Explore JavaScript String objects in depth

  • 2020-05-12 02:11:24
  • OfStack

String string object

1. Introduction

The String object performs operations on a string, such as intercepting a substring, finding a string/character, converting case, and so on.

2. Definition

2.1 new String(Value) constructor: returns an String object whose content is Value

value {String} : string

The return value:

{String object} returns an String object whose content is Value


var demoStr = new String('abc');
console.log(typeof demoStr); // => object
console.log(demoStr); // => abc

2.2 direct assignment (recommended)

var demoStr = 'abc';
console.log(typeof demoStr); // string
console.log(demoStr); // => abc

3. Instance properties

3.1 length: returns the number of characters in a string

var s = 'abc';
console.log(s.length); // => 3
console.log(' Happy New Year! '.length); // => 4 : 1 Four Chinese characters are also calculated as 1 A number of
console.log(''.length); // => 0 : returns an empty string 0

4. Instance method

Note: the instance method of the string does not change the string itself, only returns the result of the operation.

4.1 charAt(index) : returns the character at the specified position in a string, starting from 0. If a nonexistent value is passed in, an empty string is returned

index {int} : position index, calculated from 0

The return value:

{string} returns the character at the specified position in a string; If you pass in a nonexistent position value, return an empty string


var s = 'abc';
console.log(s.charAt(1)); // => b : returns the position as 1 The character of
console.log(s); // => It doesn't affect the original array
console.log(s.charAt(5)); // => '' : get 1 Zero characters that do not exist 1 A length of 0 Empty string of

4.2 charCodeAt(index) : returns the Unicode encoding of the specified position character in a string

index {int} : index of position, calculated from 0

The return value:

{number} returns the Unicode encoding of the specified position character in a string; If a nonexistent location value is passed in, NaN is returned


var s = 'abc';
console.log(s.charCodeAt(0)); // => 98 Character: b the Unicode coding
console.log(s.charCodeAt(5)); // => NaN : get 1 Zero characters that do not exist NaN

4.3 concat (value1 value2... valueN) : concatenates one or more strings and returns the concatenated string

1) value1 value2... valueN {string} : 1 or more strings

The return value:

{string} returns the string after the connection


var s = 'abc';
console.log(s.concat('d')); // => abcd
console.log(s); // => abc : does not affect the original string
console.log(s.concat('d', 'e')); // => abcde

4.4 indexOf(value, |startPosition) : look up a string or character from front to back in the instance and return the position found (count from 0). If not, return negative 1

value {string} : the search string

startPosition {int} optional: the starting position to start the search, the default starting position is 0

The return value:

{int} returns the position found (count from 0). If not, return negative 1


var s = 'abc';
console.log(s.indexOf('b')); // => 1
console.log(s.indexOf('d')); // => -1 : not found
console.log(s.indexOf('b', 2)); // => -1 Position: from 2( The first 3 A character ) Start looking for

4.5 lastIndexOf(value, |startPosition) : look up a string or character from the back in the instance and return the position found (count from 0). If not, return negative 1

value {string} : the search string

startPosition {int} optional: the starting position to start the search. The default is to start the search at the end

The return value:

{int} returns the position found (count from 0). If not, return negative 1


var s = 'abcabc';
console.log(s.lastIndexOf('a')); // => 3 : look backwards and forwards
console.log(s.lastIndexOf('d')); // => -1 : not found back -1
console.log(s.lastIndexOf('a', 2)); // => 0 Position: from 2( The first 3 A character ) Start looking ahead

4.6 localeCompare(value) : compare the instance with the parameter and return the comparison result

value {string} : string to compare

The return value:

0: the instance is larger than the parameter

1: the instance is equal to the parameter

-1: the instance is smaller than the parameter


var s='abc';
console.log(s.localeCompare('ab')); // => 1 : the instance is larger than the parameter
console.log(s.localeCompare('abc')); // => 0 : the instance is equal to the parameter
console.log(s.localeCompare('abd')); // => -1 : the instance is smaller than the parameter

4.7 match(regexp) : use regular expressions for match lookups

regexp {regexp} : regular expression, eg: /\d+/

The return value:

Returns different results depending on whether the regular expression has the attribute 'g'; If there is no match, return {null} :

Regular expression without the attribute 'g', perform 1 match, return {single match} result object, the object contains the following properties:

Array number: represents the matching result, 0 is the matching text, 1 is the matching result from the first parentheses on the right, 2 is the second parentheses, and so on

index property: represents the matching text at the beginning of the matching source

input property: represents the matching source

The regular expression with the attribute 'g', perform global matching, find all the matching objects of the string, return 1 {string array} : the array element contains every matching object in string, does not contain the string in the regular expression parentheses, and does not provide index and input attributes.


// 1. A single match
var s = 'a1b2c3d4';
var mc = s.match(/\d+/); // => For the first 1 The results of a regular match
if (mc != null) {
    console.log(mc.index); // => 1 : the matching result is at the starting position of the matching source
    console.log(mc.input) // => a1b2c3d4 Matching the source:
    console.log(mc[0]); // => 1 : get the matched result
// 2. The global matching
var mcArray = s.match(/\d+/g); // => Gets all the regular matching Numbers
if (mcArray != null) {
    for (var i = 0,len=mcArray.length; i < len; i++) {
        var mc=mcArray[i];
        console.log(mc); // => 1,2,3,4 : get the matched result
// 3. Match with parentheses
s = 'a1b2c3d4';
mc = s.match(/[a-z]([1-9])/); // => For the first 1 The results of a regular match
if (mc != null) {
    console.log(mc.index); // => 0 : the matching result is at the starting position of the matching source
    console.log(mc.input) // => a1b2c3d4 Matching the source:
    console.log(mc[0]); // => a1 : the serial number 0 Represents the result of a match
    console.log(mc[1]); // => 1 : the serial number 1 According to the first 1 The result of a child match in parentheses

4.8 replace(regexp, replaceStr) : replaces the substring matched by the regular expression and returns the replaced string

regexp {regexp} : regular expression. eg: / \ d + /

replaceStr {string | function} :

1) if it is a string, it represents the replacement string, which is replaced by the string matching to the string;

The $character in a string has a special meaning:

$1, $2... $99: represents the matching subitem of the parenthesis from left to right

$& : represents the entire parameter matching subitem

$$: the dollar sign

2) if it is a function, it means that every matching result will call this function. The only parameter of the function is the matching result, and a replacement result will be returned.

The return value:

{string} returns a replaced string


var oldStr = 'a1b2c3d4';
// 1. Regex matches to [all] Numbers, replaced by: ',' The comma
var newStr = oldStr.replace(/\d+/g, ',');
console.log(newStr); // => a,b,c,d,
// 2. A regular match to [all] Numbers, replaced with: match result + ',' The comma
newStr = oldStr.replace(/\d+/g, '$&,');
console.log(newStr); // => a1,b2,c3,d4,
// 3. Regex matches to [all] Numbers, and each match calls the function and returns the replaced result
newStr = oldStr.replace(/\d+/g, function (word) {
    if (word % 2 == 0) {
        return ' accidentally ';
    return ' p. ';
console.log(newStr); // => a p. b accidentally c p. d accidentally

4.9 search(regexp) : returns the position where the first match of the regular expression is found

regexp {regexp} : regular expression. eg: / \ d + /

The return value:

{int} returns the position of the first matched result; Returns -1 if no match is found


console.log( 'abcd'.search(/\d+/) ); // => -1 No figures were found
console.log( 'abcd1234'.search(/\d+/) ); // => 4 : position serial no 4 To return to the first 1 The position of the Numbers

4.10 slice(start, |end) : returns a substring from the start position to the first position of end

start {int} : index of the starting position of the substring extraction (including the characters of this position).

If the number is negative, it starts at the end of the string. For example, -1 means the reciprocal of a string, and -2 means the reciprocal of the second character.

end {int} optional: index of the end position extracted from the substring (excluding the characters of this position).

If the number is negative, it starts at the end of the string. For example, -1 means the reciprocal of a string, and -2 means the reciprocal of the second character.

If this parameter is omitted, all characters from the start position to the end are returned.


Substrings are extracted from left to present, and an empty string is returned if the start index position is greater than the end index position.

The return value:

{string} returns a substring from the start position to the first position of end.


var s = 'abcdefg';
console.log( s.slice(1) ); // bcdefg : omit end Parameter, ending at the end
console.log( s.slice(1, 3) ); // bc : returns the sequence number from position 1 To the position number 2(end before 1 A position ) The substring
console.log( s.slice(-3) ); // efg : returns from last to last 3 All characters from the beginning to the end
console.log( s.slice(-3, -1) ); // ef : returns from last to last 3 From the beginning to the end 2 a (end before 1 A position ) All characters of

4.11 split(delimiter, |arrayLength) : cuts the string into an array of strings by some kind of separator and returns it

delimiter {regexp | string} : the specified delimiter, which can be a regular expression or a string.

arrayLength {int} optional: split the length of the array. If omitted, returns all split substrings.


If the separator is in the first or last string, an empty string is added to the returned array.

The return value:

{string[]} returns an array of strings.


console.log( 'a,b,c,d,e'.split(',') ); // => ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e"]
console.log( ',a,b,c,d,e,'.split(',') ); // => ["", "a", "b", "c", "d", "e", ""] : the delimiter is added first or last 1 Empty strings
console.log( 'a,b,c,d,e'.split(',',3) ); // => ["a", "b", "c"] Returns the former 3 It's a divided substring
console.log( 'a1b2c3d4e'.split(/\d/) ); // => ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e"] : use a number as a separator

4.12 substr(start, |wordLength) : returns a substring of length from the start position to wordLength

start {int} : index of the starting position of the substring extraction (including the characters of this position).

If the number is negative, it starts at the end of the string. For example, -1 means the reciprocal of a string, and -2 means the reciprocal of the second character.

wordLength {int} optional: extract the length of the character. If this parameter is omitted, all characters from the start position to the end are returned.

The return value:

{string} returns the extracted string


ar s = 'abcdefg';
onsole.log( s.substr(0) ); // =>  abcdefg : omit the first 2 Returns the sequence number from the position 0 To start, 1 All the way to the last character
onsole.log( s.substr(0, 3) ); // => abc : returns the sequence number from position 0 Start, count 3 A character
onsole.log( s.substr(2, 4) ); // => cdef : returns the sequence number from position 2 Start, count 4 A character
onsole.log( s.substr(-2, 3) ); // fg : returns from last to last 2 Start with 1 string, count 3 a ( Beyond the character length, only characters that can be counted are returned )

4.13 substring(start, |end) : returns a substring from the start position to the first position of end

start {int} : index of the starting position of the substring extraction (including the characters of this position). The number cannot be negative, if it is negative, it is treated as 0

end {int} optional: index of the end position extracted from the substring (excluding the characters of this position). The number cannot be negative, if it is negative, it is treated as 0

The return value:

{string} returns a substring from the start position to the first position of end.


var s = 'abcdefg';
console.log( s.substring(0) ); // =>  abcdefg : omit end Parameter that returns the sequence number from the position 0 To start, 1 All the way to the last character
console.log( s.substring(0, 3) ); // => abc : returns the sequence number from position 0 Start to position number 2( (2) before the refs 1 a ) The character of
console.log( s.substring(2, 4) ); // => cd : returns the sequence number from position 2 Start to position number 3( (2) before the refs 1 a ) The character of
console.log( s.substring(-3, 3) ); // abc : if the parameter is negative, press the number 0 So this parameter actually returns the position sequence number 0 To the position number 3 The character of

4.14 toUpperCase() : converts the string to uppercase and returns
4.15 toUpperCase() : converts the string to lowercase and returns
trim() : removes the white space characters at the beginning and end of the string and returns them

That's all for this article. I hope you can have a new understanding of String objects in javascript.

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