JavaScript front end development to implement binary read write operations

  • 2020-09-28 08:44:20
  • OfStack

For the relevant introduction of javascript front-end development to implement base 2 read-write operation, please see the following details. This article is very detailed and has reference value.

For a variety of reasons, it is not possible to operate in base 2 as nodejs does in the browser.

I recently wrote a helper class for reading and writing base 2 on the browser side

!function (entrance) {
  "use strict";
  if ("object" === typeof exports && "undefined" !== typeof module) {
    module.exports = entrance();
  } else if ("function" === typeof define && define.amd) {
    define([], entrance());
  } else {
    var f;
    if ("undefined" !== typeof window) {
      f = window;
    } else {
      throw new Error('wrong execution environment');
    f.TinyStream = entrance();
}(function () {
  var binaryPot = {
     *  Initializes the byte stream , the -128 to 128 Change the interval of 0-256 The range of . Easy to calculate 
     * @param {Array} array  Byte stream array 
     * @return {Array}  Converted byte stream array 
    init: function (array) {
      for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
        array[i] *= 1;
        if (array[i] < 0) {
          array[i] += 256
          throw new Error(' Illegal byte stream ')
      return array;
     *  the 1 Segment string according to utf8 The code is written to the buffer 
     * @param {String} str  The string to be written to the buffer 
     * @param {Boolean} isGetBytes  Whether to get only content bytes ( Does not include the first two placeholder bytes )
     * @returns {Array}  Byte stream 
    writeUTF: function (str, isGetBytes) {
      var back = [],
        byteSize = 0;
      for (var i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {
        var code = str.charCodeAt(i);
        if (code >= 0 && code <= 127) {
          byteSize += 1;
        } else if (code >= 128 && code <= 2047) {
          byteSize += 2;
          back.push((192 | (31 & (code >> 6))));
          back.push((128 | (63 & code)))
        } else if (code >= 2048 && code <= 65535) {
          byteSize += 3;
          back.push((224 | (15 & (code >> 12))));
          back.push((128 | (63 & (code >> 6))));
          back.push((128 | (63 & code)))
      for (i = 0; i < back.length; i++) {
        if (back[i] > 255) {
          back[i] &= 255
      if (isGetBytes) {
        return back
      if (byteSize <= 255) {
        return [0, byteSize].concat(back);
      } else {
        return [byteSize >> 8, byteSize & 255].concat(back);
     *  the 1 String throttling follows utf8 Code read out 
     * @param arr  Byte stream 
     * @returns {String}  Read the string 
    readUTF: function (arr) {
      if ( == "[object String]") {
        return arr;
      var UTF = "",
        _arr = this.init(arr);
      for (var i = 0; i < _arr.length; i++) {
        var one = _arr[i].toString(2),
          v = one.match(/^1+?(?=0)/);
        if (v && one.length == 8) {
          var bytesLength = v[0].length,
            store = _arr[i].toString(2).slice(7 - bytesLength);
          for (var st = 1; st < bytesLength; st++) {
            store += _arr[st + i].toString(2).slice(2)
          UTF += String.fromCharCode(parseInt(store, 2));
          i += bytesLength - 1
        } else {
          UTF += String.fromCharCode(_arr[i])
      return UTF
     *  Converted to Stream object 
     * @param x
     * @returns {Stream}
    convertStream: function (x) {
      if (x instanceof Stream) {
        return x
      } else {
        return new Stream(x)
     *  the 1 Segment string converted to mqtt format 
     * @param str
     * @returns {*|Array}
    toMQttString: function (str) {
      return this.writeUTF(str)
   *  Reads a byte stream of the specified length into the specified array 
   * @param {Stream} m Stream The instance 
   * @param {number} i  Read length 
   * @param {Array} a  Stored array 
   * @returns {Array}  Stored array 
  function baseRead(m, i, a) {
    var t = a ? a : [];
    for (var start = 0; start < i; start++) {
      t[start] = m.pool[m.position++]
    return t
   *  Determine if the browser supports it ArrayBuffer
  var supportArrayBuffer = (function () {
    return !!window.ArrayBuffer;
   *  Byte stream handles entity classes 
   * @param {String|Array} array  Initializes the byte stream , If it is a string, follow UTF8 The format of write buffer 
   * @constructor
  function Stream(array) {
    if (!(this instanceof Stream)) {
      return new Stream(array);
     *  Byte stream buffer 
     * @type {Array}
    this.pool = [];
    if ( === '[object Array]') {
      this.pool = binaryPot.init(array);
    } else if ( == "[object ArrayBuffer]") {
      var arr = new Int8Array(array);
      this.pool = binaryPot.init([];
    } else if (typeof array === 'string') {
      this.pool = binaryPot.writeUTF(array);
    var self = this;
    // The starting position at which the current flow executes 
    this.position = 0;
    // How many bytes are being written by the current stream 
    this.writen = 0;
    // Returns whether the start of the current stream execution is already greater than the length of the entire stream 
    this.check = function () {
      return self.position >= self.pool.length
   *  Cast to Stream object 
   * @param x
   * @returns {*|Stream}
  Stream.parse = function (x) {
    return binaryPot.convertStream(x);
  Stream.prototype = {
     *  Read from the buffer 4 The length of 2 bytes and converted to int value ,position Move back 4 position 
     * @returns {Number}  The number that was read 
     * @description  if position Returns the buffer length greater than or equal to -1
    readInt: function () {
      if (this.check()) {
        return -1
      var end = "";
      for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
        end += this.pool[this.position++].toString(16)
      return parseInt(end, 16);
     *  Read from the buffer 1 bytes ,position Move back 1 position 
     * @returns {Number}
     * @description  if position Returns the buffer length greater than or equal to -1
    readByte: function () {
      if (this.check()) {
        return -1
      var val = this.pool[this.position++];
      if (val > 255) {
        val &= 255;
      return val;
     *  Read from the buffer 1 bytes , Or read a specified length of bytes into the incoming array ,position Move back 1 or bytesArray.length position 
     * @param {Array|undefined} bytesArray
     * @returns {Array|Number}
    read: function (bytesArray) {
      if (this.check()) {
        return -1
      if (bytesArray) {
        return baseRead(this, bytesArray.length | 0, bytesArray)
      } else {
        return this.readByte();
     *  Buffer from position Position according to the UTF8 Format to read a string ,position Move back the specified length 
     * @returns {String}  Read string 
    readUTF: function () {
      var big = (this.readByte() << 8) | this.readByte();
      return binaryPot.readUTF(this.pool.slice(this.position, this.position += big));
     *  Writes the byte stream to the buffer ,writen Move back the specified bit 
     * @param {Number|Array} _byte  The bytes that write to the buffer ( flow )
     * @returns {Array}  Write byte stream 
    write: function (_byte) {
      var b = _byte;
      if ( == "[object array]") {
        [].push.apply(this.pool, b);
        this.writen += b.length;
      } else {
        if (+b == b) {
          if (b > 255) {
            b &= 255;
      return b
     *  Think of parameters as char Type write buffer ,writen Move back 2 position 
     * @param {Number} v  The bytes that write to the buffer 
    writeChar: function (v) {
      if (+v != v) {
        throw new Error("writeChar:arguments type is error")
      this.write((v >> 8) & 255);
      this.write(v & 255);
      this.writen += 2
     *  String according to UTF8 The format of write buffer ,writen Move back the specified bit 
     * @param {String} str  string 
     * @return {Array}  The buffer 
    writeUTF: function (str) {
      var val = binaryPot.writeUTF(str);
      [].push.apply(this.pool, val);
      this.writen += val.length;
     *  The format of the buffer byte stream from 0 to 256 Change the interval of -128 to 128 The range of 
     * @returns {Array}  Converted byte stream 
    toComplements: function () {
      var _tPool = this.pool;
      for (var i = 0; i < _tPool.length; i++) {
        if (_tPool[i] > 128) {
          _tPool[i] -= 256
      return _tPool
     *  Gets the bytes of the entire buffer 
     * @param {Boolean} isCom  Whether to convert byte stream intervals 
     * @returns {Array}  The converted buffer 
    getBytesArray: function (isCom) {
      if (isCom) {
        return this.toComplements()
      return this.pool
     *  Converts the byte stream of the buffer to ArrayBuffer
     * @returns {ArrayBuffer}
     * @throw {Error}  Does not support ArrayBuffer
    toArrayBuffer: function () {
      if (supportArrayBuffer) {
        return new ArrayBuffer(this.getBytesArray());
      } else {
        throw new Error('not support arraybuffer');
    clear: function () {
      this.pool = [];
      this.writen = this.position = 0;
  return Stream;

How to use it?

<script src="binary.js"></script>
   var ts = TinyStream(' My name is Zhang Yatao ');
   ts.writeUTF(' hello ');
   console.log(' Gets a buffer byte stream :',ts.getBytesArray());
   console.log(' Current buffer position for :',ts.position,'writen for :',ts.writen);
   console.log(' Read the first 1 a utf8 Byte stream :',ts.readUTF());
   console.log(' Current buffer position for :',ts.position,'writen for :',ts.writen);
   console.log(' Read the first 2 a utf8 Byte stream :',ts.readUTF());
   console.log(' Current buffer position for :',ts.position,'writen for :',ts.writen);

In the future, I won't have to worry about handling base 2 in the browser segment!! I hope this article will be helpful for you to learn the javascript2 base system.

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