js/respond.min.js"></script>
  <include file="Apps/Admin/View/include/nav.html"/>    
  <div id="sidebar-collapse" class="col-sm-3 col-lg-2 sidebar">
    <form role="search">
      <div class="form-group">
        <input type="text" class="form-control" placeholder="Search">
  <include file="Apps/Admin/View/include/menu.html"/>
  <div class="col-sm-9 col-sm-offset-3 col-lg-10 col-lg-offset-2 main">     
    <div class="row">
      <ol class="breadcrumb">
        <li><a href="#"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-home"></span></a></li>
        <li class="active">Dashboard</li>
    <div class="row col-no-gutter-container">
    <div class="panel panel-default">
        <div class="panel-heading">Banner add  
          <button id='up' type="button" style='float:right; margin:4px;"' class="btn btn-default"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-plus"></span> upload </button>
          <button id='add' type="button" style='float:right; margin:4px;"' class="btn btn-default"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-plus"></span> Sure to add </button>
          <div class="panel-body">
            <div class="canvas-wrapper">
              <form id='banner'>
               <dl class='dt'>
                <dd><label>Banner The name </label></dd>
                  <div class="form-group has-success">
                    <input name='name' class="form-control" placeholder="Banner The name " value=''>
                <div style='clear:both;'></div>
                <dd><label>Banner type :</label></dd>
                  <div class="form-group has-warning">
                    <select name='type' class="form-control" style='background:rgb(31,45,55); color:#FFF;'>
                      <option value='1' style=' font-size:18px;'> Home page </option>
                      <option value='2' style=' font-size:18px;'> Inside pages of advertising </option>
                <div style='clear:both;'></div>
                <dd><label>Banner The link address :</label></dd>
                  <div class="form-group has-warning">
                    <input name='link' class="form-control" placeholder="Banner The link address " value=''>
               <dl class='dt'>
                <dd><label>Banner upload :</label></dd>
                  <div class="form-group has-warning">
                    <input class="form-control" type = 'button' value=' Select the file '>
                    <input id='files' type='file' class="file">
                <div style='clear:both;'></div>
                <dd><label> The file type :</label></dd>
                  <div class="form-group has-warning">
                    <div id='filetype' class='left' style='padding-top:2px;'></div>
                <div style='clear:both;'></div>
                <dd><label> File upload progress :</label></dd>
                  <div class='form-control' style='padding:2px; height:26px; overflow:hidden;'>
                    <!-- <div id='progress' style='background:#ABCDEF; width:0px; height:22px;'></div> -->
                    <progress id='progress' max="100" value='0' style='width:100%; height:22px; background:#30a5ff;'>o( � � � )o</progress>
                    <div id='gress' height:0px; style='padding-top:2px; color:#FFF; position:relative; bottom:28px; left:40%;'></div>
                  <div id='fileSize' class='right' style='padding-top:2px;'>
                    <span class='left'></span>
              <div style='clear:both;'></div>
              <div class='fixed-table-container' style='height:244px;'>
                <img class='left' id ='thmb' src=''>
                  <ul class='ul-info' style='display:none;'>
                    <li><span class='left'> The file size :</span><p>22222kb</p></li>
                    <li><span class='left'> The file path :</span><p>22222kb</p></li>
                    <li><span class='left'> Picture height :</span><p>22222kb</p></li>
                    <li><span class='left'> Image width :</span><p>22222kb</p></li>
    </div>  <!--/.main-->
  <script src="__SOURCE__/js/jquery-1.11.1.min.js"></script>
  <script src="__SOURCE__/js/bootstrap.min.js"></script>
  <script src="__SOURCE__/js/file.js"></script>
  <script type="text/javascript" src="__SOURCE__/js/plus/bootstrap-datetimepicker.de.js" charset="UTF-8"></script>
  <script src="__SOURCE__/js/plus/bootstrap-switch.min.js"></script>
  <script src="__SOURCE__/js/table.js"></script>
  <script type="text/javascript" src='__SOURCE__/js/lib.js'></script>
    var data = new Object();
    get.Id('files').onchange = function () {
        get.Id('thmb').src = str;
      get.Id('progress').value = 0;
      set.html(get.Tag(get.Id('fileSize'), 'span')[0], file.getSize('files') + 'KB');
      set.html(get.Tag(get.Id('fileSize'), 'span')[1], '/0kb');
    get.Id('up').onclick = function () {
      if(file.getSize('files')<=0) {
        return false;
        form:'banner', //form the id
        url:'{:U('Banner/add',0,0)}', // The address of the upload request file 
        //maxfile:true, // Whether to enable large file uploads 
        progress:function(ev) { //-- Progress callback function in upload 
          get.Id('progress').value = file.getProgress(ev);
          // Get the upload progress file.getProgress(ev)
          set.html(get.Tag(get.Id('fileSize'), 'span')[1], '/' + file.getProgress(ev) * (file.getSize('files') / 100 >>0) + 'KB');
        file:'files', //-- File input box id
        //-- After uploading, the background returns the callback function 
          set.html(get.Tag(get.Id('fileSize'), 'span')[1], '/' + file.getSize('files') + 'KB');
          set.html(get.Id('gress'),' Upload to complete ');        
          data.bannerWidth = e.bannerWidth;
          data.bannerHeight = e.bannerHeight;
          data.bannerTyle = e.bannerTyle;
          data.bannerImg = e.bannerImg;
    get.Id('add').onclick = function () {
      data.name = get.Name('name')[0].value;
      data.type = get.Name('type')[0].value;
      data.link = get.Name('link')[0].value;
      data.act = 'add';
        type:'post',  //  Request way 
        Loading:true, //  Whether to start animation or not 
        time:5,  // The animation is displayed for a few seconds 
        url:'{:U('Banner/add',0,0)}?act=add', // Request the address 
        data:data,  // Sent data  
        dataType:'json', //Ajax The data type returned   , can be String
        success:function (e) { // The callback function 

I hope this article has been helpful in learning javascript programming.

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