TypeScript has several different qualities

  • 2020-05-26 07:47:41
  • OfStack

Today's topic is TypeScript. It was reprinted earlier in an article called The Rise of TypeScript? The article, today to talk about 1 my feelings.

As many of you will know, TypeScript is an open source language from Microsoft for developing large JS applications. Its author is the well-known father of C#, Anders Hejlsberg. So I've been following it since it launched beta.

One of the recent events -- the Angular team's intention to use TypeScript to develop version Angular 2 -- prompted TJ VanToll to ask this question. As for his view, I agree with him very much.

There are many languages like TypeScript (more than 250) that are older than TypeScript, such as CoffeeScript. So why will TypeScript stand out? Why now?

TypeScript has several different characteristics:

1, it's optional. That is, it doesn't make you abandon JS completely and jump into a completely different language. You can even begin to enjoy the benefits of TypeScript by changing the js suffix to ts in the source code file.

2. Compatible with ECMAScript standard. In particular, the latest version of TS is designed to be fully compatible with ES6. The benefit of this is that developers using TS can take advantage of the new ES6 features ahead of time and easily migrate to ES6 in the future.

3. Excellent tool support. In addition to its native support for IDE -- Visual Studio, Eclipse's plugins are also available, WebStorm has recently enhanced TypeScript's support, and Sublime Text's plugins are available as well.

4. More framework support. Many frameworks are implemented using or can be implemented using TypeScript. For example, domestic HTML5 3D game engine "white crane", or Telerik NativeScript (a mobile APP cross-platform development framework using js) can also be developed using TypeScript.

Finally, TJ VanToll also analyzes whether TypeScript can occupy the market in the future.

The above is the article for you to analyze all the content, I hope you can like.

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