Random example of random function of random number generated by js

  • 2020-03-30 00:59:44
  • OfStack

JavaScript math.random () built-in function
The random function returns the value
Returns a pseudo-random number between 0 and 1, which may be 0 but is always less than 1, [0,1].
Random function example
// returns a random number
Document. The write (Math. The random ());
// returns a random number between 10 and 20
Document. The write (Math. The random () * (20 -) 10 + 10);
// returns the formula for the specified range of random Numbers (between m-n)
Document. The write (Math. The random () * (n - m) + m);
Random Numbers can also be generated based on time
var now=new Date(); 
var number = now.getSeconds(); //This produces an integer from 0 to 59 based on the current time.
var now=new Date(); 
var number = now.getSeconds()%43; //This produces an integer from 0 to 42 based on the current time.

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