Javascript paging code instances share of js paging

  • 2020-03-30 00:52:53
  • OfStack


var pageChange = function (index) {
            var html = pager("divid", index, 5, 1000, pageChange, { showGoTo: false, showFirst: false });


pager = function (divPager, pageIndex, pageSize, totalCount, pageChange, opt) {

     var theOpt = {
         barSize: 5, //Number of pages & NBSP; displayed in the paging bar;  
         barTemplate: "{bar}   A total of {totalPage} page {totalCount} article  {goto}", //According to the template
         autoHide: true, //Is it automatically hidden
         showFirst: true, //In totalPage> BarSize automatically displays the first page link
         showLast: true, //In totalPage> BarSize automatically displays the link to the last page
         showGoTo: true, //Whether to show GoTo
         autoHideGoTo: true // If too little Is it automatically hiddenGoTo

     if (opt) {
         if (opt.barSize)
             theOpt.barSize = opt.barSize;
         if (opt.barTemplate)
             theOpt.barTemplate = opt.barTemplate;
         if (opt.autoHide == false)
             theOpt.autoHide = false;
         if (opt.showFirst == false)
             theOpt.showFirst = false;
         if (opt.showLast = false)
             theOpt.showLast = false;
         if (opt.showGoTo == false)
             theOpt.showGoTo = false;
         if (opt.autoHideGoTo == false)
             theOpt.autoHideGoTo = false;
     var handles = window.myPagerChanges = (function (x) { return x; } (window.myPagerChanges || {}));

     if (!myPagerChanges[divPager]) myPagerChanges[divPager] = pageChange;

     var startPage = 0;  //Start page of the paging bar
     var endPage = 0;    //The paging bar terminates the page
     var showFirst = true;
     var showLast = true;

     if (isNaN(pageIndex)) {
         pageIndex = 1;
     pageIndex = parseInt(pageIndex);
     if (pageIndex <= 0)
         pageIndex = 1;
     if (pageIndex * pageSize > totalCount) {
         pageIndex = Math.ceil(totalCount / pageSize);

     if (totalCount == 0) { //If there is no data
         document.getElementById(divPager).innerHTML = "";
         return "";

     var totalPage = Math.ceil(totalCount / pageSize);
     if (theOpt.autoHide && totalCount <= pageSize) {   //Automatic hidden
         document.getElementById(divPager).innerHTML = "";
         return "";

     if (totalPage <= theOpt.barSize) {
         startPage = 1;
         endPage = this.totalPage;
         theOpt.showLast = theOpt.showFirst = false;
     else {
         if (pageIndex <= Math.ceil(theOpt.barSize / 2)) { //The first few pages
             startPage = 1;
             endPage = theOpt.barSize;
             theOpt.showFirst = false;
         else if (pageIndex > (totalPage - theOpt.barSize / 2)) { //The last few pages
             startPage = totalPage - theOpt.barSize + 1;
             endPage = totalPage;
             theOpt.showLast = false;
         else {                                          //Middle page time
             startPage = pageIndex - Math.ceil(theOpt.barSize / 2) + 1;
             endPage = pageIndex + Math.floor(theOpt.barSize / 2);
         if (totalPage <= (theOpt.barSize * 1.5)) {
             theOpt.showLast = theOpt.showFirst = false;

     function _getLink(index, txt) {
         if (!txt) txt = index;
         return "<a href='javascript:;' style='margin: 2px 5px;border: 1px solid #6d8cad;color: #0269BA;padding: 2px 5px;text-decoration: none;' onclick='myPagerChanges["" + divPager + ""](" + index + ")'>" + txt + "</a>";

     var barHtml = "";  //Article page
     barHtml += pageIndex == 1 ? "" : _getLink(pageIndex - 1, " The previous page ");
     if (theOpt.showFirst) {
         barHtml += _getLink(1) + "<span>...</span>";
     for (var index = startPage; index <= endPage; index++) {

         if (index == pageIndex) {
             barHtml += "<span style='color:red;font-weight:blod; '>" + index + "</span>";
         else {
             barHtml += _getLink(index);
     if (theOpt.showLast) {
         barHtml += "<span>...</span>" + _getLink(totalPage);
     barHtml += pageIndex == totalPage ? "" : _getLink(pageIndex + 1, " The next page ");

     var gotoHtml = "";  //Goto box and buttons
     if (theOpt.showGoTo && theOpt.barTemplate.indexOf("{goto}") > 0) {
         if ((theOpt.autoHideGoTo && totalPage > 15) || theOpt.autoHideGoTo == false) {
             var txtid = divPager + "_goIndex";
             var indexVal = "document.getElementById("" + txtid + "").value";
             gotoHtml += "<input type='text' onkeypress='if(event.keyCode==13){myPagerChanges["" + divPager + ""](" + indexVal + ")}' id='" + txtid + "' value=" + pageIndex + " style='width:30px'>";
             gotoHtml += " <input type='button' class='page_bg' value='go' onclick='myPagerChanges["" + divPager + ""](" + indexVal + ")'>";

     //Replace the template
     var pagerHtml = theOpt.barTemplate.replace("{bar}", barHtml)
                               .replace("{totalCount}", totalCount)
                               .replace("{pageIndex}", pageIndex)
                               .replace("{totalPage}", totalPage)
                               .replace("{goto}", gotoHtml);

     document.getElementById(divPager).innerHTML = pagerHtml;
     return pagerHtml;

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