node. js calls the module instance developed by C++

  • 2020-07-21 06:42:19
  • OfStack

How to use C++ to interact with node? In the program of node, if the calculation of large amount of data is slow, it can use C++ to process, and then return to node through callback (in the form of callback). Let's review the 1 orthodox approach to developing native modules with C++

#include <node.h> 
#include <v8.h> 
using namespace v8; 
//  Here is the  hello  Function of the  C++  implementation  
Handle<Value> Method(const Arguments& args) { 
 HandleScope scope; 
 return scope.Close(String::New("world")); 
//  Here is the module initialization function, must have  
void init(Handle<Object> exports) { 
//  The name and initialization function of this module are defined here  
NODE_MODULE(hello, init)

This module, written in Node, looks like this:

exports.hello = function() { 
 return 'world'; 

 In order to compile  C++  For this module, we still need 1 a  JSON  The format of  binding.gyp  File to define the compilation details.  
 "targets": [ 
   "target_name": "hello", 
   "sources": [ "hello.cpp" ] 

node-gyp configure build is compiled directly.

node test.js: 
var addon = require('./build/Release/hello'); 


Just output the result.

So node can directly call C++ written procedures.

In ES32en. cc, we first create a function Method, which returns a string of "hello,world", then we create a function of init, which we call as an initializer

Finally, we bind this module to: NODE_MODULE(hello, init)

According to the official website, all node plug-ins must output an initialization function, which means that the following code must be in a fixed format in each module.

void Initialize (Handle<Object> exports); 
NODE_MODULE(module_name, Initialize) 

Where module_name must correspond to target_name in ES52en.gyp.

After compiling node-ES59en configure build, a new folder for build will be generated under the current file. By referring to the result of build in ES63en.js, we can call C++ written program.

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