An example of the problem of ifame parent window calling child window in Chrome
- 2020-03-30 02:22:29
- OfStack
One browser incompatibility problem encountered in the project:
Calling child Windows' js functions directly in the parent window of the ifame frame page with the child window's name works well in IE and Firefox, but not in Chrome.
Under IE and Firefox you can write:
Can be,
This is the only way to write it in Chrome, so it's the second way to write it when you're considering multiple browser compatibility issues.
Calling child Windows' js functions directly in the parent window of the ifame frame page with the child window's name works well in IE and Firefox, but not in Chrome.
<frameset rows="108,*,30" border="0" frameSpacing="0" frameBorder="0">
<frame name="header" scrolling="no" noresize src="base/header" />
<frame id="memuMain" name="main" scrolling="no" noresize src="${ctx}/index.jsp" />
<frame name="footer" scrolling="no" noresize src="base/footer" />
<p> This page USES a framework, but your browser does not support a framework. </p>
Under IE and Firefox you can write:
function changeMenu(menu_id){
function changeMenu(menu_id){
Can be,
This is the only way to write it in Chrome, so it's the second way to write it when you're considering multiple browser compatibility issues.