Javascript anonymous function application sample introduction

  • 2020-03-30 02:19:04
  • OfStack

Javascript anonymous function, that is, the function does not have a name, the following list of test code
function debug(data) { 

But some functions, it just happens to be written like this
(function(x, y) { 
debug(x + y); 

That's what we call an anonymous function
var fun = null; 
(function() { 
var test = function(x ,y ) { 
debug(x +y); 
fun =test; 

At this point you type in the fun in the browser console, and you'll see that it prints function(x, y){debug(x +y); } so obviously this is a function, if you type in fun(1, 2); At this point, I'm going to print out a 3. Now let's look at the types.
var U = { 
uid: 32812, 
gameList: (function(){ 
var list = new Array(); 
list[7]= '360'; 
if(list != 'null'){ 
return list; 
serverList: (function(){ 
var list = new Array(); 
if(list != 'null'){ 
return list; 
channelList: (function(){ 
var list = new Array(); 
list[9]=' Hand them '; 
return list; 
searchName : function(t,id){ 
if( id == false || /^d+$/.test(id) == false ){ 
return ' This is a function '; 
}else if(eval(t).hasOwnProperty(id)){ 
return eval(t)[id]; 
return 'test'; 

At this point, you type U in the console; You'll see that this is an array. U['searchName '] is a function, and U['qudaoList'] returns a result.

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