JavaScript's method of dynamically adding columns

  • 2020-05-19 04:07:21
  • OfStack

This example shows how JavaScript dynamically adds columns. Share with you for your reference. The specific implementation method is as follows:

 *  Dynamically add table  column  
 * @param result 
function addRow(resultJson){ 
/* var temp = []; 
 temp = $.grep(arr, function(val, key) { 
  if(val.indexOf('c') != -1) 
   return true; 
//  if [invert] Parameter not given or for false, $.grep Only the callback function returns are collected true Array elements of  
//  And vice [invert] Parameters for true, $.grep The collection callback function returns false Array elements of  
 }, false); 
   var cv_arr=new Array(); 
   var date_arr = new Array(); 
// The data source is parsed and parsed into a program recognizable date and result 
   $.each(resultJson, function(index, val) { 
     var temp_data =val['parser_schedule'].split(","); 
      var temp = temp_data[i].split(":"); 
   date_arr = unique(date_arr); 
  date_arr.in_arr = function(value) { 
   var a = this;
   // To increase method extension adaptability. I've changed it a little bit  
   for (var i = 0; i < a.length; i++) { 
    if (a[i] == value) 
     return i; 
  //ARR The values from 0 start  
  var old_td_n = $("#mytable thead tr").find("th").length;
  // Take what you have TH 
  // Set up the TH information  
   // Pay attention to TH and TD, The style is not 1 sample  
   $("#mytable thead tr").append("<th>"+date_arr[i]+"</th>"); 
   $("#mytable tbody tr").append("<td>-</td>"); 
  var rowNum_arr=new Array(); 
  // To obtain 1 How many rows  
// For each 1 The first in line 3 The value of the column, table The first two columns are hidden, first 3 The column begins to determine if there is data  
   var str=$("#mytable tbody").find("tr").eq(i); 
   var std=str.find("td").eq(2); 
   // Record when there is no value, get the line number  
   if($.trim(std.text()).length <1){ 
  //  $(std).html(""); 
  // Set up the TD information  
   // To obtain RESULT_ARR Date data in  
   var temp_str = cv_arr[i];//OK 
   // Use date data "," Split into arrays  
   var temp_arr = temp_str.split(",");//OK [03-11:10,03-12:9,03-13:8,03-14:15] 
    // Fetch data set   For a string such as 03-11:10 
    var temp_result = temp_arr[j]; 
      Split the data set into an array [03-11:10] 
     ARR[0] 03-11 
     ARR[1] 10 
    var temp_result_arr = temp_result.split(":");
    // Set up the first I the TR The contents of  
    $("#mytable tbody").find("tr").eq(rowNum_arr[i]).find("td").eq(old_td_n+date_arr.in_arr(temp_result_arr[0])).html(temp_result_arr[1]);  
    //  Apply the style  
    $("#tb tr:even td").addClass("alt");// The color  
    $("#tb tr").find("td:eq(2)").addClass("spec"); 
    $("#tb tr:even").find("td:eq(2)").addClass("specalt"); 

I hope this article has been helpful to your javascript programming.

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