Js input box automatic prompt function code implementation

  • 2020-03-30 00:45:42
  • OfStack

Similarly, this plug-in doesn't need any HTML tags, just an input field with a corresponding class name and a parent class name, and nothing else. The internal HTML code is generated automatically.

The HTML code is as follows:

<div class="parentCls">
    <input type="text" class="inputElem">

Above div tags can actually don't need only need in the input box and add a as the parent element class (custom can also, just at the time of JS initialization to the incoming class will be ok I default the parent class called parentCls, current input box class called inputElem, hidden field class is called hiddenCls, at the time of initialization directly introduced into an empty object initialization can!) . Because there may be multiple fields on the page, you need a parent class to identify the field, and of course a hidden field to store values to the development background.

In the configuration item, there is a mailbox array parameter, mailArr              : [" @ qq.com ", "@ qq2.com", "@ gmail.com", "@ 126. com", "@ 163. com", "@ hotmail.com", "@ yahoo.com", "@ yahoo.com.cn", "@ live.com", "@ sohu.com", "@ sina.com"]. What I'm going to do is tell us that the default mailbox has this many, no matter what I type in the drop-down box that has this many mailbox prompts when I initialize it, and I'm going to give a prompt when I go down to a certain term. Of course, due to the change of requirements, the mailbox parameter can be initialized by itself and configured according to the requirements.

The code style is the same as before.

The functions are as follows:

2. When clicking document, the drop-down box is hidden except the current input input box. Automatic matching when followed by input and so on.

Specific not to say is similar to the online registration of the email auto-prompt function, if there is any bug can give me a message, the time is not too early not wordy! Direct paste code:

The CSS code is as follows:

   .inputElem {width:198px;height:22px;line-height:22px;border:1px solid #ff4455;}
   .auto-tip li{width:100%;height:22px;line-height:22px;font-size:14px;}
   .auto-tip li.hoverBg{background:#ddd;cursor:pointer;}
   .hidden {display:none;}

JS code is as follows:

 function EmailAutoComplete(options) {

    this.config = {
        targetCls      :  '.inputElem',       //Target input element
        parentCls      :  '.parentCls',       //The parent class of the current input element
        hiddenCls      :  '.hiddenCls',       //Current input hidden field
        searchForm     :  '.jqtransformdone', //Form form
        hoverBg        :  'hoverBg',          //Mouse over the background
        inputValColor  :  'red',              //Input box input prompt color
        mailArr        : ["@qq.com","@qq2.com","@gmail.com","@126.com","@163.com","@hotmail.com","@yahoo.com","@yahoo.com.cn","@live.com","@sohu.com","@sina.com"], //Email array
        isSelectHide   : true,                //Click the drop-down box to hide the default to true
        callback       : null                 //Click on a callback function
    this.cache = {
        onlyFlag            : true,     //Render only once
        currentIndex        : -1,
        oldIndex            : -1

EmailAutoComplete.prototype = {

    constructor: EmailAutoComplete,
    init: function(options){
        this.config = $.extend(this.config,options || {});
        var self = this,
            _config = self.config,
            _cache = self.cache;


                var target = e.target,
                    targetVal = $.trim($(this).val()),
                    keycode = e.keyCode,
                    elemHeight = $(this).outerHeight(),
                    elemWidth = $(this).outerWidth(),
                    parentNode = $(this).closest(_config.parentCls);

                //The drop-down box is hidden if the input box value is empty
                if(targetVal == '') {
                    //Assign a value to the hidden field
                    _cache.currentIndex = -1;
                    _cache.oldIndex = -1;
                    $(".auto-tip",parentNode) && !$(".auto-tip",parentNode).hasClass('hidden') && $(".auto-tip",parentNode).addClass('hidden');
                }else {

                    //Assign a value to the hidden field

                    $(".auto-tip",parentNode) && $(".auto-tip",parentNode).hasClass('hidden') && $(".auto-tip",parentNode).removeClass('hidden');
                    //Renders the contents of the drop-down box


       //  stop Form form The default enter Button to submit 
       $(_config.searchForm).each(function(index,item) {
                 var keyCode = e.keyCode;
                 if(keyCode == 13) {
                     return false;
       //When you click document, the drop-down box hides
          var target = e.target,
              tagCls = _config.targetCls.replace(/^./,'');
          if(!$(target).hasClass(tagCls)) {
             $('.auto-tip') && $('.auto-tip').each(function(index,item){
                 !$(item).hasClass('hidden') && $(item).addClass('hidden');
    _renderHTML: function(cfg) {
        var self = this,
            _config = self.config,
            _cache = self.cache,
        var curIndex = self._keyCode(cfg.keycode);

        $('.auto-tip',cfg.parentNode).hasClass('hidden') && $('.auto-tip',cfg.parentNode).removeClass('hidden');
        if(curIndex > -1){
            //Keyboard up and down operation
        }else {
            if(/@/.test(cfg.targetVal)) {
                curVal = cfg.targetVal.replace(/@.*/,'');
            }else {
                curVal = cfg.targetVal;
            if(_cache.onlyFlag) {
                $(cfg.parentNode).append('<input type="hidden" class="hiddenCls"/>');
                var wrap = '<ul class="auto-tip">';
                for(var i = 0; i < _config.mailArr.length; i++) {
                    wrap += '<li class="p-index'+i+'">'+'<span class="output-num"></span><em class="em" data-html="'+_config.mailArr[i]+'">'+_config.mailArr[i]+'</em></li>';
                wrap += '</ul>';
                _cache.onlyFlag = false;
                $('.auto-tip',cfg.parentNode).css({'position':'absolute','top':cfg.height,'width':cfg.width - 2 + 'px','left':0,
                    'border':'1px solid #ccc','z-index':10000});

            //Add the attribute data-html to all li
            $('.auto-tip li',cfg.parentNode).each(function(index,item){
                !$('.output-num',item).hasClass(_config.inputValColor) && 
                var emVal = $.trim($('.em',item).attr('data-html'));
                $(item).attr({'data-html':curVal + '' +emVal});
            //Exact match content
            //When the mouse moves over a certain li

            //When the corresponding item is clicked

    _accurateMate: function(cfg) {
        var self = this,
            _config = self.config,
            _cache = self.cache;

        var curVal = $.trim($(cfg.target,cfg.parentNode).attr('data-html')),
            newArrs = [];
        if(/@/.test(curVal)) {

            //Get the value before and after the @ sign
            var prefix = curVal.replace(/@.*/, ""),
                suffix = curVal.replace(/.*@/, "");
                var reg = new RegExp(suffix);
                if(reg.test(n)) {
            if(newArrs.length > 0) {
                $(".auto-tip",cfg.parentNode) && $(".auto-tip",cfg.parentNode).hasClass('hidden') && 
                var html = '';
                for(var j = 0, jlen = newArrs.length; j < jlen; j++) {
                    html += '<li class="p-index'+j+'">'+'<span class="output-num"></span><em class="em" data-html="'+newArrs[j]+'">'+newArrs[j]+'</em></li>';

                //Add the attribute data-html to all li
                $('.auto-tip li',cfg.parentNode).each(function(index,item){
                    !$('.output-num',item).hasClass(_config.inputValColor) && 
                    var emVal = $.trim($('.em',item).attr('data-html'));

                    $(item).attr({'data-html':prefix + '' +emVal});
                //To match exactly to an item so that the current index is equal to the original value
                _cache.currentIndex = -1;
                _cache.oldIndex = -1;

                $('.auto-tip .output-num',cfg.parentNode).html(prefix);
                //When the mouse moves over a certain li
                //When the corresponding item is clicked
            }else {
                $(".auto-tip",cfg.parentNode) && !$(".auto-tip",cfg.parentNode).hasClass('hidden') && 
    _itemHover: function(parentNode) {
        var self = this,
            _config = self.config,
            _cache = self.cache;
        $('.auto-tip li',parentNode).hover(function(index,item) {
            !$(this).hasClass(_config.hoverBg) && $(this).addClass(_config.hoverBg);
        },function() {
            $(this).hasClass(_config.hoverBg) && $(this).removeClass(_config.hoverBg);
    _removeBg: function(parentNode){
        var self = this,
            _config = self.config;
        $(".auto-tip li",parentNode).each(function(index,item){
            $(item).hasClass(_config.hoverBg) && $(item).removeClass(_config.hoverBg);
     _keyUpAndDown: function(targetVal,e,parentNode) {
        var self = this,
            _cache = self.cache,
            _config = self.config;
        //If the request succeeds and the data is returned (based on the length of the element), do the following
        if($('.auto-tip' + ' li',parentNode) && $('.auto-tip' + ' li').length > 0) {
            var plen = $('.auto-tip' + ' li',parentNode).length,
                keyCode = e.keyCode;
                _cache.oldIndex = _cache.currentIndex;
            //Move up the operation
            if(keyCode == 38) {
                if(_cache.currentIndex == -1) {
                    _cache.currentIndex = plen - 1;
                }else {
                    _cache.currentIndex = _cache.currentIndex - 1;
                    if(_cache.currentIndex < 0) {
                        _cache.currentIndex = plen - 1;
                if(_cache.currentIndex !== -1) {
                    !$('.auto-tip .p-index'+_cache.currentIndex,parentNode).hasClass(_config.hoverBg) &&
                    $('.auto-tip .p-index'+_cache.currentIndex,parentNode).addClass(_config.hoverBg).siblings().removeClass(_config.hoverBg);
                    var curAttr = $('.auto-tip' + ' .p-index'+_cache.currentIndex,parentNode).attr('data-html');

                    //Assign a value to the hidden field
            }else if(keyCode == 40) { //Move down the operation
                if(_cache.currentIndex == plen - 1) {
                    _cache.currentIndex = 0;
                }else {
                    if(_cache.currentIndex > plen - 1) {
                        _cache.currentIndex = 0;
                if(_cache.currentIndex !== -1) {

                    !$('.auto-tip .p-index'+_cache.currentIndex,parentNode).hasClass(_config.hoverBg) &&
                    $('.auto-tip .p-index'+_cache.currentIndex,parentNode).addClass(_config.hoverBg).siblings().removeClass(_config.hoverBg);

                    var curAttr = $('.auto-tip' + ' .p-index'+_cache.currentIndex,parentNode).attr('data-html');
                    //Assign a value to the hidden field

            }else if(keyCode == 13) { //Enter the operation
                var curVal = $('.auto-tip' + ' .p-index'+_cache.oldIndex,parentNode).attr('data-html');

                //Assign a value to the hidden field
                if(_config.isSelectHide) {
                     !$(".auto-tip",parentNode).hasClass('hidden') && $(".auto-tip",parentNode).addClass('hidden');
                 _config.callback && $.isFunction(_config.callback) && _config.callback();
                _cache.currentIndex = -1;
                _cache.oldIndex = -1;

     _keyCode: function(code) {
         var arrs = ['17','18','38','40','37','39','33','34','35','46','36','13','45','44','145','19','20','9'];
         for(var i = 0, ilen = arrs.length; i < ilen; i++) {
             if(code == arrs[i]) {
                 return i;
         return -1;
     _executeClick: function(parentNode) {

         var _self = this,
             _config = _self.config;
         $('.auto-tip' + ' li',parentNode).unbind('click');
         $('.auto-tip' + ' li',parentNode).bind('click',function(e){
              var dataAttr = $(this).attr('data-html');
              if(_config.isSelectHide) {
                  !$(".auto-tip",parentNode).hasClass('hidden') && $(".auto-tip",parentNode).addClass('hidden');
              //Assign a value to the hidden field
              _config.callback && $.isFunction(_config.callback) && _config.callback();

//Initialize the
$(function() {
    new EmailAutoComplete({});

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