javascript USES shift+click to implement the select and de select checkbox methods

  • 2020-06-03 05:50:57
  • OfStack

This article illustrates javascript's method of using shift+click to select and de-select checkbox. Share to everybody for everybody reference. Specific implementation methods are as follows:

var lastChecked = null;
var handleChecked = function(e) {
 if(lastChecked && e.shiftKey) {
  var i = $('input[type="checkbox"]').index(lastChecked);
 var j = $('input[type="checkbox"]').index(;
 var checkboxes = [];
 if (j > i) {
  checkboxes = $('input[type="checkbox"]:gt('+ (i-1) +'):lt('+(j-i)+')');
 } else {
  checkboxes = $('input[type="checkbox"]:gt('+ j +'):lt('+ (i-j) +')');
 if (!$(':checked')) {
 } else {
  $(checkboxes).attr('checked', 'checked');
 lastChecked =;
 // Other click action code.

I hope this article has been helpful for your javascript programming.

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