Javascript pit to achieve password strength detection code sharing

  • 2020-03-30 00:53:33
  • OfStack

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns="">

    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=gb2312" />
         Cipher strength detection 
    <style type="text/css">
        body{font:12px/1.5 Arial;} input{float:left;font-size:12px;width:150px;font-family:arial;border:1px
        solid #ccc;padding:3px;} input.correct{border:1px solid green;} input.error{border:1px
        solid red;} #tips{float:left;margin:2px 0 0 20px;} #tips span{float:left;width:50px;height:20px;color:#fff;overflow:hidden;background:#ccc;margin-right:2px;line-height:20px;text-align:center;}
        #tips.s1 .active{background:#f30;} #tips.s2 .active{background:#fc0;} #tips.s3
        .active{background:#cc0;} #tips.s4 .active{background:#090;}
    <script type="text/javascript">
        window.onload = function() {
            var oTips = document.getElementById("tips");
            var oInput = document.getElementsByTagName("input")[0];
            var aSpan = oTips.getElementsByTagName("span");
            var aStr = [" weak ", " In the ", " strong ", " Very good "];
            var i = 0;

            oInput.onkeyup = oInput.onfocus = oInput.onblur = function() {
                var index = checkStrong(this.value);
                this.className = index ? "correct": "error";
                oTips.className = "s" + index;
                for (i = 0; i < aSpan.length; i++) aSpan[i].className = aSpan[i].innerHTML = "";
                index && (aSpan[index - 1].className = "active", aSpan[index - 1].innerHTML = aStr[index - 1])
        //Detect password strength
        function checkStrong(sValue) {
            var modes = 0;
            if (sValue.length < 6) return modes;
            if (/d/.test(sValue)) modes++; // digital 
            if (/[a-z]/.test(sValue)) modes++; // lowercase 
            if (/[A-Z]/.test(sValue)) modes++; //Capital  
            if (/W/.test(sValue)) modes++; //Special characters
            switch (modes) {
            case 1:
                return 1;
            case 2:
                return 2;
            case 3:
            case 4:
                return sValue.length < 12 ? 3 : 4

    <input type="password" value="" maxlength="16" />
    <div id="tips">


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