JS gets the time dependent function and the conversion between timestamp and time date

  • 2020-12-16 05:51:59
  • OfStack

Timestamp and time date conversions are common operations, and the following code example shows how to convert them to each other.

Before studying this article, let me introduce the Date() constructor parameter in javascript:

About Date object you must be familiar with, using Date() constructor to create a time object is the most basic operation, such as:

var theDate=new Date();

Use the above code to get the day of the current date.

The above is the simplest application of the Date() constructor. The Date object has a variety of constructors, briefly listed below:

new Date()
new Date(milliseconds)
new Date(datestring)
new Date(year, month)
new Date(year, month, day)
new Date(year, month, day, hours)
new Date(year, month, day, hours, minutes)
new Date(year, month, day, hours, minutes, seconds)
new Date(year, month, day, hours, minutes, seconds, microseconds)

The following is a simple analysis of the above constructors.

1.new Date(), when there are no parameters, the current time date object is created.

2.new Date(milliseconds), when the parameter is a number, this parameter is the timestamp and is treated as milliseconds, creating a time and date object specified in milliseconds from January 1, 1970.

3.new Date(datestring), this parameter is 1 string, and this string 1 must be able to be converted using Date.parse ().

4. The following six constructors are precisely defined:

1).year, is 1 integer, if it is 0-99, then add 1900 on this basis, the rest is returned as is.
2).month, is an integer ranging from 0 to 11.

3.day, 1 integer, range 1-31.

4.hours, 1 integer, ranging from 0 to 23.

5.minutes, 1 integer, ranging from 0 to 59.

6.seconds, 1 integer, ranging from 0 to 59.

7.microseconds, 1 integer, ranging from 0 to 9999.

Code example:

var d1=new Date();
var d2=new Date(1320336000000);
var d3=new Date("2013-8-20 18:20:30");
var d4=new Date(2013,7,26);

1. Time and date converted to timestamp:

Now there is such a time date :"2013/5/12 20:10:20", which is converted to the timestamp form:

The code is as follows:

var dateStr="2013/5/12 20:10:20";
var date=new Date(dateStr);

The getTime() function is used to get the timestamp of the specified time date object.

Next, I will introduce the getTime() method of javascript's Date object

Definition and usage of the getTime() method:

This method returns the number of milliseconds between the current time and January 1, 1970.

Note: This method requires an Date object to invoke.

Click to see more about Date object methods and properties.

Grammatical structure:


Example code:

var myDate=new Date()

The above code prints the number of milliseconds between the current time and January 1, 1970.

In fact, there are many other methods, I will not introduce here, just need to know this way can, others can slowly accumulate.

2. Timestamp converted to event date:

Example code 1:

var date=new Date(1368360620000);

Definition and usage of THE toLocaleString() method toLocaleString() method of javascript object:

This method converts the Date object to a string and returns the string based on local time.

Note: This method needs to be called with an instance of an Date object.

Grammatical structure:


Example code:

var d=new Date();

Talk about the toLocaleString() method for the Date object of javascript

Definition and usage of toLocaleString() method:

This method converts the Date object to a string and returns the string based on local time.

Note: This method needs to be called with an instance of the Date object.

Grammatical structure:


Example code:

var d=new Date();

Example 2:

function formatDate(now)
var year=now.getYear(); 
var month=now.getMonth()+1; 
var date=now.getDate(); 
var hour=now.getHours(); 
var minute=now.getMinutes(); 
var second=now.getSeconds(); 
return year+"-"+month+"-"+date+" "+hour+":"+minute+":"+second; 
var d=new Date(1368360620000); 

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