Js gets the current address. Js gets the current URL

  • 2020-03-30 02:09:44
  • OfStack

<table width=100% cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 border=0 > 
<script language="javascript">
thisURL = document.URL; 
thisHREF = document.location.href; 
thisSLoc = self.location.href; 
thisDLoc = document.location; 
strwrite = "<tr><td valign=top>thisURL: </td><td>[" + thisURL + "]</td></tr>" 
strwrite += "<tr><td valign=top>thisHREF: </td><td>[" + thisHREF + "]</td></tr>" 
strwrite += "<tr><td valign=top>thisSLoc: </td><td>[" + thisSLoc + "]</td></tr>" 
strwrite += "<tr><td valign=top>thisDLoc: </td><td>[" + thisDLoc + "]</td></tr>" 
document.write( strwrite ); 
thisDLoc = document.location; <BR> 
thisURL = document.URL; <BR> 
thisHREF = document.location.href; <BR> 
thisSLoc = self.location.href;<BR> 
<script language="javascript"> 
thisTLoc = top.location.href; 
thisPLoc = parent.document.location; 
thisTHost = top.location.hostname; 
thisHost = location.hostname; 
strwrite = "<tr><td valign=top>thisTLoc: </td><td>[" + thisTLoc + "]</td></tr>" 
strwrite += "<tr><td valign=top>thisPLoc: </td><td>[" + thisPLoc + "]</td></tr>" 
strwrite += "<tr><td valign=top>thisTHost: </td><td>[" + thisTHost + "]</td></tr>" 
strwrite += "<tr><td valign=top>thisHost: </td><td>[" + thisHost + "]</td></tr>" 
document.write( strwrite ); 
thisTLoc = top.location.href; <BR> 
thisPLoc = parent.document.location; <BR> 
thisTHost = top.location.hostname; <BR> 
thisHost = location.hostname;<BR> 
<script language="javascript">
tmpHPage = thisHREF.split( "/" ); 
thisHPage = tmpHPage[ tmpHPage.length-1 ]; 
tmpUPage = thisURL.split( "/" ); 
thisUPage = tmpUPage[ tmpUPage.length-1 ]; 
strwrite = "<tr><td valign=top>thisHPage: </td><td>[" + thisHPage + "]</td></tr>" 
strwrite += "<tr><td valign=top>thisUPage: </td><td>[" + thisUPage + "]</td></tr>" 
document.write( strwrite ); 

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