javascript implements beautiful drag layer window drag effect

  • 2020-06-01 08:13:18
  • OfStack

javascript implements beautiful drag layer, window drag effect

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns="">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<title> Window drag (change size / To minimize the / maximize / reduction / Closed) </title>
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body{background:url(/jscss/demoimg/201205/bg.jpg);font:12px/1.5 \5fae\8f6f\96c5\9ed1;color:#333;}
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#drag .title a,{float:left;width:21px;height:19px;display:block;margin-left:5px;background:url(/jscss/demoimg/201205/tool.png) no-repeat;}{position:absolute;top:10px;left:50%;margin-left:-10px;background-position:0 0;}{background-position:0 -29px;}
#drag .title a.min{background-position:-29px 0;}
#drag .title a.min:hover{background-position:-29px -29px;}
#drag .title a.max{background-position:-60px 0;}
#drag .title a.max:hover{background-position:-60px -29px;}
#drag .title a.revert{background-position:-149px 0;display:none;}
#drag .title a.revert:hover{background-position:-149px -29px;}
#drag .title a.close{background-position:-89px 0;}
#drag .title a.close:hover{background-position:-89px -29px;}
#drag .content{overflow:auto;margin:0 5px;}
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#drag .resizeL,#drag .resizeT,#drag .resizeR,#drag .resizeB,#drag .resizeLT,#drag .resizeTR,#drag .resizeLB{position:absolute;background:#000;overflow:hidden;opacity:0;filter:alpha

#drag .resizeL,#drag .resizeR{top:0;width:5px;height:100%;cursor:w-resize;}
#drag .resizeR{right:0;}
#drag .resizeT,#drag .resizeB{width:100%;height:5px;cursor:n-resize;}
#drag .resizeT{top:0;}
#drag .resizeB{bottom:0;}
#drag .resizeLT,#drag .resizeTR,#drag .resizeLB{width:8px;height:8px;background:#FF0;}
#drag .resizeLT{top:0;left:0;cursor:nw-resize;}
#drag .resizeTR{top:0;right:0;cursor:ne-resize;}
#drag .resizeLB{left:0;bottom:0;cursor:ne-resize;}
<script type="text/javascript"> 
/*-------------------------- +
 To obtain id, class, tagName
+-------------------------- */
var get = {
byId: function(id) {
return typeof id === "string" ? document.getElementById(id) : id
byClass: function(sClass, oParent) {
var aClass = [];
var reClass = new RegExp("(^| )" + sClass + "( |$)");
var aElem = this.byTagName("*", oParent);
for (var i = 0; i < aElem.length; i++) reClass.test(aElem[i].className) && aClass.push(aElem[i]);
return aClass
byTagName: function(elem, obj) {
return (obj || document).getElementsByTagName(elem)
var dragMinWidth = 250;
var dragMinHeight = 124;
/*-------------------------- +
 Drag and drop function 
+-------------------------- */
function drag(oDrag, handle)
var disX = dixY = 0;
var oMin = get.byClass("min", oDrag)[0];
var oMax = get.byClass("max", oDrag)[0];
var oRevert = get.byClass("revert", oDrag)[0];
var oClose = get.byClass("close", oDrag)[0];
handle = handle || oDrag; = "move";
handle.onmousedown = function (event)
var event = event || window.event;
disX = event.clientX - oDrag.offsetLeft;
disY = event.clientY - oDrag.offsetTop;

document.onmousemove = function (event)
var event = event || window.event;
var iL = event.clientX - disX;
var iT = event.clientY - disY;
var maxL = document.documentElement.clientWidth - oDrag.offsetWidth;
var maxT = document.documentElement.clientHeight - oDrag.offsetHeight;

iL <= 0 && (iL = 0);
iT <= 0 && (iT = 0);
iL >= maxL && (iL = maxL);
iT >= maxT && (iT = maxT); = iL + "px"; = iT + "px";

return false

document.onmouseup = function ()
document.onmousemove = null;
document.onmouseup = null;
this.releaseCapture && this.releaseCapture()
this.setCapture && this.setCapture();
return false
// Maximize button 
oMax.onclick = function ()
{ = = 0; = document.documentElement.clientWidth - 2 + "px"; = document.documentElement.clientHeight - 2 + "px"; = "none"; = "block";
// Restore button 
oRevert.onclick = function ()
{ = dragMinWidth + "px"; = dragMinHeight + "px"; = (document.documentElement.clientWidth - oDrag.offsetWidth) / 2 + "px"; = (document.documentElement.clientHeight - oDrag.offsetHeight) / 2 + "px"; = "none"; = "block";
// Minimize button 
oMin.onclick = oClose.onclick = function ()
{ = "none";
var oA = document.createElement("a");
oA.className = "open";
oA.href = "javascript:;";
oA.title = " reduction ";
oA.onclick = function ()
{ = "block";
this.onclick = null;
// To prevent a bubble 
oMin.onmousedown = oMax.onmousedown = oClose.onmousedown = function (event)
this.onfocus = function () {this.blur()};
(event || window.event).cancelBubble = true

/*-------------------------- +
 Change size function 
+-------------------------- */
function resize(oParent, handle, isLeft, isTop, lockX, lockY)
handle.onmousedown = function (event)
var event = event || window.event;
var disX = event.clientX - handle.offsetLeft;
var disY = event.clientY - handle.offsetTop;

var iParentTop = oParent.offsetTop;
var iParentLeft = oParent.offsetLeft;
var iParentWidth = oParent.offsetWidth;
var iParentHeight = oParent.offsetHeight;
document.onmousemove = function (event)
var event = event || window.event;
var iL = event.clientX - disX;
var iT = event.clientY - disY;
var maxW = document.documentElement.clientWidth - oParent.offsetLeft - 2;
var maxH = document.documentElement.clientHeight - oParent.offsetTop - 2;
var iW = isLeft ? iParentWidth - iL :

handle.offsetWidth + iL;
var iH = isTop ? iParentHeight - iT : handle.offsetHeight + iT;
isLeft && ( = iParentLeft + iL + "px");
isTop && ( = iParentTop + iT + "px");
iW < dragMinWidth && (iW = dragMinWidth);
iW > maxW && (iW = maxW);
lockX || ( = iW + "px");
iH < dragMinHeight && (iH = dragMinHeight);
iH > maxH && (iH = maxH);
lockY || ( = iH + "px");
if((isLeft && iW == dragMinWidth) || (isTop && iH == dragMinHeight)) document.onmousemove = null;

return false; 
document.onmouseup = function ()
document.onmousemove = null;
document.onmouseup = null;
return false;
window.onload = window.onresize = function ()
var oDrag = document.getElementById("drag");
var oTitle = get.byClass("title", oDrag)[0];
var oL = get.byClass("resizeL", oDrag)[0];
var oT = get.byClass("resizeT", oDrag)[0];
var oR = get.byClass("resizeR", oDrag)[0];
var oB = get.byClass("resizeB", oDrag)[0];
var oLT = get.byClass("resizeLT", oDrag)[0];
var oTR = get.byClass("resizeTR", oDrag)[0];
var oBR = get.byClass("resizeBR", oDrag)[0];
var oLB = get.byClass("resizeLB", oDrag)[0];

drag(oDrag, oTitle);
//4 Angle 
resize(oDrag, oLT, true, true, false, false);
resize(oDrag, oTR, false, true, false, false);
resize(oDrag, oBR, false, false, false, false);
resize(oDrag, oLB, true, false, false, false);
//4 edge 
resize(oDrag, oL, true, false, false, true);
resize(oDrag, oT, false, true, true, false);
resize(oDrag, oR, false, false, false, true);
resize(oDrag, oB, false, false, true, false); = (document.documentElement.clientWidth - oDrag.offsetWidth) / 2 + "px"; = (document.documentElement.clientHeight - oDrag.offsetHeight) / 2 + "px";
<div id="drag">
<div class="title">
<h2> This is a 1 Two draggable Windows </h2>
<a class="min" href="javascript:;" title=" To minimize the "></a>
<a class="max" href="javascript:;" title=" maximize "></a>
<a class="revert" href="javascript:;" title=" reduction "></a>
<a class="close" href="javascript:;" title=" Shut down "></a>
<div class="resizeL"></div>
<div class="resizeT"></div>
<div class="resizeR"></div>
<div class="resizeB"></div>
<div class="resizeLT"></div>
<div class="resizeTR"></div>
<div class="resizeBR"></div>
<div class="resizeLB"></div>
<div class="content">
 1.   The window can be dragged; <br />
 2.   Windows can go through 8 Change the magnitude in four directions; <br />
 3.   Windows can be minimized, maximized, restored and closed. <br />
 (4)   Limit the minimum window width / Height. 

That's all for this article, I hope you enjoy it.

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