Example analysis of js table sorting (support int float date string four data types)

  • 2020-06-03 05:52:59
  • OfStack

This article gives an example of how to sort js tables. Share to everybody for everybody reference. The details are as follows:

<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
<script type="text/javascript">
var k=0;
 The main method for sorting, there are 3 A parameter, STableTd,iCol,sDataType Are the tables to be sorted ID . 
 The table column number to sort, the data type of the column (supported) int,float,date,string4 Various data types )
function sortTable(sTableId,iCol,sDataType)
  var oTable=document.getElementById(sTableId);// Get tabular ID 
  var oTbody=oTable.tBodies[0]; // Get tabular tbody
  var colDataRows=oTbody.rows; // To obtain tbody References to all lines in 

  var aTRs=new Array(); // define aTRs Arrays are used to store tbody In the line 
  for(var i=0;i<colDataRows.length;i++) // Put all the rows in order aTRs An array of 
  sortCol Attributes are extra table Added property to distinguish between two kinds of sequential sorting 
   First sort and then ordered reverse 
  if(oTable.sortCol==iCol) // Nonfirst sort 
  else  // For the first time ordering 
    if(k%2==0) // ascending 
    else if(k%2==1) // Descending order 
  var oFragment=document.createDocumentFragment();  // Create document shards 
  for(var i=0;i<aTRs.length;i++)  // I'm going to sort it out aTRs Array members are, in turn, added to the document fragment 
  oTbody.appendChild(oFragment); // Add document fragments to tbody, Display update after sorting is completed  
  oTable.sortCol=iCol;  // Assigns the current column number to sortCol, To distinguish between first sort and non-first sort ,//sortCol The default value is -1

// Comparison function, used for sorting between two items 
// ascending 
function generateCompareTRs(iCol,sDataType)
  return  function compareTRs(oTR1,oTR2)
    var vValue1=convert(oTR1.cells[iCol].firstChild.nodeValue,sDataType);
    var vValue2=convert(oTR2.cells[iCol].firstChild.nodeValue,sDataType);
      return -1;
    else if(vValue1>vValue2)
      return 1;
      return 0;
// Descending order 
function generateCompareTRs1(iCol,sDataType)
  return  function compareTRs(oTR1,oTR2)
    var vValue1=convert(oTR1.cells[iCol].firstChild.nodeValue,sDataType);
    var vValue2=convert(oTR2.cells[iCol].firstChild.nodeValue,sDataType);
      return -1;
    else if(vValue1<vValue2)
      return 1;
      return 0;
// Data type conversion function 
function convert(sValue,sDataType)
    case "int":return parseInt(sValue);
    case "float": return parseFloat(sValue);
    case "date":return new Date(Date.parse(sValue));
    default:return sValue.toString();
<form name="f1" id="f1" action="" method="post">
<table border="1" id="tblSort" sortCol="-1">
  <th onClick="sortTable('tblSort',0);" style="cursor:pointer">Last Name</th>
  <th onClick="sortTable('tblSort',1)" style="cursor:pointer">First Name</th>
  <th onClick="sortTable('tblSort',2,'date')" style="cursor:pointer">Birthday</th>
  <th onClick="sortTable('tblSort',3,'int')" style="cursor:pointer">Silbings</th>

Hopefully, this article has been helpful in your javascript programming.

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