Javascript writes TXT and reads TXT file examples
- 2020-03-30 01:43:12
- OfStack
1. Write
FileSystemObject translates files into a file stream.
The first step:
Ex. :
Create an object that translates a file into a file stream.
Step 2: create a textStream object
There are three properties in parentheses
1. The absolute path to the file
2. File constant read only =1, only write =2, add =8 permissions. (ForReading, ForWriting, or ForAppending.) ;
3. If a Boolean value is allowed to be created, it is true; otherwise, it is false;
Ex. :
Step 3: call the textStream method
1. Write (do not add a new line at the end of the Write)
2. WriteLine (to add a new line break at the end)
3. WriteBlankLines (adds one or more blank lines)
Ex. :
Step 4:
Close the textStream object:
Example: f. lose ();
2. Read
The first step:
The same code at the page code block index 0
Create an object that translates a file into a file stream.
Step 2: create a textStream object
There are three properties in parentheses
4. The absolute path to the file
5. File constant read only =1, only write =2, add =8 permissions. (ForReading, ForWriting, or ForAppending.) ;
6. If a Boolean value is allowed to be created, it is true; otherwise, it is false;
Ex. :
Step 3: call the read method
1. Read (to Read the specified number of characters in the file)
2. ReadLine (reads a whole line, but not a newline)
3. ReadAll (then read the entire contents of the text file);
Determines if the last row is read
Step 4:
Close the textStream object:
Example: f. lose ();
Here is an example of an HTML open TXT file.
FileSystemObject translates files into a file stream.
The first step:
Ex. :
Var fso=new ActiveXObject(Scripting.FileSystemObject);
Create an object that translates a file into a file stream.
Step 2: create a textStream object
There are three properties in parentheses
1. The absolute path to the file
2. File constant read only =1, only write =2, add =8 permissions. (ForReading, ForWriting, or ForAppending.) ;
3. If a Boolean value is allowed to be created, it is true; otherwise, it is false;
Ex. :
Var f=fso.createtextfile( " C:a.txt " ,2,true);
Step 3: call the textStream method
1. Write (do not add a new line at the end of the Write)
2. WriteLine (to add a new line break at the end)
3. WriteBlankLines (adds one or more blank lines)
Ex. :
f.writeLine( " wo shi di yi hang " );
Step 4:
Close the textStream object:
Example: f. lose ();
2. Read
The first step:
The same code at the page code block index 0
Create an object that translates a file into a file stream.
Step 2: create a textStream object
There are three properties in parentheses
4. The absolute path to the file
5. File constant read only =1, only write =2, add =8 permissions. (ForReading, ForWriting, or ForAppending.) ;
6. If a Boolean value is allowed to be created, it is true; otherwise, it is false;
Ex. :
Var f=fso.opentextfile( " C:a.txt " ,1 . true);
Step 3: call the read method
1. Read (to Read the specified number of characters in the file)
2. ReadLine (reads a whole line, but not a newline)
3. ReadAll (then read the entire contents of the text file);
Determines if the last row is read
while (!f.AtEndOfStream)
Step 4:
Close the textStream object:
Example: f. lose ();
Here is an example of an HTML open TXT file.
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns="">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<title> hello </title>
<div id="aa"></div>
<script language="javascript">
var fso, ts, s ;
var ForReading = 1;
fso = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject");
ts = fso.OpenTextFile("d:\testfile.txt", ForReading);
s = ts.ReadLine();