Based on jquery to send articles to the phone code

  • 2020-05-10 17:36:50
  • OfStack

I wrote a piece of code when I was doing the project some time ago, which felt very practical, so I wrote it down and Shared it with you

<a class="btn_fankui relative" id="btn_fankui" style="top:7px;">
        <div class="qr_content" id="fankui_1" style="top:40px; left:-25px;">
         <form class="fankui_form" action=""> 
    <caption> Send an article to your phone </caption>
                  <td align="right" valign="middle"><label for="mphno"> Mobile phone no. </label></td>
                   <td><input class="input" name="mphno" type="text" id="input_phone"/></td>
      <tr id="p_memssage">
                   <td colspan="2" align="right" id="short_d"><input name="" type="button" class="fankui_tijiao" value=" mention   Hand in "/></td>
                   <td colspan="2" align="center" id="short_n" style="display:none"> Please wait a moment </td>
   <script type="text/javascript">
     var phone = $("#input_phone").val();
     var content = " The articles you subscribe to {$title} The address is: {$url}";
     var p1 = /^((\(\d{3}\))|(\d{3}\-))?13\d{9}|15\d{9}$/;
     if (p1.test(phone)){
        "content":" The articles you subscribe to {$title} ) address: {$url}",
        "rip":"{php echo ip()}",
        alert(" Submit an error ! Please try again later !");
      $("#p_memssage").html("<td colspan='2'><center><font color='red'> Please fill in your mobile phone number correctly </font></center></td>");
      return false;

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