jQuery implements freezing table rows and columns

  • 2020-06-03 05:46:02
  • OfStack

The customer requires the first few lines or the first few columns of the table data to be frozen, that is, to keep the first few lines/columns motionless when scrolling. By searching the code on the Internet and referring to the ideas of the existing code, the freezing of the rows and columns can be realized at will.

Implementation principle:

Multiple div are created, cascading between div via css, and each div places a clone of the current table. For example, when a row freeze is needed, div is created to hold the frozen row table. By setting the z-ES11en and position attributes, the frozen row table is placed at the top of the data table. Similarly, when a column freeze is required, create div to hold the frozen column table and place it on top of the data table. If you need to freeze both rows and columns, in addition to creating div for frozen rows and frozen column tables, you also need to create div for the fixed rows and columns table in the upper left corner and place it on top of all div.
Handle scrolling events for the table and have the frozen rows and columns scroll in sync as the table scrolls horizontally or vertically.
Handles resize events for html, synchronously changing the width and height of the scrolling area of the table

The code is as follows:

 *  Locks the table header and column 
 *  Parameters are defined 
 *   table -  Table element or table to lock ID
 *   freezeRowNum -  The number of first rows to lock, or set to if rows are not locked 0
 *   freezeColumnNum -  The number of columns in the first column to be locked, if the column is not locked, is set to 0
 *   width -  The width of the scrolling area of the table 
 *   height -  Height of the scrolling area of the table 
function freezeTable(table, freezeRowNum, freezeColumnNum, width, height) {
  if (typeof(freezeRowNum) == 'string')
    freezeRowNum = parseInt(freezeRowNum)
  if (typeof(freezeColumnNum) == 'string')
    freezeColumnNum = parseInt(freezeColumnNum)

  var tableId;
  if (typeof(table) == 'string') {
    tableId = table;
    table = $('#' + tableId);
  } else
    tableId = table.attr('id');
  var divTableLayout = $("#" + tableId + "_tableLayout");
  if (divTableLayout.length != 0) {
  } else {
    table.after("<div id='" + tableId + "_tableLayout' style='overflow:hidden;height:" + height + "px; width:" + width + "px;'></div>");
    divTableLayout = $("#" + tableId + "_tableLayout");
  var html = '';
  if (freezeRowNum > 0 && freezeColumnNum > 0)
    html += '<div id="' + tableId + '_tableFix" style="padding: 0px;"></div>';
  if (freezeRowNum > 0)
    html += '<div id="' + tableId + '_tableHead" style="padding: 0px;"></div>';
  if (freezeColumnNum > 0)
    html += '<div id="' + tableId + '_tableColumn" style="padding: 0px;"></div>';
  html += '<div id="' + tableId + '_tableData" style="padding: 0px;"></div>';
  $(html).appendTo("#" + tableId + "_tableLayout");
  var divTableFix = freezeRowNum > 0 && freezeColumnNum > 0 ? $("#" + tableId + "_tableFix") : null;
  var divTableHead = freezeRowNum > 0 ? $("#" + tableId + "_tableHead") : null;
  var divTableColumn = freezeColumnNum > 0 ? $("#" + tableId + "_tableColumn") : null;
  var divTableData = $("#" + tableId + "_tableData");
  if (divTableFix != null) {
    var tableFixClone = table.clone(true);
    tableFixClone.attr("id", tableId + "_tableFixClone");
  if (divTableHead != null) {
    var tableHeadClone = table.clone(true);
    tableHeadClone.attr("id", tableId + "_tableHeadClone");
  if (divTableColumn != null) {
    var tableColumnClone = table.clone(true);
    tableColumnClone.attr("id", tableId + "_tableColumnClone");
  $("#" + tableId + "_tableLayout table").css("margin", "0");
  if (freezeRowNum > 0) {
    var HeadHeight = 0;
    var ignoreRowNum = 0;
    $("#" + tableId + "_tableHead tr:lt(" + freezeRowNum + ")").each(function () {
      if (ignoreRowNum > 0)
      else {
        var td = $(this).find('td:first, th:first');
        HeadHeight += td.outerHeight(true);
        ignoreRowNum = td.attr('rowSpan');
        if (typeof(ignoreRowNum) == 'undefined')
          ignoreRowNum = 0;
          ignoreRowNum = parseInt(ignoreRowNum) - 1;
    HeadHeight += 2;
    divTableHead.css("height", HeadHeight);
    divTableFix != null && divTableFix.css("height", HeadHeight);
  if (freezeColumnNum > 0) {
    var ColumnsWidth = 0;
    var ColumnsNumber = 0;
    $("#" + tableId + "_tableColumn tr:eq(" + freezeRowNum + ")").find("td:lt(" + freezeColumnNum + "), th:lt(" + freezeColumnNum + ")").each(function () {
      if (ColumnsNumber >= freezeColumnNum)
      ColumnsWidth += $(this).outerWidth(true);
      ColumnsNumber += $(this).attr('colSpan') ? parseInt($(this).attr('colSpan')) : 1;
    ColumnsWidth += 2;

    divTableColumn.css("width", ColumnsWidth);
    divTableFix != null && divTableFix.css("width", ColumnsWidth);
  divTableData.scroll(function () {
    divTableHead != null && divTableHead.scrollLeft(divTableData.scrollLeft());
    divTableColumn != null && divTableColumn.scrollTop(divTableData.scrollTop());
  divTableFix != null && divTableFix.css({ "overflow": "hidden", "position": "absolute", "z-index": "50" });
  divTableHead != null && divTableHead.css({ "overflow": "hidden", "width": width - 17, "position": "absolute", "z-index": "45" });
  divTableColumn != null && divTableColumn.css({ "overflow": "hidden", "height": height - 17, "position": "absolute", "z-index": "40" });
  divTableData.css({ "overflow": "scroll", "width": width, "height": height, "position": "absolute" });
  divTableFix != null && divTableFix.offset(divTableLayout.offset());
  divTableHead != null && divTableHead.offset(divTableLayout.offset());
  divTableColumn != null && divTableColumn.offset(divTableLayout.offset());

 *  Adjust the width and height of the lock table resize Call in event 
 *  Parameters are defined 
 *   table -  Table element or table to lock ID
 *   width -  The width of the scrolling area of the table 
 *   height -  Height of the scrolling area of the table 
function adjustTableSize(table, width, height) {
  var tableId;
  if (typeof(table) == 'string')
    tableId = table;
    tableId = table.attr('id');
  $("#" + tableId + "_tableLayout").width(width).height(height);
  $("#" + tableId + "_tableHead").width(width - 17);
  $("#" + tableId + "_tableColumn").height(height - 17);
  $("#" + tableId + "_tableData").width(width).height(height);

function pageHeight() {
  if ($.browser.msie) {
    return document.compatMode == "CSS1Compat" ? document.documentElement.clientHeight : document.body.clientHeight;
  } else {
    return self.innerHeight;

// Returns the current page width 
function pageWidth() {
  if ($.browser.msie) {
    return document.compatMode == "CSS1Compat" ? document.documentElement.clientWidth : document.body.clientWidth;
  } else {
    return self.innerWidth;

$(document).ready(function() {
  var table = $("table");
  var tableId = table.attr('id');
  var freezeRowNum = table.attr('freezeRowNum');
  var freezeColumnNum = table.attr('freezeColumnNum');
  if (typeof(freezeRowNum) != 'undefined' || typeof(freezeColumnNum) != 'undefined') {
    freezeTable(table, freezeRowNum || 0, freezeColumnNum || 0, pageWidth(), pageHeight());
    var flag = false;
    $(window).resize(function() {
      if (flag) 
        return ;
      setTimeout(function() { 
        adjustTableSize(tableId, pageWidth(), pageHeight()); 
        flag = false; 
      }, 100);
      flag = true;

When used, the freeze effect is achieved by setting the freezeRowNum and freezeColumnNum attribute values in the table element

<table id="reportTable" width="1900" freezeRowNum="2" freezeColumnNum="2" class="report" align="center">

This is the end of this article, I hope you enjoy it.

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