100 can't miss utility JS custom functions
- 2020-03-30 02:16:57
- OfStack
1, native JavaScript to achieve string length interception
function cutstr(str, len) {
var temp;
var icount = 0;
var patrn = /[^x00-xff]/;
var strre = "";
for (var i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {
if (icount < len - 1) {
temp = str.substr(i, 1);
if (patrn.exec(temp) == null) {
icount = icount + 1
} else {
icount = icount + 2
strre += temp
} else {
return strre + "..."
2, native JavaScript to get the domain host
function getHost(url) {
var host = "null";
if(typeof url == "undefined"|| null == url) {
url = window.location.href;
var regex = /^w+://([^/]*).*/;
var match = url.match(regex);
if(typeof match != "undefined" && null != match) {
host = match[1];
return host;
3. Native JavaScript clears Spaces
String.prototype.trim = function() {
var reExtraSpace = /^s*(.*?)s+$/;
return this.replace(reExtraSpace, "$1")
4. Replace everything with native JavaScript
String.prototype.replaceAll = function(s1, s2) {
return this.replace(new RegExp(s1, "gm"), s2)
5. Native JavaScript escapes HTML tags
function HtmlEncode(text) {
return text.replace(/&/g, '&').replace(/"/g, '"').replace(/</g, '<').replace(/>/g, '>')
6. Native JavaScript restores HTML tags
function HtmlDecode(text) {
return text.replace(/&/g, '&').replace(/"/g, '"').replace(/</g, '<').replace(/>/g, '>')
7. Native JavaScript time and date format conversion
Date.prototype.Format = function(formatStr) {
var str = formatStr;
var Week = [' day ', ' one ', ' two ', ' three ', ' four ', ' five ', ' six '];
str = str.replace(/yyyy|YYYY/, this.getFullYear());
str = str.replace(/yy|YY/, (this.getYear() % 100) > 9 ? (this.getYear() % 100).toString() : '0' + (this.getYear() % 100));
str = str.replace(/MM/, (this.getMonth() + 1) > 9 ? (this.getMonth() + 1).toString() : '0' + (this.getMonth() + 1));
str = str.replace(/M/g, (this.getMonth() + 1));
str = str.replace(/w|W/g, Week[this.getDay()]);
str = str.replace(/dd|DD/, this.getDate() > 9 ? this.getDate().toString() : '0' + this.getDate());
str = str.replace(/d|D/g, this.getDate());
str = str.replace(/hh|HH/, this.getHours() > 9 ? this.getHours().toString() : '0' + this.getHours());
str = str.replace(/h|H/g, this.getHours());
str = str.replace(/mm/, this.getMinutes() > 9 ? this.getMinutes().toString() : '0' + this.getMinutes());
str = str.replace(/m/g, this.getMinutes());
str = str.replace(/ss|SS/, this.getSeconds() > 9 ? this.getSeconds().toString() : '0' + this.getSeconds());
str = str.replace(/s|S/g, this.getSeconds());
return str
8. Native JavaScript determines whether it is a numeric type
function isDigit(value) {
var patrn = /^[0-9]*$/;
if (patrn.exec(value) == null || value == "") {
return false
} else {
return true
9. Native JavaScript sets the cookie value
function setCookie(name, value, Hours) {
var d = new Date();
var offset = 8;
var utc = d.getTime() + (d.getTimezoneOffset() * 60000);
var nd = utc + (3600000 * offset);
var exp = new Date(nd);
exp.setTime(exp.getTime() + Hours * 60 * 60 * 1000);
document.cookie = name + "=" + escape(value) + ";path=/;expires=" + exp.toGMTString() + ";domain=360doc.com;"
10. Native JavaScript gets the cookie value
function getCookie(name) {
var arr = document.cookie.match(new RegExp("(^| )" + name + "=([^;]*)(;|$)"));
if (arr != null) return unescape(arr[2]);
return null
11. Add native JavaScript to favorites
function AddFavorite(sURL, sTitle) {
try {
window.external.addFavorite(sURL, sTitle)
} catch(e) {
try {
window.sidebar.addPanel(sTitle, sURL, "")
} catch(e) {
alert(" Join collection failed, please use Ctrl+D add ")
12. Native JavaScript is set as the home page
function setHomepage() {
if (document.all) {
document.body.style.behavior = 'url(#default#homepage)';
} else if (window.sidebar) {
if (window.netscape) {
try {
} catch(e) {
alert(" This operation is rejected by the browser. If you want to enable this function, please enter it in the address bar about:config, Then put the items signed.applets.codebase_principal_support The value true")
var prefs = Components.classes['@mozilla.org/preferences-service;1'].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIPrefBranch);
prefs.setCharPref('browser.startup.homepage', 'http://www.jq-school.com')
13, native JavaScript judge IE6
var ua = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();
var isIE6 = ua.indexOf("msie 6") > -1;
if (isIE6) {
try {
document.execCommand("BackgroundImageCache", false, true)
} catch(e) {}
14. Native JavaScript loading style file
function LoadStyle(url) {
try {
} catch(e) {
var cssLink = document.createElement('link');
cssLink.rel = 'stylesheet';
cssLink.type = 'text/css';
cssLink.href = url;
var head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0];
15. Native JavaScript returns the content of the script
function evalscript(s) {
if(s.indexOf('<script') == -1) return s;
var p = /<script[^>]*?>([^x00]*?)</script>/ig;
var arr = [];
while(arr = p.exec(s)) {
var p1 = /<script[^>]*?src="([^>]*?)"[^>]*?(reload="1")?(?:charset="([w-]+?)")?></script>/i;
var arr1 = [];
arr1 = p1.exec(arr[0]);
if(arr1) {
appendscript(arr1[1], '', arr1[2], arr1[3]);
} else {
p1 = /<script(.*?)>([^x00]+?)</script>/i;
arr1 = p1.exec(arr[0]);
appendscript('', arr1[2], arr1[1].indexOf('reload=') != -1);
return s;
16. Native JavaScript clears script content
function stripscript(s) {
return s.replace(/<script.*?>.*?</script>/ig, '');
17. Native JavaScript dynamically loads script files
function appendscript(src, text, reload, charset) {
var id = hash(src + text);
if(!reload && in_array(id, evalscripts)) return;
if(reload && $(id)) {
var scriptNode = document.createElement("script");
scriptNode.type = "text/javascript";
scriptNode.id = id;
scriptNode.charset = charset ? charset : (BROWSER.firefox ? document.characterSet : document.charset);
try {
if(src) {
scriptNode.src = src;
scriptNode. = false;
scriptNode.onload = function () {
scriptNode. = true;
JSLOADED[src] = 1;
scriptNode.onreadystatechange = function () {
if((scriptNode.readyState == 'loaded' || scriptNode.readyState == 'complete') && !scriptNode. {
scriptNode. = true;
JSLOADED[src] = 1;
} else if(text){
scriptNode.text = text;
} catch(e) {}
18. Native JavaScript returns the element object retrieved by ID
function $(id) {
return !id ? null : document.getElementById(id);
19. Native JavaScript returns the content of the browser version
function browserVersion(types) {
var other = 1;
for(i in types) {
var v = types[i] ? types[i] : i;
if(USERAGENT.indexOf(v) != -1) {
var re = new RegExp(v + '(\/|\s)([\d\.]+)', 'ig');
var matches = re.exec(USERAGENT);
var ver = matches != null ? matches[2] : 0;
other = ver !== 0 && v != 'mozilla' ? 0 : other;
}else {
var ver = 0;
eval('BROWSER.' + i + '= ver');
BROWSER.other = other;
20. General method of displaying native JavaScript elements
function $(id) {
return !id ? null : document.getElementById(id);
function display(id) {
var obj = $(id);
if(obj.style.visibility) {
obj.style.visibility = obj.style.visibility == 'visible' ? 'hidden' : 'visible';
} else {
obj.style.display = obj.style.display == '' ? 'none' : '';
There is an insertBefore method in native JavaScript, but there is no insertAfter method. This is implemented using the following function
function insertAfter(newChild,refChild){
var parElem=refChild.parentNode;
22. Browser binding element events are compatible in native JavaScript
function addEventSamp(obj,evt,fn){
if (obj.addEventListener) {
obj.addEventListener(evt, fn, false);
}else if(obj.attachEvent){
23. The native JavaScript cursor stops behind the text and is called when the text box gets focus
function focusLast(){
var e = event.srcElement;
var r =e.createTextRange();
24. Native JavaScript verifies whether the URL link is valid
function getUrlState(URL){
var xmlhttp = new ActiveXObject("microsoft.xmlhttp");
xmlhttp.Open("GET",URL, false);
var result = xmlhttp.responseText;
25. Native JavaScript formats CSS style code
function formatCss(s){//Format code
s = s.replace(/s*([{}:;,])s*/g, "$1");
s = s.replace(/;s*;/g, ";"); //Clear the continuous semicolon
s = s.replace(/,[s.#d]*{/g, "{");
s = s.replace(/([^s]){([^s])/g, "$1 {nt$2");
s = s.replace(/([^s])}([^n]*)/g, "$1n}n$2");
s = s.replace(/([^s]);([^s}])/g, "$1;nt$2");
return s;
26. Native JavaScript compression CSS style code
function yasuoCss (s) {//The compression code
s = s.replace(//*(.|n)*?*//g, ""); // Remove the comments
s = s.replace(/s*([{}:;,])s*/g, "$1");
s = s.replace(/,[s.#d]*{/g, "{"); //Fault-tolerant processing
s = s.replace(/;s*;/g, ";"); //Clear the continuous semicolon
s = s.match(/^s*(S+(s+S+)*)s*$/); //Remove head and tail space
return (s == null) ? "" : s[1];
27. Native JavaScript gets the current path
var currentPageUrl = "";
if (typeof this.href === "undefined") {
currentPageUrl = document.location.toString().toLowerCase();
else {
currentPageUrl = this.href.toString().toLowerCase();
28. Convert javascript tip to integer
function _ip2int(ip){
var num = 0;
ip = ip.split(".");
num = Number(ip[0]) * 256 * 256 * 256 + Number(ip[1]) * 256 * 256 + Number(ip[2]) * 256 + Number(ip[3]);
num = num >>> 0;
return num;
29. Native JavaScript integer is resolved to an IP address
function _int2iP(num){
var str;
var tt = new Array();
tt[0] = (num >>> 24) >>> 0;
tt[1] = ((num << 8) >>> 24) >>> 0;
tt[2] = (num << 16) >>> 24;
tt[3] = (num << 24) >>> 24;
str = String(tt[0]) + "." + String(tt[1]) + "." + String(tt[2]) + "." + String(tt[3]);
return str;
30. Native JavaScript checkbox with or without checkbox
function checkAll() {
var selectall = document.getElementById("selectall");
var allbox = document.getElementsByName("allbox");
if (selectall.checked) {
for (var i = 0; i < allbox.length; i++) {
allbox[i].checked = true;
} else {
for (var i = 0; i < allbox.length; i++) {
allbox[i].checked = false;