jQuery implements the local preview upload image function

  • 2020-11-26 18:43:20
  • OfStack

This article introduces an example based on JQUERY extension, image upload preview plug-in, currently compatible browser (IE Google Firefox) does not support safari, share for your reference, the specific content is as follows

HTML code:

<title> Photo upload preview demo </title>
<script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.7.1/jquery.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="16/uploadPreview.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
$(function () {
$("#up").uploadPreview({ Img: "ImgPr", Width: 120, Height: 120 });
<div style="width:500px;margin:0px auto;"><h2> Photo upload preview demo </h2>
<a href="# target="_blank"> The original </a>

<div><img id="ImgPr" width="120" height="120" /></div>
<input type="file" id="up" />


js code:

* Parameters that : Img: The picture ID;Width: Preview the width ;Height: Preview the height ;ImgType: Supported file types ;Callback: Select the file display image callback method ;
* Method of use : 
<img id="ImgPr" width="120" height="120" /></div>
<input type="file" id="up" />
 Put the need to preview IMG Outside the label   Set of 1 a DIV  Then give the upload control ID To give uploadPreview The event 
$("#up").uploadPreview({ Img: "ImgPr", Width: 120, Height: 120, ImgType: ["gif", "jpeg", "jpg", "bmp", "png"], Callback: function () { }});
uploadPreview: function (opts) {
var _self = this,
_this = $(this);
opts = jQuery.extend({
Img: "ImgPr",
Width: 100,
Height: 100,
ImgType: ["gif", "jpeg", "jpg", "bmp", "png"],
Callback: function () {}
}, opts || {});
_self.getObjectURL = function (file) {
var url = null;
if (window.createObjectURL != undefined) {
url = window.createObjectURL(file)
} else if (window.URL != undefined) {
url = window.URL.createObjectURL(file)
} else if (window.webkitURL != undefined) {
url = window.webkitURL.createObjectURL(file)
return url
_this.change(function () {
if (this.value) {
if (!RegExp("\.(" + opts.ImgType.join("|") + ")$", "i").test(this.value.toLowerCase())) {
alert(" File selection error , The image type must be " + opts.ImgType.join(" . ") + " In the 1 Kind of ");
this.value = "";
return false
if ($.browser.msie) {
try {
$("#" + opts.Img).attr('src', _self.getObjectURL(this.files[0]))
} catch (e) {
var src = "";
var obj = $("#" + opts.Img);
var div = obj.parent("div")[0];
if (top != self) {
} else {
src = document.selection.createRange().text;
'filter': 'progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(sizingMethod=scale)',
'width': opts.Width + 'px',
'height': opts.Height + 'px'
div.filters.item("DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader").src = src
} else {
$("#" + opts.Img).attr('src', _self.getObjectURL(this.files[0]))

The jquery js implementation previews the local images before uploading them

<style type="text/css">

<script type="text/javascript">
function onUploadImgChange(sender){  
  if( !sender.value.match( /.jpg|.gif|.png|.bmp/i ) ){  
    alert(' Invalid image format! ');  
    return false;  
  var objPreview = document.getElementByIdx_x('preview');  
  var objPreviewFake = document.getElementByIdx_x('preview_fake');  
  var objPreviewSizeFake = document.getElementByIdx_x('preview_size_fake');
  if( sender.files && sender.files[0] ){  
    objPreview.style.display = 'block';  
    objPreview.style.width = 'auto';  
    objPreview.style.height = 'auto';  
    // Firefox  Can't pass directly due to security problem  input[file].value  Gets the full file path   
    objPreview.src = sender.files[0].getAsDataURL();    
  }else if( objPreviewFake.filters ){  
    // IE7,IE8  In setting the local image address is  img.src  When there are inexplicable consequences   
    // (The same environment is sometimes displayed, sometimes not), so it can only be resolved with filters   
    // IE7, IE8 Can't pass directly due to security problem  input[file].value  Gets the full file path   
    var imgSrc = document.selection.createRange().text;  
      'DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader').src = imgSrc;  
      'DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader').src = imgSrc;  
    autoSizePreview( objPreviewFake,  
      objPreviewSizeFake.offsetWidth, objPreviewSizeFake.offsetHeight );  
    objPreview.style.display = 'none';  
function onPreviewLoad(sender){  
  autoSizePreview( sender, sender.offsetWidth, sender.offsetHeight );  
function autoSizePreview( objPre, originalWidth, originalHeight ){  
  var zoomParam = clacImgZoomParam( 300, 300, originalWidth, originalHeight );  
  objPre.style.width = zoomParam.width + 'px';  
  objPre.style.height = zoomParam.height + 'px';  
  objPre.style.marginTop = zoomParam.top + 'px';  
  objPre.style.marginLeft = zoomParam.left + 'px';  
function clacImgZoomParam( maxWidth, maxHeight, width, height ){  
  var param = { width:width, height:height, top:0, left:0 };  
  if( width>maxWidth || height>maxHeight ){  
    rateWidth = width / maxWidth;  
    rateHeight = height / maxHeight;  
    if( rateWidth > rateHeight ){  
      param.width = maxWidth;  
      param.height = height / rateWidth;  
      param.width = width / rateHeight;  
      param.height = maxHeight;  
  param.left = (maxWidth - param.width) / 2;  
  param.top = (maxHeight - param.height) / 2;  
  return param;  
<input name="localfile" type="file" id="localfile" size="28" onchange="onUploadImgChange(this)"/>
<!-- Here is what the preview image is for -->
<div id="preview_wrapper">
<div id="preview_fake">
<img id="preview" src="" onload="onPreviewLoad(this)"/>
<img id="preview_size_fake" />

Above is the entire content of this article, I hope to help you with your study.

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