Use AngularJS to create a custom filter

  • 2020-06-15 07:48:57
  • OfStack

The Angularjs filter is one of the great features of angularjs. One day, you may need to use a custom filter. Fortunately, you found this post.

Here's what the custom filter looks like (note myfilter):

Our custom filter is called "myfilter" and it has four parameters separated by ':'.

Here is a sample input that will be used:

  $scope.friends = [{name:'John', phone:'555-1276'}, 
           {name:'Annie', phone:'800-BIG-MARY'}, 
           {name:'Mike', phone:'555-4321'}, 
           {name:'Adam', phone:'555-5678'}, 
           {name:'David', phone:'555-8765'}, 
           {name:'Mikay', phone:'555-5678'}];

The filter only shows the item with "555" in the phone number, which is the sample output:

 Name   Phone 
 John   555-1276 
 Mike   555-4321 
 Adam   555-5678 
 David   555-8765 
 Mikay   555-5678

The process of filtering "555" is performed by "windowScopedFilter", which is the fourth parameter of the filter 'myfilter'.

Let's implement these functions (adding logging to each input parameter):

 var myapp = angular.module('MyFilterApp', []); 
 myapp.filter('myfilter', function() { 
  return function(input, param1) { 
   console.log("------------------------------------------------- begin dump of custom parameters"); 
   console.log("param1(string)=", param1); 
   var args =; 
   console.log("arguments=", args.length); 
   if (3<=args.length) { 
      console.log("param2(string)=", args[2]); 
   if (4<=args.length) { 
      console.log("param3(bool)=", args[3]); 
   console.log("------------------------------------------------- end dump of custom parameters"); 
   // filter 
   if (5<=args.length) { 
      return window[args[4]](input); 
   return input; 

Much of the code above is log. The most important part of actually doing the filtering is:

   // filter 
   if (5<=args.length) { 
      return window[args[4]](input); 
   return input;

"return window[args[4]](input)" calls the fourth argument, which is 'windowScopedFilter'.

This is the console output:

 "------------------------------------------------- begin dump of custom parameters" custom_filter_function.html:21 
 "input=" [object Array] custom_filter_function.html:22 
 "param1(string)=" "param1" custom_filter_function.html:23 
 "arguments=" 5 custom_filter_function.html:25 
 "param2(string)=" "param2" custom_filter_function.html:27 
 "param3(bool)=" true custom_filter_function.html:30 
 "------------------------------------------------- end dump of custom parameters" custom_filter_function.html:32 
 "------------------------------------------------- begin dump of custom parameters" custom_filter_function.html:21 
 "input=" [object Array] custom_filter_function.html:22 
 "param1(string)=" "param1" custom_filter_function.html:23 
 "arguments=" 5 custom_filter_function.html:25 
 "param2(string)=" "param2" custom_filter_function.html:27 
 "param3(bool)=" true custom_filter_function.html:30 
 "------------------------------------------------- end dump of custom parameters" custom_filter_function.html:32

Complete code:

 <script src="angular.min.js"></script> 
 <script type="text/javascript"> 
 function windowScopedFilter (input) { 
   var output = []; 
   angular.forEach(input, function(v,k){ 
      if ("555")) { 
   return output;    
 var myapp = angular.module('MyFilterApp', []); 
 myapp.filter('myfilter', function() { 
  return function(input, param1) { 
   console.log("------------------------------------------------- begin dump of custom parameters"); 
   console.log("param1(string)=", param1); 
   var args =; 
   console.log("arguments=", args.length); 
   if (3<=args.length) { 
      console.log("param2(string)=", args[2]); 
   if (4<=args.length) { 
      console.log("param3(bool)=", args[3]); 
   console.log("------------------------------------------------- end dump of custom parameters"); 
   // filter 
   if (5<=args.length) { 
      return window[args[4]](input); 
   return input; 
 myapp.controller('MyFilterController', ['$scope', function($scope) { 
  $scope.friends = [{name:'John', phone:'555-1276'}, 
           {name:'Annie', phone:'800-BIG-MARY'}, 
           {name:'Mike', phone:'555-4321'}, 
           {name:'Adam', phone:'555-5678'}, 
           {name:'David', phone:'555-8765'}, 
           {name:'Mikay', phone:'555-5678'}]; 
 <body ng-app="MyFilterApp"> 
 <div ng-controller="MyFilterController"> 
   <table id="searchTextResults"> 
    <tr ng-repeat="friend in friends |myfilter:'param1':'param2':true:'windowScopedFilter'"> 

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