The mailbox drop down automatically populates the selected sample code figure

  • 2020-03-30 02:30:59
  • OfStack

1. You need a js file: jquery. Mailautocomplet-3.1.js
$.fn.mailAutoComplete = function(options){ 
var defaults = { 
boxClass: "mailListBox", //External box style
listClass: "mailListDefault", //The default list style
focusClass: "mailListFocus", //List of selected styles
markCalss: "mailListHlignt", //Highlighting the style
zIndex: 1, 
autoClass: true, //Whether to use the built-in class style of the plug-in
mailArr: ["","","","","","","","","",""], //Mail array
textHint: false, //Automatic display and hiding of text prompt
hintText: "", 
focusColor: "#333", 
blurColor: "#999" 
var settings = $.extend({}, defaults, options || {}); 

//The page loads CSS styles
if(settings.autoClass && $("#mailListAppendCss").size() === 0){ 
$('<style id="mailListAppendCss" type="text/css">.mailListBox{border:1px solid #369; background:#fff; font:12px/20px Arial;}.mailListDefault{padding:0 5px;cursor:pointer;white-space:nowrap;}.mailListFocus{padding:0 5px;cursor:pointer;white-space:nowrap;background:#369;color:white;}.mailListHlignt{color:red;}.mailListFocus .mailListHlignt{color:#fff;}</style>').appendTo($("head")); 
var cb = settings.boxClass, cl = settings.listClass, cf = settings.focusClass, cm = settings.markCalss; //The plug-in's class variable
var z = settings.zIndex, newArr = mailArr = settings.mailArr, hint = settings.textHint, text = settings.hintText, fc = settings.focusColor, bc = settings.blurColor; 
//Create the message internal list content
$.createHtml = function(str, arr, cur){ 
var mailHtml = ""; 
$.each(arr, function(i, n){ 
if(i === cur){ 
mailHtml += '<div class="mailHover '+cf+'" id="mailList_'+i+'"><span class="'+cm+'">'+str+'</span>@'+arr[i]+'</div>'; 
mailHtml += '<div class="mailHover '+cl+'" id="mailList_'+i+'"><span class="'+cm+'">'+str+'</span>@'+arr[i]+'</div>'; 
return mailHtml; 
//Some global variables
var index = -1, s; 
var that = $(this), i = $(".justForJs").size(); 
if(i > 0){ //Only one text box is bound
var w = that.outerWidth(), h = that.outerHeight(); //Gets the width and height of the current object (that is, the text box)
//Style initialization
that.wrap('<span style="display:inline-block;position:relative;"></span>') 
.before('<div id="mailListBox_'+i+'" class="justForJs '+cb+'" style="min-width:'+w+'px;_width:'+w+'px;position:absolute;left:-6000px;top:'+h+'px;z-index:'+z+';"></div>'); 
var x = $("#mailListBox_" + i), liveValue; //List box object
//Hierarchy of parent tags
$(this).css("color", fc).parent().css("z-index", z); 
//Display and hide prompt text
if(hint && text){ 
var focus_v = $.trim($(this).val()); 
if(focus_v === text){ 
//Keyboard events
s = v = $.trim($(this).val()); 
s = v.replace(/@.*/, ""); 
if(v.length > 0){ 
//If the buttons are up and down
if(e.keyCode === 38){ 
// upward  
if(index <= 0){ 
index = newArr.length; 
}else if(e.keyCode === 40){ 
// down  
if(index >= newArr.length - 1){ 
index = -1; 
}else if(e.keyCode === 13){ 
// enter  
if(index > -1 && index < newArr.length){ 
//If there is currently an activation list
index = -1; 
//Get the value after the @ sign
//s = v.replace(/@.*/, ""); 
//Create a new matching array
var site = v.replace(/.*@/, ""); 
newArr = $.map(mailArr, function(n){ 
var reg = new RegExp(site); 
return n; 
newArr = mailArr; 
x.html($.createHtml(s, newArr, index)).css("left", 0); 
if(e.keyCode === 13){ 
// enter  
if(index > -1 && index < newArr.length){ 
//If there is currently an activation list
x.css("left", "-6000px"); 
x.css("left", "-6000px"); 
if(hint && text){ 
var blur_v = $.trim($(this).val()); 
if(blur_v === ""){ 
$(this).css("color", bc).unbind("keyup").parent().css("z-index",0); 
x.css("left", "-6000px"); 

//Mouse over list item events
//The mouse after
$(".mailHover").live("mouseover", function(){ 
index = Number($(this).attr("id").split("_")[1]); 
liveValue = $("#mailList_"+index).text(); 
x.children("." + cf).removeClass(cf).addClass(cl); 

x.bind("mousedown", function(){ 


2. Of course, the jq library is indispensable, which is omitted here

So let's test that out

3. Style sheet:
<style type="text/css"> 
.out_box{border:1px solid #ccc; background:#fff; font:12px/20px Tahoma;} 
.list_box{border-bottom:1px solid #eee; padding:0 5px; cursor:pointer;} 

4. Test the code
<p> The custom class Display: <input type="text" id="customTest" size="28" /></p> 

<script src="js/jquery-1.6.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script> 
<script src="js/jquery.mailAutoComplete-3.1.js" type="text/javascript"></script> 
<script type="text/javascript"> 
$(function() { 
boxClass: "out_box", //External box style
listClass: "list_box", //The default list style
focusClass: "focus_box", //List of selected styles
markCalss: "mark_box", //Highlighting the style
autoClass: false, 
textHint: true, //Prompt text is automatically hidden
hintText: " Please enter your email address " 

< img SRC = "border = 0 / / 201433154738 ">

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