Js settimeout method plus the use of parameters
- 2020-03-30 02:08:28
- OfStack
Easy to use look at w3school
There's no argument call in there,
Examples are as follows
< Input type="button" value=" display timing warning box "onClick =" timedMsg()">
My problem now is between multiple, only the last one comes back. Think about it
Still not quite. Got it
The reason for the error in the above is that when time is triggered, I =4, so it is multiple but always the last one
The solution
There's no argument call in there,
Examples are as follows
<script type="text/javascript">
function timedMsg()
var a ="dd";
var t=setTimeout(function(){ cao(a);},3000)
function cao(a)
< Input type="button" value=" display timing warning box "onClick =" timedMsg()">
My problem now is between multiple, only the last one comes back. Think about it
Still not quite. Got it
/* for (var i=0;i<points.length;i++){
//var t=setTimeout(function(){ AddGuiJi(points[i],value);},2000*i)
} */
The reason for the error in the above is that when time is triggered, I =4, so it is multiple but always the last one
The solution
var timerr;
function xunhuanlian(points,value){
timerr=setTimeout(function(){ xunhuanlian(points,value);},1000);
replayi =0;
/* for (var i=0;i<points.length;i++){
//var t=setTimeout(function(){ AddGuiJi(points[i],value);},2000*i)
} */