js controls the div eject layer implementation method

  • 2020-06-07 04:01:32
  • OfStack

This article describes the js control div eject layer implementation method. Share to everybody for everybody reference. The specific analysis is as follows:

This is a very functional and easy to call and control pop-up layer. If you are interested, you can debug it and run 1 to see how it works

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<title> The pop-up window ( Drag, background grey transparent )</title>
<script type="text/javascript">
title: Tip the title 
content: Content of the prompt */
document.write("<style type=\"text/css\">*{padding:0; margin:0}.close{float:right;cursor:default}</style>")
function $(id){ return document.getElementById(id)}
function AlertMsg(title,content){
var msgw,msgh,msgbg,msgcolor,bordercolor,titlecolor,titlebg,con;
con = "<form><table style='margin:10px 15px 15px 15px; border:0;'><tr><th style='border:0; line-height:22px; padding:3px 0; vertical-align:top;font-weight:bold;'> Classification: </th><td style='border:0; line-height:22px; padding:3px 0; vertical-align:top;width:75%;'><input type='text' name='typename' size='20'/></td></tr><tr><th></th><td style='border:0; line-height:22px; padding:3px 0; vertical-align:top;width:75%;'><button style='line-height:normal;' type='submit' onclick='return submitform()'> determine </button> <button style='line-height:normal;' type='reset'> cancel </button></td></tr></table></form>";
// Pop-up Settings 
msgw = 300;  // Window width 
msgh = 150;  // Window height 
msgbg = "#FFF";  // Content of the background 
msgcolor = "#000";  // Content of the color 
bordercolor = "#000"; // Border color 
titlecolor = "#FFF"; // The title color 
titlebg = "#369";  // Header background 
// Mask background Settings 
var sWidth,sHeight;
sWidth = screen.availWidth;
sHeight = document.body.scrollHeight;
// Create a mask background 
var maskObj = document.createElement("div");
maskObj.style.position = "absolute";
maskObj.style.top = "0";
maskObj.style.left = "0";
maskObj.style.background = "#777";
maskObj.style.filter = "Alpha(opacity=30);";
maskObj.style.opacity = "0.3";
maskObj.style.width = sWidth + "px";
maskObj.style.height = sHeight + "px";
maskObj.style.zIndex = "10000";
// Create a pop-up window 
var msgObj = document.createElement("div")
msgObj.style.position ="absolute";
msgObj.style.top = (screen.availHeight - msgh) / 4 + "px";
msgObj.style.left = (screen.availWidth - msgw) / 2 + "px";
msgObj.style.width = msgw + "px";
msgObj.style.height = msgh + "px";
msgObj.style.fontSize = "12px";
msgObj.style.background = msgbg;
msgObj.style.border = "1px solid " + bordercolor;
msgObj.style.zIndex = "10001";
// Create a title 
var thObj = document.createElement("div");
thObj.className = "DragAble";
thObj.style.cursor = "move";
thObj.style.padding = "4px 6px";
thObj.style.color = titlecolor;
thObj.style.background = titlebg;
var titleStr = "<a class='close' title=' Shut down ' style='cursor:pointer' onclick='CloseMsg()'> Shut down </a>"+"<span>"+ title +"</span>";
thObj.innerHTML = titleStr;
// Create a content 
var bodyObj = document.createElement("div");
bodyObj.style.padding = "10px";
bodyObj.style.lineHeight = "1.5em";
bodyObj.innerHTML = con;
var txt = document.createTextNode(content)
// Generate the window 
function CloseMsg(){
// Remove the object 
// Drag the window 
var ie = document.all;  
var nn6 = document.getElementById&&!document.all;  
var isdrag = false;  
var y,x;  
var oDragObj;  
function moveMouse(e) {  
if (isdrag) {  
oDragObj.style.top = (nn6 ? nTY + e.clientY - y : nTY + event.clientY - y)+"px";  
oDragObj.style.left = (nn6 ? nTX + e.clientX - x : nTX + event.clientX - x)+"px";  
return false;  
function initDrag(e) {  
var oDragHandle = nn6 ? e.target : event.srcElement;  
var topElement = "HTML";  
while (oDragHandle.tagName != topElement && oDragHandle.className != "DragAble") {  
oDragHandle = nn6 ? oDragHandle.parentNode : oDragHandle.parentElement;  
if (oDragHandle.className=="DragAble") {  
isdrag = true;  
oDragObj = oDragHandle.parentNode;  
nTY = parseInt(oDragObj.style.top);  
y = nn6 ? e.clientY : event.clientY;  
nTX = parseInt(oDragObj.style.left);  
x = nn6 ? e.clientX : event.clientX;  
document.onmousemove = moveMouse;  
return false;  
document.onmousedown = initDrag;  
document.onmouseup = new Function("isdrag=false");  
<table width="600" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
 <tr >
  <td height="100" align="center" >
<p><a href="javascript:AlertMsg(&quot; Warm prompt &quot;,'')"> Let me try !</a></p>

Hopefully, this article has been helpful in your javascript programming.

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