JavaScript implementation of the mouse drag element instance code

  • 2020-03-30 02:06:43
  • OfStack

One, foreword

The most began to realize the purpose of the mouse drag elements is drag a lot of dots on a page, in a fixed location, and then copy the HTML, paste in the development of the page code, is such a function, implementation for many times, all was not well done, have adopted the jQuery. Fn. Draggable plug-ins, in contact with some information and other people's ideas, today finally give the drag function to perfect, take a look at below its implementation

Two, design ideas

Bind the mouse down event on the drag element, bind the mouse movement in the document object, mouse up event;
Why not bind all three events to the drag element, because the mouse movement and unevent handlers will not execute if the mouse moves too fast

$target.bind('mousedown', fn);
.bind('mousemove', fn)
.bind('mouseup', fn);

Three, the source code implementation details

There are many things to note in the implementation of the source code:

1. First, in the mousedown event, when you click and drag the element, you may select the text of the region, which is not what we need. The solution is as follows:

//Block field text from being selected for chrome firefox ie9
// for firefox ie9 || less than ie9
window.getSelection ? window.getSelection().removeAllRanges() : document.selection.empty();

2, if the drag element is an image (img label), the mouse in the drag picture for a short distance, will appear a prohibited tip, that is: the picture can not be dragged,
This is the default behavior of the browser, so simply block the default behavior of the browser


3. About boundaries (dealing with drag ranges)

The first implementation code is as follows:

//X,y represents the left,top and limitObj values that are to be set by dragging the element.
//In the process of dragging, the object is sometimes not directly close to the edge
if ( x >= limitObj._left && x <= limitObj._right ) {
    $target.css({ left: x + 'px' });
if ( y >= limitObj._top && y <= limitObj._bottom ) {
    $target.css({ top: y + 'px' });

Further thinking: the reason why the above problem occurs is that the variable x may be less than limitobj._left or greater than limitobj._right.
So the code needs to do something like this:

if (x < limitObj._left) {
    x = limitObj._left;
if (x > limitObj._right) {
    x = limitObj._right;
if (y < limitObj._top) {
    y = limitObj._top;
if (y > limitObj._bottom) {
    y = limitObj._bottom;
$target.css({ left: x + 'px', top: y + 'px' });

The problem was finally solved, but cloudgamer came up with a better way to write it:

    left: Math.max( Math.min(x, limitObj._right),  limitObj._left) + 'px',
    top: Math.max( Math.min(y, limitObj._bottom),  limitObj._top) + 'px'

Complete program source code:

     *   Autor:  Blog garden huazhi yjh 2014/02/21
    drag: function(options) {
        var dragStart, dragMove, dragEnd,
            $boundaryElem, limitObj;
        function _initOptions() {
            var noop = function(){}, defaultOptions;
            defaultOptions = { //Default configuration item
                boundaryElem: 'body' //Boundary container
            options = $.extend( defaultOptions, options || {} );
            $boundaryElem = $(options.boundaryElem);
            dragStart = options.dragStart || noop,
            dragMove = options.dragMove || noop,
            dragEnd = options.dragEnd || noop;
        function _drag(e) {
            var clientX, clientY, offsetLeft, offsetTop,
                $target = $(this), self = this;
            limitObj = {
                _left: 0,
                _top: 0,
                _right: ($boundaryElem.innerWidth() || $(window).width()) - $target.outerWidth(),
                _bottom: ($boundaryElem.innerHeight() || $(window).height()) - $target.outerHeight()

            //Record the position when the mouse is pressed and the relative position of the drag element
            clientX = e.clientX;
            clientY = e.clientY;
            offsetLeft = this.offsetLeft;
            offsetTop = this.offsetTop;

            dragStart.apply(this, arguments);
            $(document).bind('mousemove', moveHandle)
                        .bind('mouseup', upHandle);
            //Mouse movement event handling
            function moveHandle(e) {
                var x = e.clientX - clientX + offsetLeft;
                var y = e.clientY - clientY + offsetTop;

                    left: Math.max( Math.min(x, limitObj._right),  limitObj._left) + 'px',
                    top: Math.max( Math.min(y, limitObj._bottom),  limitObj._top) + 'px'
                dragMove.apply(self, arguments);
                //Block browser default behavior (when the mouse is dragging an image for a short distance, a disabled tip will appear, that is, the image cannot be dragged)
            //Mouse click event handling
            function upHandle(e) {
                $(document).unbind('mousemove', moveHandle);
                dragEnd.apply(self, arguments);
        _initOptions(); //Initializes the configuration object
        .css({ position: 'absolute' })
            $(this).bind('mousedown', function(e){
                _drag.apply(this, [e]);
                //Block field text from being selected for chrome firefox ie9
                // for firefox ie9 || less than ie9
                window.getSelection ? window.getSelection().removeAllRanges() : document.selection.empty();
        return this;

Instance call:

//Call the instance
        boundaryElem: '#boundary',
        dragStart: function(){
            $(this).html('<span> Ready to drag </span>').css({ zIndex: 2 }).siblings().css({ zIndex: 1 });
        dragMove: function(){
            var pos = $(this).position();
            $(this).html('<span> Drag the (' +  pos.left + ',' + + ')</span>' );
        dragEnd : function(){
            $(this).html('<span> Drag the end </span>');            

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