Jquery changes the Boolean state of disabled in three ways

  • 2020-03-30 00:51:58
  • OfStack

The first is to change the Boolean state of disabled. The specific code and explanation are as follows:

The code is as follows:

var text2=$("input:text:eq(2)"); 
//Set the disabled property of the third text input box to true by setting the Boolean property of disabled
//The disabled property is removed by setting the third text input field, the disabled property, to false

The second: remove the disabled property. The specific code and explanation are as follows:

The code is as follows:
var text2=$("input:text:eq(1)"); 
//Set the value of disabled to disabled for the second text input box
//Remove the disable property from the second text field by removing it

The third is to change the value of disabled. The specific code and explanation are as follows:

The code is as follows:
var text1=$("input:text:eq(0)"); 
//Or text1. Attr (" disabled ") = = false
//Set the value of disabled to disabled for the first text input box
//Clear the disabled property from the first text field by overriding it

The complete sample code is as follows (the test passed) :
The code is as follows:
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd"> 
<head> <script src="jquery I'm just going to introduce the path "></script> 
<script type="text/javascript"><!-- 
$(document).ready(function () { 
$("button:eq(0)").click(function () { 
var text1 = $("input:text:eq(0)"); 
if (text1.attr("disabled") == "") { 
//Or text1. Attr (" disabled ") = = false
//Set the value of disabled to disabled for the first text input box
text1.attr("disabled", "disabled"); 
} else { 
//Clear the disabled property from the first text field by overriding it
text1.attr("disabled", ""); 
$("button:eq(1)").click(function () { 
var text2 = $("input:text:eq(1)"); 
if (text2.attr("disabled") == false) { 
//Set the value of disabled to disabled for the second text input box
text2.attr("disabled", "disabled"); 
} else { 
//Remove the disable property from the second text field by removing it
$("button:eq(2)").click(function () { 
var text2 = $("input:text:eq(2)"); 
if (text2.attr("disabled") == false) { 
//Set the disabled property of the third text input box to true by setting the Boolean property of disabled
text2.attr("disabled", true); 
} else { 
//The disabled property is removed by setting the third text input field, the disabled property, to false
text2.attr("disabled", false); 
// --></script> 
<input type="text" value="input something into me!" size="40"/> 
<input type="text" value="input something into me!" size="40"/> 
<input type="text" value="input something into me!" size="40"/> 

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